so wait do you think he's going to make a sticker out of your avatar or what

Everytime I start reading one of these interviews, the unrelated pictures put me off and I stop.

Seriously what's up with those?


write original songs

yeah i just went on google, if there's 6 wires there's 720 possible combinations. I can't remember if there's only 5 in there or what

Endgame wrote:

Would it be possible to brute-force the right connections?

what does this mean


(22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

You'd think if you raised 15k through kickstarter you could afford a better website than this

I like how quickly this went from "fuck the guy that wrote that article" to "fuck everyone for not agreeing with me or my tone"

Didn't we?

I just think it's ridiculous to bump a 2 week old thread to complain multiple times when you clearly know how to use the edit function

hey man


(20 replies, posted in Collaborations)

thebitman wrote:

It's been nearly a month since the first post, when can we expect to see the game released? smile

games take a while


(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

for what you want it sounds like you should be loading 9 samples without creating any instruments

cause i dont have any friends?

although honestly for me it's more like "how many of your friends also signed up to cm.o"