(16 replies, posted in Atari)

akira^8GB wrote:

Pretty sure Maxymiser supports this, though.

yes, it does


with Atari Falcons being so expensive these days, this is actually a very great opportunity to own one

akira^8GB wrote:

Damn one day before Analog Attack. I wonder if I can make it...

of course you can! its one day before... not the same day wink

I'll be doing an Atari Rave set with two Ataris, a mic and STj.

The other acts look wicked too (although non-8bit), I think it should be a right good night!




(186 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Its got my YM2149 mixes on using STj.. for my actual music bandcamp wink

I've been listing the events on chipmusic.org, 8bitcollective, micromusic and personal emails.

i don't much like using facebook events, because i for one get tonnes of spam this way, and as a result don't really look at them anymore.

the parties were always busy anyway.. as will this one be!!

Lazerbeat wrote:

I haven't lived in the UK since I knew about a wider chip scene, really curious what the vibe is like.

Its amazing, you're really missing out! wink

Bit Shifter wrote:

Was thinking about this, and had the thought that if London has a perception of being quiet nowadays, it may have more to do with the fact that London put itself on the chipmusic map about 10 years ahead of the game & set the bar incredibly high with regular events that made a really big impression among "early" micromusic.net denizens & whatnot. So while any scaling-back can give the illusion of "getting quieter," I think that dialing down the volume knob from "11" to "10" is still pretty fuckin' loud.

This is all true mate. I think the main thing I react to is some of the stuff trotted out in the forum thread on this subject (http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/5964/ … es-nights/) which would have you believe nothing happens (edit: its that type of comment that really gets to me). I think theres a certain amount of London-style apathy too.

I think we probably dialed it back from 11 to 6 or something wink

Personally speaking, I do wish I could do more - but what with work, my own music and gigs, plus maxymiser its a busy schedule.

I have hope that with 'Analog Attack', '8bitvomit', 'Handbaked Arcade' to name a few we should be quite a bit higher on the activity scale soon.

(also, who knows, there might be another gwEm run night later this year - in some kind of grimey venue with a loud soundsystem and the younger generation taking recreational drugs in the corner etc etc)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that nothing happens in London! There are some amazing gigs with amazing lineups happening over there. I was just trying to give 8GB props for hitting the ground running.

mad props to Akira for sure, its good in many ways he is here smile


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:
gwEm wrote:

almost all of the time its the floppy drive.

gwEm, you should get a couple of HxC Floppy Emulators, they would be life savers.

Floppy drives are a pain in the ass. I have given up on using them in my Amiga for years now.

yeah man I should look into that - really(!) smile they just seem a bit expensive, but in the long run it would save money for sure..

best reaction I saw was that CalmDownKidder video:



(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Do they have a consistent point of failure or are you just to much rawk for them?

almost all of the time its the floppy drive.

in the rare cases its not the floppy drive, its the keyboards.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/6441/ … henry-hom/

akira^8GB wrote:
gwEm wrote:

People say how quiet the London scene is, but I don't really see it like that.

Well I dunno how it was until now, but I'll be sure to stirr some shit up big_smile

Its really nice that you are in London smile

To explain:
I do take these 'nothing happens in London' comments quite personally, since I love deeply 8bit, and my city and so have hosted a number of gigs with great musicians here myself. Other people organise things too, and theres been several shows every year for 11 years at least. I don't know where people get the idea that nothing happens in London - it is surely one of the most active European cities.

...and now we have another *great* event coming up! Its sure to be a very busy and loud party \o/


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

XyNo wrote:
akira^8GB wrote:

I think PacifiST is available for Caanoo, I should give it a try, since the Amiga emulator on that runs well enough to load my Amiga MODs on Protracker!

Compared to the Amiga emulator...the ST one is not really good !
btw gwEm, yeah same here, my STe case is in pretty bad shape so I'm usually STeeming all the way to hell in live stuffs !

its funny, I always use the real deal live smile i've broken 5 STs so far - the latest one at a gig 2 weeks back, but i think i can fix it.

i like to cosy up in bed with my netbook for making music at home though.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

I think PacifiST is available for Caanoo, I should give it a try, since the Amiga emulator on that runs well enough to load my Amiga MODs on Protracker!

i actually think pacifist is a pretty good emulator (although old). not sure if its capable of running maxY though, but its surely a better bet than the DS one

the most accurate emulator at the moment is actually the very latest version of Hatari which has come on a very long way since the early days.