You could add a background color for each country.
And i dont know if have mutiples websites help, i preffer just one (the most used by each artist), for example in my case, i have a website that have links to the other social networks, but im more interested on ppl visit my website FIRST instead my social networks, so they can see my works/music there first.

Anyway, i will try to add more ppl i know, thx for this data base! big_smile

lol, somebody just add me on pixel artist!, thx anyway! big_smile but im not the only one!!!

Delek wrote:

DefleMask is available for Mac, Windows and Linux too.

YESH!, added

- Schism Tracker
- Klystrack
- SunVox
- GB emulator + LSDJ / Carillon
- GoatTracker
- Deflemask

Thx guys!... specially Saskrotch (for metion the MAC thing). And guys, plz... this is not a discussion of what tracker is better or not. This is more to get a nice tool for ppl who have NO IDEA what's a tracker or how to compose "chipmusic" by their own with free tools. Shamely the classroom has just MAC computers, but they all use PC, so i will probably show few trackers, since the workshop is 2 hours per day and 11 days.

What ppl have recomended me so far for mac are:
- Schism Tracker
- Klystrack
- SunVox
- GB emulator + LSDJ / Carillon
- GoatTracker

Thx for any suggest, if you guys considerate any other let me know. Also what you guys think is important to show those ppl.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Some tutorials here :
And a lot of other info smile


(10 replies, posted in Releases)


Hey guys!, im doing a workshop of chipmusic. And im planning to do it with a specific soft. But since i will be OVER MAC, i have no idea what soft is cool for tracking there (i know milky can) But i will probably use a GB EMULATOR + LSDJ or emule WIN and run a pc tracker.

If you guys can recomend me anything better?, will be glad!, plxtor

Gameboy Camera
Mario's Picross (you can't really paint)

Btw, i didnt know that one ! :OOO (Everyone's Artist)
Does anyone know any other?, i will add it to the list big_smile

nice, i didn't know than this exist! XD

Here is my small gallery!

Added few things and fixed few others! smile

iLKke, you mean this one? - … nd-related

TOY COMPANY @ FOONZO by iloveui, on Flickr

iLKke wrote:
kingston250 wrote:

Here you can find the huge material related to vector graphic.

Wait, what?
Vectors are like the opposite of pixel art.
On top of all that link is for downloading clip art.

Btw, that link is not in the list, even on art related, and agree with noobstar, you know nothing about pixelart! XDDD

Poke-1,170 aka the Capibara king!, can you help me to find the links for thoses?

I move the whole thread to an HTML file in my website, which is all "integrated", if you want it you can just download the file (html) to your desktop!, i will start using that one but i will still post any update here smile.

Still have a lot of work to do, fixing links, texts and stuff, anyway... if you find anything broke, plz drop me a comment here

oh shiiit! :OOO.... Grand Theft 77 has to much power!!!!
really thx for the music! honstly!

i have a lyric for a new song!
oh fuck oh fuck!!!!, to much power-up! (8)

been serious, if you drop me some bucks i can do something. Write me a mail: me [@]
my art here -