(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

FOKYES!!!!... see you there! ^^...


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

herr_prof, true...
a solution to this could be jump into the pattern to pattern, no matter if the song have BLANK patterns. I suppose "you will have to compose" to export songs easly.

An example... in LSDJ

       PU1   PU2   WAV  NOI
00    00     10      30      40  \
01     --      --        --       --    } it jump between blank patters
02    00     10      30      40 <
03     --      --        --       --    } it jump between blank patters
04    00     10      30      40  /
05    00     10      30      40
06    00     10      30      40
07     --      --        --       --
08     --      --        --       --
09     --      --        --       --
10     --      --        --       -- 
11     --      --        --       --  <<< if the batch/program or whatever find out 5 blank pattern he will just stop the render.

Shouldnt be hard to do it i guess, obviously if is possible

now it has a WEBSITE :DDDD...

@blargg, i will link to our website CULTURACHIP.ORG in the VISUAL part of the WIKI. Really, really thx for this and the time you spend smile im gonna check out and find the way use this without a POWERPAK.


(18 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

somebody should write a sav->gbs, and each LSDJ song could be a SONG into a multi track GBS file. :DDD

when started to play QuakeIII arena i was called, u-man then to made easy to type i turn u-man into  "ui". Also i used ui, because is near to T, so you can easly type my name while your playing against or with me. It's easy to remember my name and easy to type, bassically that's why i choose the nickname.
It;s not UI from USER INTERFACE... it's just ui.
btw, its pronunced OO-EE in english, because in spanish is pronunced like that smile. So if you call me like... YOU-I or U-I, I will never look back, but if i hear OO-EE i maybe will be like... WHATS??? whos calling me?.
I also used few other nicknames, but since the 2000 im using 'ui'


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

akira^8GB wrote:

But howmany more things you can do with a pc? smile

thats because we are SUDAKAS!!! DE MIERDA!... and that cost us a lot of money!. about 500 pesos!??? thats a big much! XDDD... here about 900 bsF!!! almost/about the basic salary!!!!! LOL.... fokyes!... we are all SUDAKAS!. hope ppl can appriciate and undestand why is expensive for us, and a plus the shipping maybe will PWNED our ass, especially in Argentina, which the % the goverment takes for let you get an electronic device from outside of Argentina is about 60% of the cost... so that mades about 220us$ which is even more money! LOL...

but yes... NES VJ would be nice for power pak, or whatever other kind of cart. But honestly i preffer a VJ program with a portable device, but having more options is always nice


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

come on!... you guys dont see the JESUS!????

now...what im really see
"something" in DA PANTZ???....
N for nullsleep, so obvious!
some japanese (i think)
there is something on the bricks, but i cant get the phrase - "rachan" or somethign!

but this seens to be a lol! tongue... but me wants moar smile

p.d: it could be N for n00b too!

ooommmmmooommmm mmooommm mmoooommmo mooomm.....

blargg, anyway possible to have various or different sprites??? i mean, like by pressing a key combination to switch between them!... and also if there is anyway to have 8x8 sprites graphics? 8x8 will made us have MORE SPRITESSSS :DDDD mmooommmnnoommm nooomm

keep up the goodworok! smile

ppfff!! you guys are machines!!!! really thx boths for doing this :DDDDD this is usefull for shows! ^^ it just need more variety of shapes

i had a crazy idea.... is there is anyway possible to mix this with a nintendo pad + nes zapper??? like.....
you shoot a square, line, shape or whatever. and it can be turned OFF and ON every time you do it... or it can change color, or maybe if you shoot them, you can flip the direction of the movement.

Dont knwo how hard is that of even if is possible to do it!... but i can imagine the result!! XDD a VJ, shooting around as mad!!!! XDDDDDD.
thx again!... hope boths project keep going and growing!...


(10 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

oh... ebot have one of this!, in fact we used in a show few weeks ago, we tried to use it on the last show, but the dam video beam just pwned us!... didnt wanted to show the s-video input somehow!

http://www.flickr.com/photos/microccs/4776173407/ <<< here is

some of the pictures....

it has some random funcion, so you if you dont have someone who can control it (which is simple) you can put that random graphic function running on... is defenely a nice tool  to have if your vjing. But is a bit heavy for carry on large trips! XDD.

i hate grafx2 and i hate iLKke!.... jajajajajaj!!! XDDDD
This program is really usefull!... i just have to change all the shortcut setup to be like-similar to photoshop shortcuts. But i still dont spend much time with this program. But is farily good, a bit confuse-mess with the right-click option at the beginning, but after you got that part, your ready to pixeling all smooth. And defenly the best part is... ITS FREE and IT HAS SO MANY OS SUPPORT!... dont matter if the OSX is not included!.... who ever cares about MAC OS!!!.... GODDAMMED! jajajajaja...


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

thx once again Neil smile))))) keep up the good work!!!

TREMENDO PAK-ZER0, TREMENDO!!!... :DDD vaamooooos caraaajooo!!!

an-cat-max, i have no news about the graphic part! yikes... im a bit busy actually, i will be busy for about a month or so sad.... so if this gets done before i think i will not able to do anything. But i hope you keep in mind my idea :DDD would be could have somethign like that and it's a way "simple" to save space and easy for design :DDD.

Greetings (seeya on irc)

yah is old, and ""good"" in some way... but is a shame he dont do that with his own art! sad(( is always easy use a brand to be famous with that. The good thing is... he do that in to many, many, many places, thats the cool part. But it dont really have a creative merit, which is a shame sad