donotrunwithpixels wrote:

Whatever happened to FAT? the link seems dead and I can only find v 0.74(?) for download - did anything else happen to it?

FAT seems to be dead and Spintronic seems to have left the scene.
FAT was open source, it could be great to find the sources and put them somewhere...

kitsch wrote:

are the clones the GB Boy and GB Boy Colour?  or one of the older types of clones?

These clones: … 4319627836

Other than that, they are really great with EMS carts. The screen is great, the sound is loud and mostly faithful
but some notes get cut sometimes.

Same thing for use. We bought 10 DMGs, and 4 were unable to boot the derp. (but commercial games were booting correctly)
We then tried on other DMGs until we got 10 working.
it  seems that 1 out of 2 was booting correctly...

We also had save corruption problems on GB clones. Corruption only occurred with dergs, not with EMSes.


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

From:!topic … Xth6L7X45M :
These are the Cynthcart CC commands:
0 filter resonance
1 filter cutoff
2 sound mode
3 fx mode
4 attack
5 release
6 pulse width
7 volume
8 tremolo level
9 tremolo rate
13 waveform all voices
14 waveform voice 2 only
15 waveform voice 3 only

rot wrote:

Or just opens up the source properly like trash80 did with arduinoboy?

It would be the best thing, since there are still bugs in the firmware, especially with using it with FMDrive.

yogi wrote:

after a basic read thru of the source code

you got the source code?


alexras wrote:

**Edit**: wait, actually I spoke too soon. Turns out I _did_ make the waves read-only. If that's something you feel should be relaxed (because yolo, who cares about consistency between parameters and waves) then let me know. I'm clearly not super invested in the idea.

In fact, I think that lsdj asks for a confirmation if we try to manually override the waves.
The field is "wave_synth_overwrite_lock".
I though that if it on, lsdj with use hand drawn waves. And synth settings won't be synchronuized, that's normal.
If it is off, lsdj will use waves generated in the synth screen.

I am wrong?

I think it would be great to have it read/write, to 'upload' custom samples without patching the kits in the ROM

BennVenn wrote:


The Bennvenn(256) can store 3 versions of LSDJ (Can fit 4 with a patch) which will store 4 128K saves (And many many other ROM's)

I can work on a LittleFM style program to provide the same features LittleFM does, but I think a Link port dongle is the way forward. Makes for easy transfers, backups and sharing as well as a whole lot more storage and isn't limited to the derp (which is one of the more higher priced carts)

Ok that's clear, thanks.
So it will be possible to switch the LSDJ version, load a sav, make changes, and write the sav back to the cart?
So to sum up difference with the littleFM/dragn'derp combination, if I'm right :

* cons:
- 4 save slots instead of 8
- no gb to gb copy of sav files
- no standard usb mass storage

* pros:
- several different versions of lsdj in parallel
- ability to use other roms as well
- cheaper

About the linker, will it be able to load/save the SRAM from other carts?

I' m little confused about the BennVenn(128):
does it run littlefm?

With the dragn' derp and littlefm, I' ve got 8 128k-slots, with 32 songs max each.

But I can only run one version of LSDJ and no other ROM.

how does it compare to BennVenn?


Yeah I tried to use construct as well, but I find bread is better (even if slower)

I'll try to update to 2.0, I still have some tests failing in python3, but there is progress.

Alexras, we have forked pylsdj and bread to improve compat with python3
I have done some profiling as well, because loading a .sav is VERY slow!

But otherwise, bread is really great, thx!

Let's continue on github ;-)


Using Alexras wonderful libraries, we (at made a commandline utility.
With it you can:
- print information about a .sav or a .lsdsng file
- split a .sav file into several .lsdsng files
- join several .lsdsng files into a .sav

It can be used like lsdjmanager, but in a more automated way.

Please use it carefully and keep backups because it is still new code!

It should work with python2 or python3

Please use the github page here:
to report issues.

Delek wrote:

I got it working with the NEZplay core. Thanks for the link.

Delek, you did it in one day?!


I'd like to send data to a GB through the link port.
Do you know the speed I can achieve?

I understood that I can use an external clock, so I would be limited by the CPU, right?


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Yes the source code is available so imporvements could be made easily. What would you change/add?