this should be cool.. except for the flyer says june 23rd?
513 May 21, 2012 8:48 am
Re: [SEA] **BYOC** Arcade Armageddon 6-23-12 (6 replies, posted in Past Events)
514 May 20, 2012 11:30 pm
Re: Any Good chipstep artist out there? (167 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors OST: No Assembly Required.
~00:23..The only Dubstep that anyone should ever listen to
515 May 20, 2012 6:03 pm
Re: How about a now streaming "area" (9 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
They've been streaming the recent X-Bit events in Seattle.. this is good idea
516 May 19, 2012 9:24 pm
Re: Any Good chipstep artist out there? (167 replies, posted in General Discussion)
blah blah i hate dubstep shrillecks iz gay
517 May 17, 2012 4:44 am
Re: Any Good chipstep artist out there? (167 replies, posted in General Discussion)
N6JLV wrote:me being part of the newer generation of kids and electronic music, enjoy dubstep. now i am aware that a lot of you on here aren't exactly into this type of electronic music, but im not here to start any flame wars
i just want to know if anyone knows of and or is a good chipstep artist that i can look into and follow and become a fan of and eventually stock them and be the creepiest person i can be 0_0
It sounds different than traditional dubstep based on the limitations of the sound chip. If you showed it to somebody who didn't know it was made on/played off of a Gameboy or NES and called it dubstep, chances are they would think it was shitty.
Calling it chipstep leads to the question of "what the fuck is chipstep?" which then opens the door to the explanation behind it.
I guess we could all go with "Dubstep composed upon an 8bit processor" but that sounds a bit wordy, don't you think?
518 May 17, 2012 4:35 am
Re: lsdj + nl 2.x artists? (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
bump bcuz turtleboy
519 May 17, 2012 4:31 am
Re: Any Good chipstep artist out there? (167 replies, posted in General Discussion)
But, beyond my shameless self-promotion..
Orbital Strike are my buddies from Seattle who are just starting up and have an awesome spin on 8bit dubstep. The two of them, Turtlesaur, and I are working on a three-way split EP right now. All 140 BPM chipstep, all dancefloor oriented and shit like that
NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo is the best at it on the Gameboy as far as I'm concerned..
Mizuki's Last Chance is by far the most relevant chipstep artist.. though he does everything in DAWs and has no real chip hardware. Regardless, he embodies the 8bit sound perfectly and forms super heavy dubstep around it. He's been featured by BBC Radio 1 a few times.
Kodek has done good chipstep
I like Monodeer
USK just did a really cool new one called Tristep
Ultrasyd has a few livesets posted which include some awesome chipstep breakdowns. The rest is housey but still has those nice grimey wubs strung throughout
There are a lot of non-chip artists who are beginning to incorporate more chip-esque leads and melodies into their songs (often in the intros) as well
520 May 17, 2012 4:17 am
Re: Any Good chipstep artist out there? (167 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I make chipstep. Take the songs I have posted for an example I suppose. Newer ones I've been working on are better, though
521 May 12, 2012 7:47 am
Re: The DMG's 5th Sound Channel? (97 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm getting a boner just thinking about this
522 May 8, 2012 5:33 am
Re: Bass Champion? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Based upon my listening, I'd have to say that things made with the SID chip have some superior bass
523 May 4, 2012 9:32 pm
Re: Bright White Lightning - Bad Teeth (DATA024) (19 replies, posted in Releases)
WTFFFFF yall are Seattleites?? why have I not seen you live yet???
524 Apr 30, 2012 9:33 am
Re: What's your life outside of making chiptune? (235 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Okay I'll weigh in...
19/male/north seattle
Did college for a semester and failed.. probly gonna start that again soon. For now I work in a retail cell phone store. I'm good with phones for whatever reason but my coworkers are all super self-righteous and talk shit about the other ones on a daily basis (look at how they rub off on me). I live with 4 dudes spanning the ages of 23 - 45 in a 70s-esque house. They're all chill.
The live electronic dance music scene in Seattle takes up the majority of my weekend nights and is the center of my social calendar. I've seen a whole lot of the biggest names that bass music has to offer and continue to see more of them roughly 2-5 times a month. Yes, I go to a lot of raves and club shows. No, I don't wear stupid fucking beaded bracelets and rainbow suspenders, and I sure as hell don't have some stupid rave name. I really only go to the tours of artists whom I already like on a regular basis and the major raves every couple months.. never been too into the whole 'Unicorn BubbleFuck Dream Bash 14" styled parties. One of my roomies and a bunch of my other friends produce and are starting to get pretty good so I've been getting into a couple shows for free lately, which is nice.
Fashion has become an increasingly large interest in my life lately.. I collect a bunch of vintage basketball jerseys, retro snap-backs, Nikes, and japanese selvage denim. Because of this I stand out at the local 8bit concerts/parties.. almost everytime I'm informed that I don't look like "somebody who would ever come to one of these things," but, I kind of like that. Its fine though, because they don't judge me and I find that I relate to many of them better than I do with my "friends" that I'd grown up and gone to school with.
Mary Jane is the only consistent girl in my life. Sometimes she inspires me to make music.. most of the time she inspires me to watch the First 48 and eat cheeseburgers. Its a love/hate kind of thing.
I always try to have a lot of fun, but frequently find that I'm really having too much fun when I stop and think about it. I've often decided to get my life on track, but anxiety, a colorful social life, ADHD, and my aforementioned relationship with Ms. Jane make it really really hard to do that.
I think my life is neat.
525 Mar 20, 2012 10:37 pm
Re: Chiptune Music Videos? Are they a good idea. (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Henry Homesweet's video for Critical Buddha is one of the most beautiful things I've watched in my entire life
526 Mar 15, 2012 10:06 pm
Re: CHIPTUNE BATTLE CHALLENGE (190 replies, posted in Collaborations)
527 Mar 15, 2012 7:19 am
Re: no panning when recording gameboy into interface? (24 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
HEY!'re not peet.
I miss that shit