@esc: Thanks for the kind words.
@metatronaut: Don't listen to music. Period. Turn off the radio, don't buy vinyl and erase the music off your phone.
Spend a year away from music which isn't yours, ignore the politics of what it is you're using to create and do nothing but write with anything you have. Want to listen to house? Make it. Want to listen to thrash metal? Make it. Want to listen to a 1920's cover of an early 90's era Kenny G anthem as interpreted by a satanist drinking chocolate milk? Make it. The advice might sound a little draconian but trust me when I say it works.
By doing this you get a better understanding of what it is you actually want to make, opposed to what you feel you need to make because of the equipment you're using. You also develop a unique workflow and avoid the trap of outside influence.