(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Wow, amazing job. A beautiful instrument, sensitively and meticulously captured.

I'm finding it seriously difficult to justify NOT buying it.

Check it out: I added a "Live Play" feature to the latest Beta.



(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Totally like-new condition, hardly ever used it (I convinced myself I could cope with the small piano keys but in the end I couldn't).

Would like to swap it for something interesting, doesn't really matter what as long as it's vaguely relevant.


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

herr_prof wrote:

Maybe intersted ina  trade?



(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

So, shall I start the bidding at one miiiiiiiiiiiiiiilion dollars?

(So tempting to spray it black and install the Ninja patches....LOL)


(5 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I'm glad the problem forced me to dig deeper into that side of Live - the internal routing stuff is extraordinarily powerful. I never tend to think of Live beyond sweet effects and the ability to work some kind of black magic with looping samples. It seems there's a whole other aspect to it that I've never noticed.



(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hardly used, mint condition, boxed with power supply and printed manual. I just don't use it, despite trying to incorporate it into my home setup several times. I guess it's more of a live instrument.

Hung on to it for years out of nostalgia but I think it's time to let it go to someone who'll put it to good use.

I have totally no idea what it's worth, hence the "possibly" in the title.



(5 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Not to worry, I found a really straight-forward explanation on the Sound On Sound website. Here's the relevant bit and a link to the whole article in case anyone else is struggling with that aspect.

Let's Get Multitimbral
In case you're wondering why I used Cakewalk's Rapture in the first example, it's because it has the 'Live mentality'. Rapture has six different 'elements' (basically, voices) that offer lots of looping and tempo-sync options, and can be set up for multitimbral operation so that each element receives data over a separate MIDI channel. When loaded into Live, this allows a variety of MIDI-based looping options that complement the way Live treats digital audio.

Anyway, taking advantage of this requires setting up Live for a multitimbral synth. In this instance, the 'MIDI + instrument' track becomes a kind of container for the soft synth, and is fed by multiple MIDI tracks (one for each channel you want to address). As an example, we'll set up Live to play back three MIDI tracks into Rapture elements one, two, and three, which are set to those respective channels.

Create the MIDI instrument track, which we'll call track one. I generally set this to No Input to avoid confusion, as I want to add inputs only from other MIDI tracks and create as many MIDI tracks as there are multitimbral channels to be driven. In this case, there are three. Set the input for each of these MIDI tracks as desired.

In each MIDI track's upper MIDI To field, select the track containing the instrument (in this case, MIDI track one).

In the lower MIDI To field, assign the MIDI output to the desired instrument channel (in this case channels one, two, and three for the three element channels). Now set the Monitor switches for the three MIDI tracks to Auto. If you record-enable a track, it will send the incoming MIDI data to the channel that you have just selected, and of course, you'll also be able to record this into the sequencer.

Now you can record as desired into the various tracks, and play them all back when completed into the MIDI Instrument track.

http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jul06/a … h_0706.htm


(5 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I thought I'd throw the question in here as there seems to be a broad range of knowledge on all sorts of software.

Is there a way, when using VST instruments in Ableton Live, to direct the MIDI "input" (I use inverted commas because it's an internal connection, of course) from Ableton to a specific MIDI channel in the plugin/VST?

I can see there are options like this for MIDI input to Ableton (you can set the input port and the input channel) but there doesn't seem to be corresponding filtering to the VST "bus".


(93 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

enso wrote:
Heosphoros wrote:

Neil Baldwin for some good Measure big_smile

Of course! My personal fav: http://grafiks.tumblr.com/post/14799683 … r-1992-via

You guys..... *blushes*



(20 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

MIDI/sync solution for the NES - NTRQ needs it! NEEEEEEDS.....

(ok a bit selfish but I get enough people asking me so it's definitely a wanted item....)


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I approached it from a different angle: I tried to run the Mac-built .exe on Windows (via Parallels Desktop) but it says "Program too big to fit in memory."

Maybe it doesn't work on Windows at all, just that the .exe on the filename makes you think it does?

egr wrote:

So it sounds like PSP isn't quite up to the task yet... recommendations for PC (I know Niel has been using Nestopia but that's Mac only afaik)?

Nestopia is not only on Mac, there's definitely a Windows version and (I think) Linux.

Alternatively, FCEUDX is very good.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was interviewed by Game Developer magazine at the end of last year. It was printed in the January (I think) edition.

It was specifically about Nijuu and NTRQ (briefly).


(36 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

bigchip wrote:

i know weird right. my guess is that its a mac compatable ap but it just gets named ppmck.exe when i made it. just call it from the command line like normal. its on the website to download.

That is the weirdest thing. The version I have has a windows-style executable (with .exe extension) and a unix-style one (with no extension). Both files are actually identical, just with different names. Both run on Mac or Windows!

I've never seen that before - can anyone shed some light on this?

Thretris: good work sir, good work!