I already like the title.

which could of course be interesting, if you are into that whole distorted sound.


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Glitch Militia wrote:
Bit Shifter wrote:

I think the blue ones were Europe-only for some reason, so over here across the water we see them and instantly salivate.

Actually they where only released in Germany.

I've got a boxed blue gameboy that's Spanish...

-random deleted comment-


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

n00bstar wrote:

and these are 6-notes polyphonic analog synths made of wood, it's a brand new technology.

Yeah, but can you pro-sound them?

Apeshit wrote:
Teh D3th St4r wrote:

so who cares if I was wrong about soaking it for hours?

You were corrected because people will try it, and people have tried it.


pixls wrote:

sup, only ten days left on the pre-order, my original post is wrong, preorders are until the 28th,

also here's a picture of a cute girl wearing the tee after she shredded it up a bit

Which is cool, because I get paid on the 25th wink

also, free bump.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh right. I forgot to tell you:
I listened to the tracks. The neighbours liked it..
I hope.

Grymmtymm wrote:

don't know if you're up for trading, but I have a kaoss pro I barely use and have been thinking about getting rid of.

I noticed big_smile

thanks for the offer. The Pro is the green kaoss right?

I'm not really looking for a kaoss pad tho, too complex for me wink I'm more into the old drum machines etc. old synths and gaming systems.

but it never hurts to ask tho... What are you looking for in a trade?

Well, lets start with asking: what kind of Atari are you planning on using?

Enfy wrote:

I've never seen that box before

Me neither.. which probably makes it even more desirable for collectors wink

Chainsaw Police wrote:
xylo wrote:

I think Chainsaw Police just bought 3 t-shirts at Zara and then saw this thread.

it was an impulse purchase, okay?


walter b. gentle wrote:

r.i.p. pukeflytalker

Heh. big_smile

Chainsaw Police wrote:

dude, who gives a shit. people adopt artistic movements all the time. it doesn't mean it's "over" or anything.

grow up.

I wasn't taking it too serious... Just thought it was funny.
No need to get your panties in a knot.

Changed the OP, new gameboys and SGBs for sale smile

The text is quite ugly... Shiny black with white border that isn't quite centerd. In a font that doesn't look good on the shirt.

They would've been a lot better of they had better text design. Or no text at all.