(5 replies, posted in Releases)

bump. it's good music!


(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

vargid police


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey the internet pretending to bring everyone closer together ruined my life


(48 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:

some favourites
zan-zan-zawa-veia - moké moké

i feel as though that thing came out in 2011 or maybe 2010

i learned ZX Basic on a spectrum :3 pretty damn amazing at the time. my father loved computers and we worked through 8086, 286, 386, 486, trading the last for the next, never having more than one computer at once... had an ST and a variety of Amigas, too. because of staying vaguely cutting edge on the PC front I didn't bother with home consoles for ages, only picking up a NES in the era of the Playstation. and as another consequence, all my favourite games are 90s DOS classics. never had or desired a gameboy, they are very useless indeed.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

death to bandcamp no more bandcamp


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

you'll never be a god if you follow those fuckin rules

edit: if everyone followed these rules everyone would sound like joule and no-one would sound like proswell and that's not a world i want to live in


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i had hoped the "taking old NES soundtracks and adding wubs" portion would stay underground but that's the thing which sells most on bandcamp. maybe you need to compete with that dreck so as to portray chiptune with a little more dignity.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im a best selling author i make chiptune for fun


(19 replies, posted in Releases)

*reads PDF* fuck that


(124 replies, posted in General Discussion)

honestly i've only listened to releases on inpuj or by shawnphase, haha, so my pick is all of those

I don't personally wanna see new chip gatherings or instruments. I wanna see all the good chip musicians get meaner. it's gotten too business casual and happy with all the "necessary" evils involved in getting heard on the internet. I don't wanna hear chip musicians emulate given electro mainstays. I want to hear chip musicians replace given electro mainstays through creativity. I don't want to hear chipmusic as a genre. I want to hear chipmusic used as an attack on other genres, on genre itself. if you fuckers want to prove you still have a scene you first need to prove you aren't just a revival. airy fairy VGM jazz doesn't cut it. you are perfectly placed to be a punk. don't act like someone a music critic would call punk. act like someone a policeman would call punk.

chipmusic as it stands is as big of an incestual, solipsist, automated backpatting machine as it can possibly be without coverage and it is your complacent idiot fault.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

psionic blast!!!!!!!!!! badass


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

art's not a factory floor process. you can betrayed by a tangent during its creation or have utterly misjudged what you wanted to do.

maybe OHCing is a factory floor process though


(7 replies, posted in Audio Production)

i have a sound card where it's impossible to activate a Wavmix/What U Hear/stereo effigy and I'm interested in recording software which just hacks its own stereo mix together, both for sound recording and screen recording. any suggestions? thank8


(39 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

well it wasn't in adtrack][ but I remember spending four hours getting twenty seconds of bad breakclonk out of SADT2, and then pressing escape at the wrong moment and it ate the pattern the tune was based around. :B a format i've had zero success with