(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Imaginary wrote:

Finding motivation to do music was what broke that cycle for me. In a way, not playing videogames is my motivation to make videogame music. I look at it like this, no one will see your high scores, or that perfect save file of that RPG as worth historical archival. But if you make a cool album people might still be jamming out to it after you're dead. Don't get me wrong, I still love playing games now and again, but I now see it as a downtime activity instead of "what I'm doing with my life".

Well said..This is where my "life is the video game" internal mentality works great.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Princedmorn wrote:

Now this might be silly or some kind of placebo effect; Exercise. I don't know why, but I run for 30 min to an hour every morning and afterwards I feel so much better about everything. Whenever I eat salads and apples or oranges instead of cookies, I tend to stay more on track with what I am doing. I stopped buy fast food and cooking at home with actual ingredients, and I sleep more sound and wake up more relaxed. Might not work for everyone, and it may be a placebo effect, but the running and changing my food is keeping me remembering all the anime that was on Netflix.

I was thinking of writing the same thing. I used to be very unhealthy (I wasn't really overweight either, just not healthy) - I ate junk, drank too much coffee and energy drinks, stayed up late for no good reason, slept randomly. I was depressed and angsty and I listened to music that made me more agitated and angry or ska which was just sort of like a musical manic sugar high. I was hyper and easily annoyed or totally down and wasted a lot of time and energy.

One day I just wanted to get outside so I went for a very half-hearted jog, slowly overtime I started to enjoy it more. Now, my life is very busy but I still make time to lift weights or jog every day. I still enjoy some junk on occasion, but I mostly eat healthy food. It's not just good for you for losing weight and stuff (which is what I used to think, which seemed not worth it) - but for your mood.

I have more motivation and handle stress better just from changing my diet. The exercise just adds to that. My life isn't perfect but I handle crap better than before.

Without writing a giant health article:
more protein / less carbs - less hungry/less spikes and crashes in energy level - i used to eat oatmeal thinking i was being good but then i was cranky and hungry at 10am
hemp seeds - super magical power seeds that give you 12 hours of energy
green tea - better than coffee
coconut oil - metabolism equalizing and high energy

sandneil wrote:

having structure and routine has helped me too. i write a to-do list each night and in the morning i get up and do the things on it. offsetting the "deciding-to-do" from the "doing" like this has helped me. if i put "write a song" on the list i have to write a song. i say to myself "i feel really sad, and i just want to lie down in bed, and i totally don't want to write a song. that's fine, but i'm going to write a song anyway" ... this might seem like positive psychology but it's subtly different to me, i probably just havent communicated it very well


Agreed here too. To do lists are super helpful. I kind of view each day like a RPG. These are my mission objectives. And I'm also gonna build my character stats...it makes all that passion i have for old games serve a purpose in my day-to-day life. no one around me has to know i see it like that..but it keeps me motivated.

start iPod full of 16-bit RPG soundtracks...


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shirt sold me....take my money now

sorry for necro-post but yeah I'm in the same boat here...even emailed a while ago..

sir duke = mind altering super happiness drug

Here it is:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1jgzc7th3hrp … s.zip?dl=0

Inside you will find folders with:

album rough draft - not fully mastered version of the original tracks so you can hear how the pieces go together
folder for each track - some of the drum stems are just 1 stem with all the drums, if you really need them separated, I can do that.
each folder contains a midi, the bpm for the song's stems is in the title of the track.

When you are ready to submit, send me a dropbox link to [email protected] (yes there is supposed to be an S)

most of the songs are in the same key intentionally, and there are some recurring themes, especially in the last level (lava) which has a sort of minor scale of the level 1 theme mixed with section of the lab theme's melody.

Stems uploading now...I'll post all the details in a bit!

Few rules/guidelines:

1. The final album will have each track looping 1.5-2 times, the tracks are about 2 minutes long loops, so keep your songs under 5 minutes so things flow well.

2. I will master the whole thing for loudness and consistency at the end, so please include in your final delivery, your own mastered version (if you want) and a un-maximized version as a 16 or 24 bit WAV with at least -4dB headroom (this means your song doesn't go above -4d at it's loudest point). You CAN do other things that are often associated with mastering, like harmonic exciting, master reverb, stereo imaging/widening, etc. What I'm asking is that your song isn't compressed to a -0dB block of sound. Do not apply dithering either. I will dither it when making it into it's final mp3 form.

3.  It's an all ages game, so any content/samples you add to the songs should be PG or I'm sure the game's creator wouldn't approve.

4. I want it to be fair so any sales will be split by %, i.e. if the album has 10 songs and you did one, you get 10% of every sale. If we get a huge amount, I might make a separate remix album going by the same rules (obviously my original tracks would make up a good % if they're all together).

5. Myself and the client reserve the right not to use any remix on the OST album, but you own the rights to use them anywhere you'd like, you can post them on soundcloud, put them on your own band camp albums. The client is being very cool about this just being a bonus and fun thing for musicians that may or may not get him some publicity.

Thanks for the interest all. I should be able to post the stems tomorrow.

Not too late..I'd say rough deadline is two months. I'll post the stems probably Tuesday when I get off the road.


(12 replies, posted in Past Events)

Perhaps I'll come out of my lair for once..


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

TAKE MY MONEY NOW!   (Seriously I'll donate a decent amount when you go love with kickstarter)

Sorry... you are probably stuck, unless you backed up your device before upgrading. Even then, not sure that rolls back app updates.

I have an older iPad2 with "DO NOT SYNC OR UPDATE ME!" labels on the front  edges because I have some old apps/versions that are not supported that i don't want to loose. It's a pain..

https://www.dropbox.com/s/h0tjp9le99nfv … N.zip?dl=0

I managed to get the MIDI and a draft of the album up. Stems will have to wait until next week. Any questions let me know.

Looks like i won't get to bouncing all the stems today, but subscribe to this thread or msg me and i'll finish them when I'm back in town monday.

Cool! Had a good response here and in PMs so I'm gonna put together a big ol drop box of all the stems and midis and people can decide whichever ones they want to remix. Thanks for the support guys! I think it'll be a lot of fun!

few months really. game is still in progress but playable beta is looking good. i'll be honest its not a especially original game, but it has amazing voice acting and some unique elements.  there seems to be quite a bit of interest, so i'll put together a package of all the midis and stems...