Good question... I say not for any reason than nostaligia or retro appeal for the whipper-snappers
433 May 10, 2012 4:09 am
Re: is retro computing going to be viable in the future (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
434 May 10, 2012 3:44 am
Re: LSDJ vs. Nanoloop (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
as easy to pick up and obtain as LSDJ is, why would you consider an alternative to get started?
I use nanoloop for iPhone, I really do not know much about trackers
I have a psp that I can't sell... Is the little piggy tracker any good? I might give that a try
435 May 10, 2012 3:02 am
Re: Sampling: A Thread (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Jake Allison wrote:Nanoloop for iphone's sample length sucks, so to venture outside of drum hits too much is challenging. on the bright side, it is awesome for sample modification and adjustment!
You probably already now about this, but to save space with samples just resample it with a higher pitch so the sample gets shorter and then you just slow in down in nanoloop. Its the oldest sampling trick in history
Yeah! I figured that out myself, and I felt like a genius, but since I have become more involved with other music makers, I have realized how much I should have already known about sampling!
that is the best for organ sounds! and i use it to make quiet samples louder!
I still would like it to be longer, for voice samples and such.
most of my tracks are 100% samples now, but I am moving away from that a bit and just doing sampled drums; I cant get remixes of 100% sampled songs!
436 May 10, 2012 2:58 am
Re: LSDJ vs. Nanoloop (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Jake Allison wrote:But if you really want that real chiptune sound; there is no alternative to LSDJ.
There are ENDLESS alternatives.
as easy to pick up and obtain as LSDJ is, why would you consider an alternative to get started?
437 May 10, 2012 2:54 am
Re: LSDJ vs. Nanoloop (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Jake Allison wrote:I use Nanoloop for iPhone, It is less limited than other versions, and the sampling is 2nd to none.
Please elaborate?
there are six channels, instead of the typical nanoloop four.
the sampling is great, and can help get around limitations, if one wishes to. though the sample length is ridiculously short, you can modify the
samples in a lot of cool ways
it is super easy to export songs with iTunes
the sound capability of the iPhone is fantastic
it is easy to use and convenient, field recording samples is fun.
Live mixing is as easy as pie, if you like that sort of thing.
its cheap!
the ease sharing of .nan files for remix and collaboration is my favorite part.
sorry, that wasn't really an elaboration as much as a list of things I like about it.
438 May 10, 2012 1:33 am
Re: Sampling: A Thread (13 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I like recording my own drum sounds, and re-sampling synth drum sounds. I also get some crazy sounds out of modulated field recordings! I also modulate acoustic guitar sounds that I have recorded a lot.
The only samples I really am addicted to that I did not make myself, are the 909 kick, cool organ sounds, amen breaks, and great snares... which is a lot.
Nanoloop for iphone's sample length sucks, so to venture outside of drum hits too much is challenging. on the bright side, it is awesome for sample modification and adjustment!
439 May 10, 2012 1:19 am
Re: LSDJ vs. Nanoloop (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I use Nanoloop for iPhone, It is less limited than other versions, and the sampling is 2nd to none.
But if you really want that real chiptune sound; there is no alternative to LSDJ.
440 May 9, 2012 5:03 am
Re: Welcome to CM.O! (Introduction Thread) (676 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I am pretty new here, I am Jake Allison, and I make music under the name Jake Allison I have always wanted just to go by Jake, but I figure someone has that locked down. I live in the passable city of Tulsa Oklahoma (no chip scene
I use nanoloop for iPhone, and I venture out of the steriotypical chip music sound most of the time - mostly because nanoloop iPhone suscks at creating that vibe, but it is great at a lot of other things but I like to keep it at least moderately chippy sounding
I play a lot of music outside of nanoloop as well, I have played bass guitar for 7 years now, and I love it. I also play the drums, keys, guitar (bad at guitar), and a bunch of fun stuff. I play in a worship band, and that is a lot of fun, and some good summer travel plus it's a great opportunity to see the Lord at work in people's lives, and in my own
but I try not to live on a spiritual mountain top. My faith comes before anything else in my life, but I am not going to bible thump you or anything
I am a student, and am currently choosing a Univerity. I have narrowed it down to the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, and if I am lucky the University of Tulsa.
I love my Scion xB, and I am deffinetly a Scion entusiest. I like to add little things to it to make it special
I am also a big clumsy oaf, have over active saliva glands, and have pidgon toes. I am 6"4' and I am tired of people acting like I am huge, I am not a scientific phenomenon, just taller than average.
I collect hot wheels and all thigs related to the Nintendo GameCube. I love the GameCube.
Enough about me, I wanna hear more about you guys!
441 May 8, 2012 10:32 pm
Re: I need Chiptune for a video game (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
442 May 8, 2012 10:31 pm
Re: Compilation Cassette Release (63 replies, posted in Releases)
443 May 8, 2012 6:19 pm
Re: iPhone Nanoloop Posse 2? [DROPS TUESDAY YO] (135 replies, posted in Collaborations)
that's fast! I don't completely understand what you are saying about the multiple submissions though.
444 May 8, 2012 5:33 pm
Re: I need Chiptune for a video game (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I was surprised we didn't get some batshit crazy mean replies. We got standard sarcasm and even some polite replies kindly stating that people probably aren't going to work for free without proof there won't be wasted effort.
Basically, you're thinking about doing this just because no one else wanted to, and because everyone was "mean?" You sure taught me a lesson
I'm not trying to teach anybody a lesson here, if there is a lesson to be learned it is by me; I only looked at this through the perspective of Turac. I agree a lot with the basics of what you guys are saying.
I probably fit the stereotype of the mediocre talent that you described as well. You were correct about the quality of the work that he will get from me, I am not the best. I am doing it because no one else wanted to, that is true.
It would be nice if he was more prepared and knowledgeable when he created this thread, but Its not a big deal to me; I am just playing off of the idea of hack and slash, and the silliness of the title, and it is okay if the track does not fit and is not used; I did what he asked.
I do not think you guys should have replied as mean as you did, however I see how you feel and understand. No hard feelings. I do not think any less of any of you, in fact I really CC's and Victory Road's music! This whole thing is silly when i think about it, it was late when I made that first post and I came across as a bit more passionate than I really am now that I am fully awake, but I don't retract what I said.
Now you guys are probably going to poke fun at me because I am trying to end a confrontation that I would have brought upon myself, but it is okay.
445 May 8, 2012 5:33 pm
Re: I need Chiptune for a video game (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Duplicated post sorry
446 May 8, 2012 12:40 pm
Re: I need Chiptune for a video game (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I do not disagree that my music is not worth being paid for.
I just do not see how it is productive to voice hostility towards a project because you do not wish to participate in the conditions.
I priobably would have no intrest in participating if I felt that this was responded to appropriately.
447 May 8, 2012 5:11 am
Re: I need Chiptune for a video game (50 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hating on this guy will not accomplish anything. It cannot conceivably be productive in any way.
The only thing that could possibly improve the situation is to make music for this guy.
That is the reason that I will do it. I have nothing to lose, and it could be fun! I do not feel like it challenges my dignity in the slightest, and I do not see how anyone could question that.
I am CHOSING to make musig for free for FUN. What has music come to that making it is not fun? That someone won't make it unless they are paid (for a project of this small of a scale)? If you are going to hassle him because you want to be paid for entertaining yourself; you could be a bum who does not have any other redeemable skills, or you could be a dick. I don't wish to be either of those things.
All of my music is free, this will be no exception.
448 May 7, 2012 10:17 pm
Re: Bass Champion? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Nanoloop iPhone/android has killer bass frequency capability