So, a while back, I happend to be at a Zara store (because I work there), and it looks like Zara did for databending what Rihanna did to seapunk.

It's mainstream now people...

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

It should work.

Famous last words wink


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

This is already win for the artist name "Flying Locust"

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Pay for projobs, diy for shitty shit.

I paid a decent amount of money to Timbob for a glowing painted DMG and I cant ever regret it. I did a shelljob to one used dmg myself and I cant ever regrt it.

I agree wink

What I usually do is begin in a corner, put a razorblade under the whole film (make sure you get all layers)
and then just start peeling.

don't hold it and the end and start jerking tho. always grip as close to the screen as you can get, pull of a few mm and then regrip. I usually go round in circles.

as for the lines, that's the connector. maybe you pulled the screen up to high and the connector on the bottom got loose?

The principle of an RCA or a 1/4 jack is the same, you can swap them if you want. Just connect the ground to the ground and the signal to the signal pin.

Easy as pie smile


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ForaBrokenEarth wrote:

Big fan of the postal service. They were quite ahead of their time with Give Up, and they've always coloured my own approach to electronic music. Now that Give Up has had 10 years to percolate through peoples subconscious and owl city so successfully ripped them off a few years ago, we'll see how people react.

First time I heard an owl city song I thought: damn, postal service got really lazy.

Is there some sort of size chart? Because I kinda know that Americans and Europeans have a different opinion about what XL means wink

herr_prof wrote:

Just overcharge those guys, they all make way more than amercians anyways.,

What he said.

symaaawn wrote:

Will you later make them accessible for us living in Europe? smile

what he said


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

no problem. I'm sure somebody wants it eventually smile

It could be a mono with a switch.

Like the headphone connector is a stereo with a switch.

Usually stereo have 3 pins, that's right. But most of the time they are in a row. This one has a pin on the side wich is a bit weird.

It could also be shield indeed.

So. The lady might well be correct wink


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've got this one...


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If you give me a few days...
I got the parts laying here, haven't gotten to making them yet tho. … er_Gameboy
