You may also want to check out Heart Of Darkness.

Another World and Flashback are two favs of mine. Another game with distinct Cyberpunk vibe is Rise of the Dragon by Dynamix:

I also love the design of Privateer, but that counts probably more as Scifi- it has the Cyberpunk grime, though.


I kept music in general my hobby, because it's my favorite creative activity.

I took my second favorite (coding) as a job. Best decision in my life, because I'd hate to loose music as something recreational.

That My 2 Robo-Dads guy is pretty good. Oh, and minusbaby has an awesome live-drummer.

Other,hm.. Pornophonique? Do Bondage Fairies count?


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm joining the choir. Awesome track!

Short discussion of the above on IRC, kudos to abrasive for explaining:

<uB> so the shape of the waveform would change with frequency
<abrasive> the exponential decay curve should stay the same
<uB> absolute or relative to the duty cycle?
<abrasive> absolute
<abrasive> its time constant will be set by physical components
<abrasive> i expect that is the DC blocking capacitor
<abrasive> -> high pass filter
<abrasive> so the fast edges are preserved
<abrasive> but the bits that should be flat are not
<uB> cool, I wasn't too far off then
<uB> thanks!
<abrasive> headphone/other loading on the output will change things, how much and in what way depends on the dmg output arrangement.
<uB> there are some ciruits to dynamicaly adjust this, right?
<abrasive> to adjust the loading you present to the DMG?
<uB> welllll, the output impedance
<abrasive> that's... complicated.
<abrasive> you can adjust the input impedance of whatever you plug into the dmg easily enough
<uB> I'm not trying to mod anything, I just needed the details for some pet project of mine :)
<abrasive> a headphone amplifier typically has high impedance (10kOhm and up)
<abrasive> you can then put resistors across the dmg output to reduce the impedance seen by the DMG
<abrasive> and the output waveforms will change.
<uB> hm, you could bass it up that way
<abrasive> this is part of the reason for pro sound mods - you bypass the output HPF, and get better bass
<abrasive> but since there's also no amplifier you can't drive low impedance (headphone) loads with a prosound out.
<abrasive> i think the DMG internals go audio out -> amplifier -> HPF -> jack
<uB> shouldn't there be a LPF that causes the gibbs effects on the waveform, too?
<abrasive> inherent in the circuitry
<abrasive> parasitic effects
<uB> ah
<Scotty> why isn't the audio amp first in the cirsuit
<abrasive> the HPF blocks DC out from the amp
droffset wrote:

I have a limited understanding of the math and physics involved but I've seen this waveform in some of my DIY stuff.  That kind of falloff does look like some kind of capacitor discharge at or near the output or something to do with load at the output, maybe even the speaker is bringing it down.  They're calling it Low Frequency Roll off.

Maybe changing the speaker would change the wavform, that's an interesting idea...

Ahhh, impedance. I haven't considered this. Unfortunately I remember next to nothing about it, I'll have to read up. Thanks for the tip!

Good summary here

Haha yeah, like Plato. I'm still interested in that fall-off on the DMG square, if anybody knows.

Oh, and also some effects of crosstalk. I realize this depends on the circuit, but if there are common ones it'd be nice to know.

Nice work! That's one of the pictures I have on my wall. The fingers of the wave are spot on, only the guys seem to have been swept out of their boats. Great Wave Off Kanagawa: One wave later tongue

Russolo wrote:
µB wrote:

A friend found some Merzbow on one of these things once. They turned it off because they thought it was broken.

that must have been insane, how long did it play for?

Dunno, didn't ask. Assuming it was a usual affair track with a build-up, probably a few minutes.

Wait, I've seen this before. That is, if you synthesize a square with additive synthesis using Fourier Transformation. I'm confused now. If you low-pass a square, it becomes more and more sine-like, doesn't it? I.e. the reverse effect of what you get by adding the harmonics on a sine to get a square.
The waves of these systems are in digital nature though (ie the basis is a square, not a sine), so I don't see how this could be a Gibbs effect.

Edit: Right, I'm and idiot. Of course the effect would appear if you low-pass a square, based on what I just said. Thanks!

I didn't know they put low-pass filters in, that's interesting. Why would they bother?

Edit edit: Probably to reduce the hiss. I love answering my own questions 5 minutes later, makes me look like a lazy ass.

Not sure if this is the proper section, mods feel free to move this if not.

I'm interested in the cause of some of the 'dirt' on chip waveforms. You never have a perfect square, and I'd like to know the reason for some of the aspects.

Let's start with this DMG wave (lifted from H.Weixelbaum's page):

The squares don't have a flat top, but fall off. My guess would be a decharging capacitor? There are also spikes on the voltage flips, how are these caused?

Atari 2600 (nicked from litte-scale):

Relatively flat tops- what's different to the DMG? There's also what looks like resonance on the square peaks. Are these from a crystal?

I'm not so much looking for the math behind it (although that'd be nice too), but more for which parts of hadware cause these effects.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

akira^8GB wrote:

Looks like pussy to me

Haha, I'd stay clear of that one unless you're into post-coital cannibalism.

Thanks for listening everyone! I'm enjoying doing this style, so there may be follow-ups some time.

A friend found some Merzbow on one of these things once. They turned it off because they thought it was broken.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks guys! heart

10k wrote:

I've been bitten by a Redback - curse you Australia!

Did you have to get an anti-venom shot, or were you ok? I'm a bit fascinated by spiders, but you guys seem to have gotten all the nasties- sorry if the artwork conjured any unpleasant memories.

I know this is getting blown out of proportion by media (as usual), but I've watched a documentary on venomous animals the other day, and 95% of the sentences started with "In Australia..."
I picture this emergency station with a row of guys holding signs saying Funnel Web, Inland Taipan, Box Jellyfish and Death Adder, and a nurse handing you Redback and asking you to get to the end of the line tongue

Oh man, how I wish there was a game behind that!


(40 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
