xero wrote:
egr wrote:

What are the options for using this on hardware once it comes out?

i think its gonna be power pak or diy cart hax

what mapper is it running on?
if its 0, then the world will be set ;D

Ummmm...... MMC1

Do I win?

arfink wrote:

Homemade cart with EPROM- potentially the most available option. You can get donor carts and chips easily and cheaply. Heck, you can get ReproPaks and chips cheaply.

The idea of this is really exciting to me. Fingers crossed that it's doable big_smile

Once the Beta testing is out of the way we should talk more.

I think bunnyboy owes me a pint big_smile


(373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Flopps wrote:

What will the licence be like if there is one at all?

What is this licence that you speak of? smile

It'll be released under a "just be cool about it" licence. I'll be setting up a charity PayPal link on the website. It'll be for Cancer Research. Not totally altruistic as my mum has been fighting the disease for the last 3 years but it's a proper charity, all the same. The more cash it nets the more I'll be encouraged to develop NTRQ further.

Not sure what to do about the source code yet. I'll probably hold it back for a while and release it later.


(373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

herr_prof wrote:

Im calling it NYTROCK

That....that is raunchy!

So, "Nitro Queer" for the boys, "NYTROCK!" for the men....



(373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Beware wrote:

BTW, How do we pronounce "NTRQ?"  Nitrique?


En Track?

S'up to you. Maybe we should have a poll? smile

Actually it's a shrinking of the original name: N-Track. It was then NTRAQ because I thought the "Q" would be cool to have in a logo and also "Q" is a musical term. Then I ended shortening it because 4 letters is better. Probably.

Alternatively, according to one of our esteemed members it stands for "Nitro Queer" big_smile


(373 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

NTRQ website will be going live fairly soon. In the meantime here's one for your bookmarks;


(Some heathen is sitting on "ntrq.com" and demanding big dollar for it....)


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bleo wrote:
neilbaldwin wrote:

I've got loads!

pics or GTFO!  let's see them bones and clams already!

Hey dd!

I didn't realise that was you.

I'll try to take one later. You're not getting the whole arm though - it's still not finished!



(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've got loads!

I'm conflicted now because on the one hand I agree with the sentiment "take it somewhere else". But we do have a football thread and, well, that's about as low as it gets for me. But, each to their own. "Conflicted" because every time this subject gets raised anywhere on an internet forum, out come all the cliches and the tired arguments.

It seems to be uniquely a topic that people don't seem to be able to ignore. Kind of like Tourette's.

To the OP: don't listen to nay-sayers. It's your body, do whatever you like. We all end up as worm food or ashes, tattoos or not.

What you should do though is listen to advice from people who have tattoos and there's generally been good advice posted on here from those that do.

Chose your tattooist carefully. Really carefully.

Don't have one thinking "if i really don't like it I could get it removed" - ten times the money and ten times the pain.

Have fun - it's a great experience.

And to just dispel the most ubiquitous question you'll hear: "Urgh, tattoos? What will you look like when you're 70?" Well, wrinkly and piss-stained, much like you will.... smile


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't often click on linked videos but in this case I'm so glad I did.

Perspective-shifting, life-affirming greatness.


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

low-gain wrote:

guys... it's meant as an alternative for non-musicians. just those who want true .sid playback options on a real sid instead of buying the entire hardsid.

it's like an audiophile piece.. of course there's no vst support.

it's like buying a record player for  your record collection. in this case it's like buying a specific external Sound Card
for specific song format playback. "for the purists" so to speak.

Talk about face palm.. lol.. what'd u'd expect ? there to be a HUGE difference in cost simply because it could only fit 1 Sid instead of 4? hahaha
that's silly.


I'm just bitter because I want a HardSID, but no Mac support = no buy...



(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

low-gain wrote:

What would VST functionality add to it?

wouldn't that just be more of a Hardsid?

I used to have a 4 chip studio hardsid.. but he wouldnt' finish the damn plugin support for mac's. which is closing him out to A LOT of

I had a lot of cash waiting to buy one too but he said that there was no plan to support Macs.


Re. those new boxes - don't see the point. *shrugs*


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

arfink wrote:

NO! Don't put the AC from the standard NES power pak into the Famicom, you will fry the 7805 at least, since there is no onboard rectifier on the Famicom but there is one on the NES.

I can confirm this is bad.... sad

It's code dependent.

tepples posted a fix for this on nesdev;


I use his code to generate my pitch tables too and they're pretty spot on.

Of course, unless you are able to build FT it's not much use smile

smile thanks dude....

I think my brain is just fried today.

Plus the cat has managed to get itself locked in a neighbour's garage and they're not at home and are seemingly un-contactable so that's playing on my mind.

Plus I'm bowling in the league tonight and I'm well out of practice.

I probably need to put down the laptop for a while smile


Mid-way through the manual rewrite it occurred to me that there are some glaring inconsistencies (and downright stupidity) with how some of the effects are applied.

I'm now in the middle of redoing several of the pitch effects so that they are more "stackable".

I have no love for NTRQ at the moment.
