(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

If you mean a link section for news and stuff, maybe a mirror of the TCTD RSS/Twitter feed in the sidebar would be something. If you're thinking more along the lines of a repository for chip related site links, that'd be nice, too. http://woolyss.com seems to have a nice collection.
I wouldn't mind seeing either site to be a little integrated here.


(11 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Haha, that's one awesome time killer. I just mashed Debussy and a motorbike jump with a lyre bird and a rube goldberg device. Deadly addictive!

Tracks on 8bc are released under by-nc-sa, unless stated otherwise in the song description. Which means if I take a FantomenK track form there, yodel over it, credit him in the mp3 tag or somewhere around the download link (orginially written by,  using a sample from), I can distribute it under my name as much as I like as long as I don't make money with it. I don't have to get his permission to do this, he gave it to me by releasing under that license. Looks to me like they're in the green- don't know about the dubmood tracks, he'd know what license he released them under.

Edit: Oh, it also means they have to release their tracks under the same license.

Nice reverse engineering, freezedream! Good work.

FSM Infector is awesome, this and the M4w (not II) are my fav Buzz synths.

True, but as ant1 said, it's still of interest to me since it matters to a community I'm part of. While I couldn't care less for the lols, the mudslinging and the dickery, I kinda have an eye on it like I'd have on the evening news. As a community matter I think it has a place here.

Edit: I can understand you as well, though. I guess I'd have my belly full of the topic too were I in your shoes.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Maybe I phrased that wrong; I didn't mean that the Release forum is cluttered, but that additional forums may mess up the forum overview section.
I agree that something like that would only make sense if there is interest by the label managers.


Question for those of you who write with analogue style synths or trackers: do you have a "stock set" of tones to sketch out ideas with, then adjust the sounds to suit the composition, or do you build everything from the ground up every time?

I usually have a pretty good idea of what kind of sound I want for which voice, so I usually adjust the synth first, and then write the line down. There's some tweaking afterwards of course, because you'll have to weigh the sound against the other voices.

Oh, and composing in staff on a sheet is hardcore. I can hardly read staff at all.


(31 replies, posted in Releases)

That's some sweet FM right there. Extra kudos for the drums, very well done.

If I use an instrument to compose on it's my guitar. Sometimes I plink-plonk on one of the Yamaha PSS keyboards I have and something comes up. The vast majority of my tracks is directly composed in the tracker, though.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I just noticed that the Forum link on II refers here. I was thinking, maybe subforums for labels without an own forum might be an idea. Perhaps too redundant with the release section? Then again, aside from releases they might be a place for feedback and suggestions.
I don't want the forums to clutter up, so I'm not sure about it.


(11 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Haha amazing! Hexstatic would love this- so much potential!
Your inventions continue to baffle me with their creativity. Please, never stop.

I don't think there's a general rule, else they wouldn't have to bother with furigana. IIRC, compound kanji are mostly read onyomi, while single ones are read kunyomi.

Japanese writing really keeps me from learning the language, I'm no good with memorizing stuff like that.


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

arfink wrote:

Sorry if I've unleashed a storm of negative criticism

Just wanted to add that I'm actually very happy to see some actual criticism happening, and even (gasp!) honest opinions, even when they're negative. That's how this site should be, it's refreshing after everyone who voiced something negative got attacked by rabid pokemons on 8bc.


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

I disagree. The vocals where the cherry on top for me and, aside from being very good, complemented the tracks well. I've said this elsewhere before, but the proggy metal compositions sound great with NES instruments, and those kind of vocals go well with proggy metal. Certainly better than hairspray style squeals.

Well, the modules are also included, so you should be fine either way smile


(55 replies, posted in Releases)





(16 replies, posted in Releases)
