(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Damn that kick is nice! I've got to sid dump it. I love higher tuned thump kicks like this.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I had no idea flash carts that werent based off sd card were still available. There are only very limited music tools for GBA currently. There is the FAT Advance  tracker and M4G tracker.  Now m4g is way more sophisticated, but it's broken and the developer quit. I just use EZ Flash iv for my GBA needs.


(57 replies, posted in Audio Production)

The Silph Scope wrote:
sxe_weekend wrote:

If you don't like apple offer a windows laptop you think would work well

Don't buy Windows laptops.
OP get a Bonobo Extreme from System76 or something.

wow, first I thought your 'don't buy apple' comment was unhelpful but this just seems like its getting worse. Your position seems to be "Don't buy apple. Don't buy windows. You should get what I like cause I like it."  Why would he buy a linux machine when he specifically want to run Ableton Live? If you don't care to use apple computers yourself then ok. But steering someone else astray just because of your own personal prejudices is miles away from being helpful. Sure I bet theres a way to get live running but at what cost? Time, effort, compromise, CPU, cash?

When an individual asks for a new Nintendo platform to try and learn do you then recommend a ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64? I wouldn't imagine so. Same thing here.


(57 replies, posted in Audio Production)

seatrash wrote:

buy it directly from apple's website, but leave it in the shopping cart for a week, you'll get a 10-15% discount


That isn't true. It's been thoroughly debunked.

The Silph Scope wrote:

Don't buy Apple products.

Anyway, I also think the 'don't buy apple' crowd are funny and silly. My best three arguments are these:

Apple is a hardware company, and microsoft is only software. Apple integrates their software with their hardware in a beautiful way. Elegant and functional. You will not find this with other computers.

The resell value is incredible. There is a huge market for old and used macs. Buyers know exactly what they are getting when they buy a mac. So they're willing to pay near the original price for it. No one want's to take it on good faith that the computer you might have paid 1500+ dollars building is well put together, the parts are all compatible/compliant with each other, and that is runs as smoothly as the specs lead you to believe. because of this resell value you an upgrade to the newest and greatest mac as soon as it comes out by selling your old one and only paying a few hundred (if even that!) dollars out of pocket. I know more then three people that do this on the regular.

They are intel based now so theres no more 'I want to play games' or 'I want my windows applications' excuse. You like windows? THEN RUN WINDOWS ON IT. If you buy a dell or HP or something else good luck trying to get OSX running as smooth as a mac can run windows. Also running windows apps under wine is as easy as takin a shit smile


(57 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Get the max amount of memory you can. ram and hard drive. The solid state memory is NOT upgradable. save the hassle and get the memory


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

m00dawg wrote:

I think Batsy Adams' sync experiments used the PowerPak's NSF player - he just added sync.

I know he did a syncable version of vegaplay (Unreleased sad). Is that the experiment you speak of?


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Matej wrote:

BTW Tyler do you know AUTECHRE (amber) or AROVANE (old albums)?

Yes, I'm familiar. But I'm really not into autechre as much as artists like Richard Devine and Vaetxh.

Hi. So I'm currently using the TextMate MML Bundle under osx for all my nsf making needs. But I'm running into a situation where I need the #AUTO-BANKSWITCH feature in the latest versions of ppmck. Maybe I don't need it, if someone could help me understand how to BANK-CHANGE properly maybe we can not worry about the upgrade.

Here the issue though. I'm working on a multi song nsf in which I want to fill up something close to 30k with music data+samples. I obviously need bankswitching to accomplish this. But I can't get past two songs cause I hit bank overflow. If I build 2 of my tunes with BANK-CHANGE it works, but when I throw in a third track I get overflow. So is the BANK-CHANGE command at the top of each .mml file interperated separately, or does it only care about the one in my first .mml file?

I guess I just don't see the relation of what is actually happening when I decide to use setbank and bank-change. I can see stuff moving around when I experiment with it but I wish I know how to be efficient or even just know what to do and why I'm doing it.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Pulse 1
Pulse 2


kineticturtle wrote:
danimal cannon wrote:

the answer we ended up coming up with is that you would be less reliant on spellcheck and would be forced to really think about what you're going to say before you lay it down to paper.

Someone write a typewriter emulator.

That would be funny to see. You can only Type, Save, or completely Delete. No back space or copy paste. XD

I really enjoyed that TED Talk. You did a phenomenal job. As always amazing tunes as well.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Acid house needs a TB-303 to or at the very least an SH-101 to be actual acid (it's debatable I know tongue), because take away the TB-303 and keep the song structure the same, and you just have house left.  So, I don't personally see the problem with FM synthesis being a defining factor of a subgenre. But I think the distinction should be made that tempo, mood, tone, and song structure have more barring on what defines an actual genre in my mind at least. Also don't be upset when not as many people see your vision and it evolves into something different without your control.

On a more light hearted note, you should try to make some FMYNTH that sound like 'Richard Devine - Corina Chirac'  That would be sweet.


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Oh my goodness that is perfect for what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm trying to mobilize my dual NES setup. Currently I use two midines carts but I would love to just be able to cart switch and do some proper NES DJ'ing. Any chance you've released this version on Vegaplay for download?


(25 replies, posted in Audio Production)

godinpants wrote:

Guys, it's ok because little-scale made it better.

Classic Seb.
http://little-scale.blogspot.com.au/201 … otes1.html

Now that is sounding wicked. Like a nasty filter distortion almost. I enjoyed seeing the build process for the sound as well.

Cantor 2 by VirSyn is just as expensive but MAN is it good!

Sweet! Thank you all for the help. Filling the 256 with chr.bin 4 times does indeed work.

NES is such a strange little beast. Sometimes I never quite know what I'm going to get out it. It always seems to find a way to surprise me.

So I'm making a music cart for NES and my music is playing with no issues, but my graphics I had made for it are not showing up right. I get either black screen or some glitchy squares moving in time with the audio. Please let me know if you have a solution. Thanks.

Now I've read somewhere that using copy /b and actually merging 4 of the same 8K CHR.BINs into one larger CHR.BIN filling up the entire 32K space might work. Is that just being wateful? Should I just get some smaller chips, and are smaller sizes even compatible? I'm not to sure on the pinouts of 27C64s compared to the 256.