i find a lot of modern game boy music sad in an emotional way.
433 May 15, 2012 7:57 am
Re: what's the saddest most miserable chiptune that exists? (58 replies, posted in General Discussion)
434 May 15, 2012 6:36 am
Re: what's the saddest most miserable chiptune that exists? (58 replies, posted in General Discussion)
For not really chiptune but tracked music in general, stuff by lamb is nice and 'emotional'.
And I like cute little teddy by edzes as a song in which you can relate when a bit 'down-ish'. Very cute song.
435 May 14, 2012 8:11 pm
Re: What you listening to, what you into? (Chip-tech-talk) (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Currently listening a lot to: Children of Bodom, Weepies, Bach, Ludovico Einaudi.
And chipwise, inspiration comes from: Pink, Radix, Algar, Ultrasyd, moh, ghidorah, joule, dalezy, edzes, maktone, loonie, arachno, tao, zalza, 4mat, 505, blz, bliss, goto80, jazzcat, Jeroen Tel, lizardking, ogge, mosaik, xerxes, drax, curt cool, estrayk, rez, et cetera.
436 May 14, 2012 9:00 am
Re: Whats the story with the demo scene and open source? (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I always thought the scene was pretty open even though it doesn't look like from outside. Demoparties were and are the main places to learn how stuff is done by the masters themselves. You'd be surprised of how much you can learn at one.
Also, for these guys, back then, with a monitor cartridge, any demo was "open"
I guess the only difference now is that with the internet anyone can get the source, not just demoscene people.
Plus Git(hub) is a very awesome way to share projects, source and code in a branche/fork kind of way which makes the structure a lot more comprehensible. ^^
437 May 14, 2012 8:58 am
Re: Whats the story with the demo scene and open source? (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Farbrausch recently released all their stuff as open source lately anyway. I don't know if there was an open source demoscene movement before that, but I'm sure the trend spread after they did.
The trend kind of got set by them yes. And everybody loves it.
438 May 13, 2012 8:28 pm
Re: Tips for an Ep? (65 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Or just have fun making it, and don't really care what people think about it. Does it matter if it gets listened to a lot? Yeah it's fun, does it make making music less fun? Not it doesn't.
439 May 12, 2012 8:33 pm
Re: Anybody want to collab? (16 replies, posted in Collaborations)
my first album used modplug tracker, since then it has been >90% schism tracker with a handful of songs done in famitracker, a few in fl studio and some in the tool i wrote (sadly lost) Fsound.
i hope you find someone to collab with
I'd do a couple of songs for a split EP with MPT songs.
440 May 12, 2012 8:31 pm
Re: iYM2151 4 op FM for your iPad. (16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Nice but $35 for an app is a bit much imo.
441 May 11, 2012 9:29 pm
Re: [removed] (101 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Nice list idevourstatic.
442 May 11, 2012 9:27 pm
Re: Your total work time on LSDJ. (27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
2 hours, when I was happy with the result, my cart crashed, all data erased and I destroyed the cartridge with a big smile on my face.
443 May 11, 2012 9:25 pm
Re: [removed] (101 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My god, so many names I never even heard songs of in this thread.
Well, my top, in a nonparticular order.
Radix - Paul the Penguin
Tao - Intensity
Pink - 2 years crest
moh - pepparskakshus
444 May 8, 2012 7:04 pm
Re: Can we do periphery open mics during Blip Weekend? (18 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Maybe Tinfoilhatbrigade could pull out a 'busk' in front of the theater.
446 Apr 29, 2012 10:48 am
Re: File Formats You'd Like Bandcamp To Support (82 replies, posted in General Discussion)
sid, xm, mod, sng, it.
447 Apr 25, 2012 7:47 pm
Re: cool new game, and lottery to win an Atari Falcon (5 replies, posted in Atari)
448 Apr 25, 2012 7:45 pm
Re: What's your life outside of making chiptune? (235 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Studying web&mobile engineer. Currently in my third year, i'll get my PhD next year.
While doing a bit of studying I have my own company, I make websites, mostly work together with designers, where they design the actual website, I put it together and make a custom backend.
And when I'm not working I'm playing games on my PS3, just doing some internet stuff, reading books, drinking beer with friends, going to parties and hang with my GF and dog.