b4by f4c3 wrote:
Bit wish wrote:

Yea, maybe we can can a vj, i think babyf4ce does visuals.

I could def do visuals and id be down to play also just let me know wink

Edit: Dunno if I'd do a 1xLSDJ set tho ( much rather do LGPT/Other instruments I have)

Im glad people are actually interested in playing and coming down to hang out.

Would you guys rather have a musty, humid, mold-ish bar or a nice out door area?

chunter wrote:

That looks like a big venue for an open mic- No objections if it works, though.

Why would that matter?

roboctopus wrote:

Louisville is just a little over 4 hours from me. I'd drive up to play sometime.

Just from my experiences, I think it's more like 6 hours.

Now, would any one be interested in playing it tho?

Feel Free to contact me at [email protected] !

egr wrote:

Absolutely (im in Bowling Green) and im sure the Lexington and Cincinnati gangs would be down.

Glad to hear that. Oh and im in particular fond of the Arby's there. Love me'dem frosty.
Sure the guys at lexington can part from their beer? ;P


(17 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I love messing with couler shkemes

Hi doods!
                  This is something that i have thought about for a while and have discussed it with a few other people in the Indiana/Kentucky scene.

But before i Actually do any booking for the venue i want to see if people would actually be interested in going.

So here are some details smile

It would be all ages first of all, we want to include those youngsters also ;D
No tasty beverages (Alcohol) will be sold, but i dunno what the policy is on BYOB.
It would be generally scheduled open mic.
No omission fee's (woot woot)
The venue im planning for would be the "New Albany Amphitheater"

So who all would be interested in (thinking about) going, or showing off you're mad LSDjx1 skillz?

Bit Wish works with Veneer.

It's more like a new name for a genre that has already been created.

Dat sick.

Neat, sorry for the obvious questions i never really come to this side of the community, it kinda looked a like a game boy pocket case.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

pretty much
i just don't see the point of  buying any next gen consoles if all the games i wanna play are old, on PC or both.
i'll probably cave and get a ps4 in 5 years like i did with the 360 a few months ago :v

Same here, i still haven't beat allot of my old gamecube games. Then i see games like call of duty or halo, then im like meh.... lets call the guys over for Super Smash bros melee.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

your dad is wiser than you, maybe you should listen to him

(i also heard about ffx and x-2 hd remakes, how about that huh? also seriously bayonetta 2 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

True dat, but he never said that, i was joking smile

Bayonetta 2, are those really the only things that stuck out to you?

kitsch wrote:

DO these house the dmg pcb?