My two cents: those SFX commodore expansions are total balls. I remember using a few in the mid-90's and it's nothing a casio can't do. Not worth the trouble IMHO.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Since no one else can be bothered with my nullsleep jesus request, I'll do it myself:



(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nonfinite wrote:

I'm recalling a discussion I had in New York several months ago:

I was discussing the pool of chipmusicians, chipmusic fans, etc., and someone brought up an observation 8bitweapon had made about how he saw numbers on his CD sales (or something similar, I can't recall exactly what it was) that pointed to the fact that there were likely quite a few people out there that have an interest in chipmusic, yet choose not to join in on discussion at the forums, compose music, purchase wares from the myriad of shops available that cater to our wants and needs, etc.

I'm curious if any of you have considered this invisible, silent group, and, if so, how large you think it is compared to the outspoken group we have here and elsewhere on the interwebs, percentage-wise.

Can I get an epic, nullsleep jesus facepalm up in this bitch?



Interesting side-note: links to now.

Don't forget, the deadline is tomorrow!

Needs more hi-hat.


Oh, and feel free to PM me if there are still unresolved torrent issues. I know how quickly these threads fill up with "DUDE WTF!!?"

I'm glad to assist!

Try stopping/starting them whenever you have the chance. We've had issues with torrents in the past and these are no exception.

People are seeding, sometimes you just need to wiggle them around a little.

Hey everyone,

To celebrate our fourth vinyl release we're setting ALL of the downloads associated to our bandcamp profile to FREE until November 1st. Tell a friend!

Some of these include files for remixing and are limited to 500 a piece, so get on it while the getting is good..

Consider this a HUGE thank you for supporting "trailing-edge" music!

Nah, I was joking. I'd rather play Australia than a good majority of the places I can think of.

Remind me to NEVER fucking play Australia, EVER.

Originally the plan was to register there, however this is very easy to keep track of as well. If you'd like to register, feel free.

So yeah, posting here counts too! Keep 'em coming!


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Wisconsin represent!


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Your momma is so fat, she walked past the tv and I missed four episodes.

Your momma is so ugly, she went into a haunted house and came out with a job application.

Here's one I remember from the playground:

Your momma is so dumb, she went to see the movie "Juice" and brought a cup.

We at Radiograffiti are in something of a dilemma and need your help. We have a few potential candidates for artwork related to Hexadeci's "Alone In The Dark E.P." and, well, we cannot decide on what to choose. We were set to go forward with artwork from resident artist Nova!Cain, but when Hexadeci saw the work provided he decided he could do better and create his own. This would usually be a risky move, but considering Hexa is an animator by day we knew he'd provide something worthwhile.

Posted below are the three different options available. The first group is the art from Hexadeci, unedited. The second group is the artwork edited and adjusted by Ty Stagediver. The third group is artwork created by Nova!Cain and Ty. If you need help choosing, visit our front page at and check out the A/B sides: A-Alone In The Dark / B-Swiss Yodelcore in the music player on the sidebar. A poll will be posted very shortly and voting will last until Monday, the 18th. Until then, check it out and tell a friend.


We are now also including a 7" giveaway! A winner will be selected at random to receive all four of the previous Radiograffiti releases, as well as the Hexadeci 7" before it is released! Some of the releases are in *extremely* low quantities, so this very well may be the last time to get your hands on them. The winner will be chosen, announced and notified via PM on Tuesday the 19th. Visit for details.

Hexadeci's Artwork:





Hexadeci's Artwork (Ty's Edit):





Nova!Cain/Ty's Artwork:



