I downloaded it a while ago but forgot to post here saying that I was about to download it.
1,729 Jul 15, 2010 2:54 am
Re: CR3-1000: Chromix and Kris Keyser - Symmetry (7 replies, posted in Releases)
1,730 Jul 15, 2010 2:53 am
Re: 7.13 - CHIPTUNE 9 AT WONDER BAR [Allston, MA] (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
That video...
1,731 Jul 15, 2010 2:23 am
Re: 4mat - Decades (53 replies, posted in Releases)
When he decided to release his debut album at long last, and created the first trailer showcasing one of the tracks, I wasn't overwhelmed with the music I heard. It later grew on me, however, and I began to anticipate the album eagerly after I heard more previews.
Sounds like someone with poor taste that only got excited when he saw that everyone else was excited... i.e., a bandwagon rider.
I know, I know, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
1,732 Jul 14, 2010 4:31 am
Re: Dream Programs/apps for chip (105 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Did anyone mention a sequencer that allows you to make multiple patterns with Trippy-H and arrange them? Because that would be awesome. Currently I'd have to run Trippy-H patterns through a DAW and I wouldn't be able to save more than a few at a time on the cart... anyway it would be amazing!
1,733 Jul 14, 2010 4:27 am
Re: 8STATIC •7/10 • PHL• Neil Voss,Void Vision,Peter Swimm,Da Pantz,VBLANK (66 replies, posted in Past Events)
I completely forgot to mention that I brought 4 friends who had never been to a chip show before and every one of them enjoyed it.
Did anyone else get videos? Haven't seen any uploads yet
1,734 Jul 13, 2010 9:34 pm
Re: How did you get your name? (141 replies, posted in General Discussion)
It sounds French but means nothing at all
Cesque la vie!
1,735 Jul 13, 2010 4:42 am
Re: Want some free international exposure??? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have stylin' digital download cards that i'd LOVE to send you! let me put some together and ill mail em out.
I am so doing this... off to design a bunch of cards and get them printed
1,736 Jul 12, 2010 9:10 pm
Re: [NYC] Animal Style,Cheap Dinosaurs,Neil Voss+MORE - [7/16-17] ALL AGES (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
... apologies for the double post.
1,737 Jul 12, 2010 9:09 pm
Re: [NYC] Animal Style,Cheap Dinosaurs,Neil Voss+MORE - [7/16-17] ALL AGES (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
Aw, I will sadly be in Boston that weekend. I'm gonna be missing out on A LOT OF AWESOME. I hope someone can take some videos!
1,738 Jul 11, 2010 10:08 pm
Re: World Cup 2010 craze (211 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Aw you mad because Netherlands couldn't be bothered to score even once? I'm just glad it's over. Now I can get back on with my life.
1,739 Jul 11, 2010 10:07 pm
Re: WATCH BR1GHT PR1MATE TOTALLY SELL OUT ON NATIONAL TV (176 replies, posted in Past Events)
FOX's viewership is amazing. Truly one of the most culturally open-minded and well-spoken audiences on the planet:
FloridaJayHawk: my cat is howling at the tv - where is the gong? @claytonmorris #horrible #music @foxandfriends"
criekert: @foxandfriends Bright Primate was absolutely horrible. It actually made my teeth hurt.
Seriously, don't ever do that to the viewers again
tlbeman: @foxandfriends Are you guys kidding about this Bright Primate garbage? Its a joke right?
michaelwjones: @foxandfriends Ouch!!!!! Please never do that again! Horrible music. Otherwise I love Fox and Friends
Now now, don't get your panties in a bunch just because a bunch of baby boomers and cat lovers don't like your music. This would have been the same reaction for any electronic act invading their morning routine.
1,740 Jul 11, 2010 3:42 pm
Re: 8STATIC •7/10 • PHL• Neil Voss,Void Vision,Peter Swimm,Da Pantz,VBLANK (66 replies, posted in Past Events)
1,741 Jul 11, 2010 2:59 pm
Re: 8STATIC •7/10 • PHL• Neil Voss,Void Vision,Peter Swimm,Da Pantz,VBLANK (66 replies, posted in Past Events)
Got a video up during my recovery shake:
Only one I could get but I'll have some pictures up on Flickr soon
1,742 Jul 11, 2010 2:06 pm
Re: 8STATIC •7/10 • PHL• Neil Voss,Void Vision,Peter Swimm,Da Pantz,VBLANK (66 replies, posted in Past Events)
Thanks for letting us invade your stream for a minute!! I had a blast. Hope it sounded good enough..
Not quite as awesome as being there in person tho. See you all soon!
It sounded great actually! Too bad about the buffering, but everyone enjoyed it muchly.
1,743 Jul 10, 2010 7:33 pm
Re: 8STATIC •7/10 • PHL• Neil Voss,Void Vision,Peter Swimm,Da Pantz,VBLANK (66 replies, posted in Past Events)
Hey guys I have two questions:
- Is there a cover charge?
- Could someone write me in for the open mic? I might not be there before 7:30.
1,744 Jul 9, 2010 6:01 pm
Re: WATCH BR1GHT PR1MATE TOTALLY SELL OUT ON NATIONAL TV (176 replies, posted in Past Events)
Beverage wrote:Watch yourself though, you know how the chipmusic community gets all up at arms when you say even the slightest thing they don't like.
Yet the community apparently has no problem with making an appearance on one of the most despicable television channels around. We certainly do seem to have a fucked up set of priorities.
That's the point... it's ironic.