little-scale wrote:
Aly James wrote:

Seb I would like to reverse the range of some ADSDR parameters on your standalone editor but I am not sure if it will change the midi data output or not witch I do not want...
like changing (0  127)  on the operators volume TL to (127  0). Normally when TL = 127 = attenuation max = volume 0 and so on.., and you probably did some conversion back when importing .tfi format

You obviously make a more human "understandable" rescaling of parameters to 0=min on the adsdr thing but as I cannot test on the hardware yet I am not sure if you reversed others like  for the 0 31, 0 15 AR DR etc..Also SSG is normally 0 to 15 and is 0 to 31 in your standalone.
In the MAX parameter objects I have a range and a mod range column, if I reverse the parameters does it reverse the midi cc too ?  because if it is the case I will not make it , you obviously map the CC on the genmdm firmware like 0 to 127  for example = Register TL 127 to 0

// edit: I cannot reverse the integers they are stuck to 0. to 127. in the param objects..maybe I should add a scale object somewhere..not sure how.

The reason I am asking for this is that I am used to program patches with the original attenuation logic and I am trying to make a VGM to GENMDM patch bank converter and it would be easier if the parameters were on the original range. smile

do not consider changing anything smile just wanted to know it it is easy /safe or not to reverse the range in max. if not I will try to reverse on my vgm2genmdm side.

not to important as we already have .tfi import but it could be nice , I have added .tfi import to the FMDRIVE too between smile

TL is reverse i.e. a TL of 127 is max amplitude instead of max attenuation.

Besides this, all values are the same direction as normal, but scaled to be spread across 0 - 127.

Hope that makes sense!

Yep, I managed to reverse TL in your max patch with the [scale 0 127 127 0] object and also removed the [!- 127.] into the tfi patch converter for my presets compatibility...a little tweak on my side for personal use smile , between your match patches are a gold mine to learn from! I managed to make a binary data reader out of your I love you smile

Seb I would like to reverse the range of some ADSDR parameters on your standalone editor but I am not sure if it will change the midi data output or not witch I do not want...
like changing (0  127)  on the operators volume TL to (127  0). Normally when TL = 127 = attenuation max = volume 0 and so on.., and you probably did some conversion back when importing .tfi format

You obviously make a more human "understandable" rescaling of parameters to 0=min on the adsdr thing but as I cannot test on the hardware yet I am not sure if you reversed others like  for the 0 31, 0 15 AR DR etc..Also SSG is normally 0 to 15 and is 0 to 31 in your standalone.
In the MAX parameter objects I have a range and a mod range column, if I reverse the parameters does it reverse the midi cc too ?  because if it is the case I will not make it , you obviously map the CC on the genmdm firmware like 0 to 127  for example = Register TL 127 to 0

// edit: I cannot reverse the integers they are stuck to 0. to 127. in the param objects..maybe I should add a scale object somewhere..not sure how.

The reason I am asking for this is that I am used to program patches with the original attenuation logic and I am trying to make a VGM to GENMDM patch bank converter and it would be easier if the parameters were on the original range. smile

do not consider changing anything smile just wanted to know it it is easy /safe or not to reverse the range in max. if not I will try to reverse on my vgm2genmdm side.

not to important as we already have .tfi import but it could be nice , I have added .tfi import to the FMDRIVE too between smile

little-scale wrote:

Made a polyphonic handler specific for GenMDM smile … g-app.html

great job! like on a FB01 smile very useful for live playing usage

yogi wrote:
Aly James wrote:

...small pieces of game type music in different styles I made for the SEGA were written with a tracker, not my favorite way of doing music but hey..That was before I have a proper MIDI device about to come from Australia...:)
I just love the sound so I share with y'all

Very nice, thanks for sharing!! Just love the FM sound, the 'bell' tones.


