welcome to the forum daydreamer, hope you dig it here. theres a ton of information about all different kinds of software, just peel through the subforums, see what people have to say and post. you'll find all kinds of useful tools and samples to write with here.
i recommend checking out schism tracker. some bugfixes just got made to it not long ago and it works really well now. its a clone of impulse tracker, which wont run on any non-dos platforms too easily. i started using it in 1996 or 97 and i still keep a windows 98 machine around for it. of course im assuming youre running a windows machine, but i think theres even mac builds of it too. with schismtracker, it you can bring any kind of samples into it you want of all different types, it supports a lot of file formats. if you start out with it, you might have a lot more ease switching to some of the other stuff like famitracker or even something a little more graphical based in the future too...schism tracker is almost 100% devoted to keyboard input and no mouse, so you can really easily have a good workflow with that where you can get a lot of ideas out and take it to any other program once you feel comfortable with writing and more or less know what to do with a tracker.
i think anything you can do in the other programs you can do in schism a little better more or less too, depends on what you're going for in what you write. also depends on whethre youre into making your own samples. if youre cool with that and do a bunch of your effects before you even start writing, this is the program for you. if you like the idea of making your own samples to write with, that could be somethin to think about. i feel like its always fun to make up some weird samples and see what i can do with em abstractly vs really writing a banger song sometimes, so i would say that matters a good bit, what kind of stuff you want to make vs how much time are you comfortable with spending learning what all the stuff does. you also might find it more beneficial to stick with schism or modplug tracker, which is a little more graphically based program but still uses almost all the same commands, or to use something like famitracker to get a more authentic sound. but maybe schism has the most comprehensive bits of what you'd expect out of a program in terms of the effects you can use on the samples. you have a lot of control with that vs other programs. some people say modplug tracker feels a little bit slow, personally i think its because of the mouse. seems like most programs rely on em to some extent, but everyones diffrent of course. try em all! anyways, i dont wanna try and sell you on it too hard, but thats my recommendation. i hope it helps and that with whatever you use that you can get some good jams goin!