Teh D3th St4r wrote:

Don't toss it out. It could be good for parts.
Also, someone might know exactly what's wrong with it, tell you how to fix it, and make me look like a colossal ass-hat.

Hope so, but not meaning the last part : P

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

I think you're boned.
The pocket has a very delicate screen and zebra strip... you could have damaged it just by bending it back.

Then I shall declare it dead... : (

Hi guys.

I tried to backlight an MGB today, but once everything's done I turn on the console and the screen shows nothing. Is it that I've broken the ribbon cable? I was extremely careful while removing the two layers from the screen, and haven't noticed any cosmetic flaw after doing it either...
I was thinking if maybe I had the ribbon cable badly connected to the motherboard... but doesn't look so.

Please tell me I haven't ruined another handheld xD

EDIT: Pictures:

Now looking for MGB LCDs here:

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/10226 … d-working/

ashimoke wrote:
nitro2k01 wrote:

I’ll have to investigate that further, but my preliminary conclusion is that you can feed the Gameboy with a 9V battery without problems.

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2009/07/22 … ge-ranges/

What an interesting article, with a nice presentation and explanation of the results.

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Pay for projobs, diy for shitty shit.

I paid a decent amount of money to Timbob for a glowing painted DMG and I cant ever regret it. I did a shelljob to one used dmg myself and I cant ever regrt it.

Agree 100%

If you know not what you are doing, better leave it for someone who does. I tried to go onto it on my own and found out it's not as easy as it seems. You may not have problems with things like pro-sound and similar mods, but peeling the polarized film when backlightning is a step further... At least for me. Soldering is easy, if you've had previous experience.
If you have money and don't feel like it, I'd say leave it for someone else. You'll get a very nice product and you're making someone else wealthier xD

The pro sound sounds very quiet on headphones, opposite to on speakers, it's normal.

rolemodel wrote:

Added a Goomba build for 4.7.1 now. However the best thing is to use a classic Game Boy cartridge, not GBA cartridge...

And why? (New to GBA)

EDIT: The goomba file is .gb instead of .gba... ?

Will this fixed version have a goomba file?

egr wrote:
DogTag wrote:

Awesome! I'll have to think back about using kit instruments... How can we put this to work on GBA? I've checked but there's no 4.7.0 goomba version available yet.

Maybe this is a bit offtopic, but is this related to the fact that speech synthesis doesn't work at all on GBA? At least not on my GB micro.

You only need a goomba version if youre using a gba flash cart.  Use a normal cart and you're good to go.

I'm using a GBA flash cart in my micro... : (

Awesome! I'll have to think back about using kit instruments... How can we put this to work on GBA? I've checked but there's no 4.7.0 goomba version available yet.

Maybe this is a bit offtopic, but is this related to the fact that speech synthesis doesn't work at all on GBA? At least not on my GB micro.

shizcake wrote:

i presume we could presume that.

pro tip: insert the plug while looking inside to understand what's going on.

warning: in case left and right are reversed, i'm afraid you'll have to figure it out yourself big_smile

Pro tip: I tried that, but either I'm blind or it's just not visible xD

Well that's ok, I don't care if something goes through right or left, just make sure the stereo is working.
Thank you!

I'd later try to put a signal in with something and see what happens.

I'm still lost. I can't figure out what's connecting to what by looking inside the mini jack.
If I already used one of these, connecting only the left (horizontal) to ground and the right one to the signal, with the result of the thing sounding only through one of my stereo speakers, could we presume that if I connected anything to the middle connection it would sound on the other speaker?

e.s.c. wrote:

this should have been posted in "nintendo handhelds"

I didn't because the first question was rather general.

Krubbz wrote:

It looks like the stereo jacks I've used.

That's why I was convinced it's stereo! The clear DMG I traded with you had one exact except for being black.

Hi guys.

I've just been in my local electronics shop and bought what I believed was a stereo minijack:
In my experience, this one is stereo, because I already made a project using one of these and only soldered one pin, resulting in the thing making sound only through one of my speakers.
The lady there said that they have this minijack labeled as "mono", which I honestly doubt is correct, because three pins should mean "right", "left" and "ground". When I said that to her she said that it probably is "signal", "shield" and "ground", and that stereo jacks should have 4 pins instead of 3.

So I come to you because she made me think wether I'm right or wrong, and before screwing anything I'd better ask. Sorry if it's a silly question, but I just wanna make sure who's dumb, the woman in my local electronics shop or me xD

Apart from that I also took the smallest switch they had, with the idea of using it for a half-clock mod. I read somewhere in here about someone putting it in place of the AC port of the DMG, and using the hole that's already there. I tried to make it fit there with a kitsch's green case I have and it looks like it doesn't because of the cartridge compartment (with the PCB inside it looks even harder). Am I doing it wrong or is this just impossible?
If it's not possible to put it in there, what's the best place in the case to put the switch?

Thank you in advance, and again sorry for all these novice questions.