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Search options (Page 21 of 23) / Forums / Posts by SubWooferSpecial
Topics by SubWooferSpecial
Posts found: 321-336 of 359
He said the other day in a post (can't find it right now) that he apologizes to everyone that's ordered something in the past couple of days, and that he's dealing with some personal issues at the moment. He's trying to get everything out on time. I just ordered something from him the other week and it's already arrived. You'll get your items soon, don't worry 
EDIT: At the bottom:
Jotie wrote:Jotie - Girls

Probably going to be starting this next week.
I like the sound of July 1st. But that's just me.
If I'm allowed to participate I'd like to take Girls or Ch-Check it Out.
Chris_depew. I mainly just use it to take pictures of a pug I dogsit occasionally.
I will hopefully be around to watch this, if I'm not finally catching up on sleep.
I am new around these parts. My name is Chris De Pew and I make music under the name of Storm Blooper (used to be Sub-Woofer Special). My music can be found here: . Also just got LSDJ in the mail today thanks to Kitsch!
Auxcide wrote:Oh I thought subwooferspecial got it.
Sorry I am a big dumb and thought you were talking about the other one. My bad!
Auxcide wrote:Loomis, I can't resist it. I want the orangeboy. I'll pm you my address again.
I think that may be the one I just bought. :x
Oh well thank you guys! And thanks for the lovely donation 
I made this EP back in 2009 that blended some chipsounds (not too many) with orchestral arrangements if any of you are interested in listening.
I'm thinking about going back and rearranging them, getting rid of the orchestral instruments and only using chipsounds. However, I'm still unsure about that. Go ahead and give it a listen if you'd like.
I've been listening to this almost nonstop for the past day and I'm just now noticing the .sav file.
Jotie wrote:Shotgun on "Girls"
For it awesome, easy and I already made it.
-1 happy
Damn you. I was going to try to make a move on that for I've already made it as well. But yes, it's very upsetting to hear 
edit: Also dibs on Ch-Check it Out since I'd be able to get that done quickly.
I'm so glad you did a Murder By Death song. I almost did Ball and Chain a few months ago.
Just sent you a message not too long ago about these. They look great
Posts found: 321-336 of 359 / Forums / Posts by SubWooferSpecial