ONLY For the love of the YM2612 FM sound MD1 Headphone out....! smile
I recorded direct from my PAL Megadrive model 1 Headphone out , there is no or little PSG in it
some old VGM, small pieces of game type music in different styles I made for the SEGA were written with a tracker, not my favorite way of doing music but hey..That was before I have a proper MIDI device about to come from Australia...:)
I just love the sound so I share with y'all

best sound @ 720P

Saskrotch wrote:

there's already ways to rip samples out of roms though

yep I knew that one smile but It would be nicer with the hardware sound ^^

little-scale wrote:

I will make the reverse, too!

As in, load up Genesis .VGM files, and stream the address / data combinations to the GenMDM in real time for a USB-based, hardware .VGM player!


(Haven't tried it yet)

If you do, could you further add the ability to mute/solo channels ? imagine the nice way to rip dac samples from the hardware.., listen in details to your favorite MD VGMs ...:)

little-scale wrote:

U can still use max runtime for free once the trial has expired smile))

cool smile
looking at the opm & tfi format I quite do not understand the Detune parameter conversion well...
the detune register normally goes from 0 to 7 : increasing the tone exponentially from 1 to 3 , no change at 4 then decreasing from 5 to 7.
in a tfi file the detune HEX values (A column) loading in for example VGMM produce the result I wrote in the B column, the C column is what you logically should get in a -3... 0.... 3 range...I found it strange as we get the value 3 two times instead of having 0 two times like shown here … e929ab579.
seems interesting as a bunch of tfi files comes from opm files converted from opm converted from vgm using vgm2opm by shiru...looking at the source code from vgm2opm and vopmxtfi seems to show some -3 or +3 added to the DT parameter at some point but still I do not understand well why..maybe to stay in the -3 0 3 range..
anyway not to important.. but if anybody got a clue smile

--A  B  C
--7 /3 /-3
--6/ 3 /-2
--5/ 2 /-1
--4/ 1 / 0
--3/ 0 / 3
--2/-1 / 2
--1/-2 / 1
--0/-3 / 0

+ I could learn a bit how it is done in max smile

little-scale wrote:

I can make u a max patch smile

that would be cool ^^ I would need the source to be able to compile it on win, until the trial expire smile you can PM me a link, this MAX thing seems pretty versatile I will seriously consider to buy it some day smile


little-scale wrote:

TFI instrument import function added to GenMDM M4L tools in theory (will be released with GenMDM 103). … ction.html

Too much greatness to handle! Damn you read my mind ? smile I was just working on this import thing and baam after posting the vid on the opm import I saw your post about the VGM loading and now tfi import smile so happy as can be! +1 for the VGM that plays a note per instruments! should had this feature in the standalone editor too.
By the way I need to find a way to convert HEX data to Decimal values to convert say a bunch of .tfi into text files with decimal values I can handle in my VST any win software that could handle that in a row? ++

little-scale wrote:

"VGM files are files that contain register data for one or more sound chips. I've made a small app that records ALL GenMDM data register writes, and stores them as a .VGM file.

The idea is that SEGA Mega Drive music can be written using GenMDM + Live / Logic / ProTools / whatever and then distributed via .VGM files if desired as opposed to recording from hardware. " … pture.html

this is GENIUS !

Saturday delight smile now we can sort of load OPM Instruments...of course it will b fully compatible with the GENMDM as parameters are attached to the appropriate MIDI CC.. I will start working on the PSG side later on...It will be nice to have some kind of 32 stages draw envelopes for the PSG Volume/Pitch/Noise Mode...sending CC's at 50HZ or 500BPM 1/16 (3) so every 20ms would help producing some FX...don't know if there is a (waiting time) on the teensy side but even if we could not go as low as 20ms there is certainly some good things do on this side ++ for now I dream about Mr scale's sample loader :-)

Guys that is good news! , loves the hardware of eptheca!.
Because in the end it is ALL about making music
Here is me demoing my upcoming FMDRIVE YM2612 VST live, with a keyboard and midi controllers, hope to do the same soon with the hardware smile

little-scale wrote:
Aly James wrote:

by the way could I send you some cash for priority mail, tracking number for my interface? I am very impatient ^^

mate you've earned it by the efforts you put in. wanna ping me an email to remind me of your address?

- s

much respect
address PMed smile