(18 replies, posted in Releases)

great great release here, my fav track was magma crystal falls, ominous clash, or fortress of terror. that crazy stuttered stuff in that one is so great. theres not a bad track on there!


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

can you guys make it so you can make anonymous posts, i'd like to be able to try it out before signing up. srsly maybe it could b cool

i went there today! i was like wat za fuq is this ocool.

i predict 247 replies

in defense of troll threads, there are quite a few that dont get shut down

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … warrior-ep

the isolated warrior ep is a selection of tunes from the tss discography that bridges the gap between the end of the 'xylox' and the 'now youre playing with powar' eras. released on cassette in 2004, then re-released on the now defunct chequered records in 2006, the isolated warrior ep is available again now at bandcamp. check it out! there is a .mid for 'arcade room one' that im looking for to add to the release, however im coming up short now. hopefully i'll find it and can add it. sorry for all the topics as of lately as well. maybe i can consolidate and make threads that are 'tss releases for the week of X' or something like that next time around. if you think so let me know here and i'll do that. there are also other releases up there now too, take a look around. i snuck the 'unstable mutation' remixes up, which is the last track from yesteryear. remixes by cex and pacman on that that should not be missed.

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … on-remixes

enjoy, and thanks for listening if you did!


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sad to hear, but here's hoping it returns in 2014. accompanying cow'p live on drums will always be on my bucket list.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

thanks for the love guys! i will keep em comin. i dont wanna overload people on the stuff but i have done over 250 releases and sometimes its overwhelming to decide what to get up there.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -system-ep

8 tracks of spontaneous post-demoscene combustion. for fans of maktone, inpuj, digital hardcore records, and pushing the boundaries.

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -profit-ep

2004's inevitable profit ep is an experimental release, even for tss. bridging a gap between chiptune and industrial, sometimes with a guitar, this ep is a bit is a fine blend of melody and shreddyness that has became more robust as it has aged, just like all great wines or cheeses. this is afx 96.

does any one know of any infamous artist who use LSD?j


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hi, im tempsoundsolutions. people come up to me and they try and talk shit man,
i was making records when you was sucking your mother's dick.

one day, i sent out a carrier pigeon with a note attached to its leg that said 'losers, with shit taste in music and hardware.' a few months later, the pigeon returned with this url.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

have you tried the geek squad at best buy yet

donno if it was mentioned yet but beck uses a lotta lsd...on the odelay tour he could barely perform some nights, and thats fact not fiction boiz


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shaq fu was one of the most awful games ever made


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

yeah, that is a strong part of inpuj's ethic, dissonant, yet melodic...and when you combine those two elements, it can be tough. ilkae can tell you that its always been a strong part of what we look for with releases for inpuj, between those two things, we try and put out organic music, songs that have no repeating parts or with sounds that might not make the most sense as 'lead' sounds in the long run. or sometimes songs that just seem straight up not finished. i guess thats what ive always enjoyed with inpuj too, you never know what is going to come next.

its all some of the stranger criteria we try and fill, so im glad that the cohesion came through to you-as i worked on the songs, and went back through parts of songs i didnt write on, i thought maybe it wasnt as fluid as i would have liked, but since then when i've wrote modules and short releases i've tried to pattern what i do by myself and use what i learned in working on that and it was great to be a part of it. hopefully in the coming months i will have a new release out on inpuj of stuff that i did right after that and you can see what i mean.