so like 180? that's as slow as i usually get


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the IRC room now is mostly notifications of people signing in or out, and ioflow trying to start conversations

Grymmtymm wrote:

this may sound dumb, but: what is meant by 'computationaly cheaper' ??

i think it means it takes less processing power/ram/rom whatever.

cause saw toms sound like shit


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

wait wait can they put lsdj on it without a license


(22 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

it'll be okay


(23 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

herr_prof wrote:

ive found that your groove can become fucky by doing the live mode one channel only thing versus muting the other channels in regular song mode.. especially for projects under heavy load. Even multitracking muted channels synced to an external clock "feels" different to me than just recording a stereo mix. Am I just being crazy?

Weird, I usually do something similar to live mode (start an empty row above the song and put a one phrase chain in front of the channel i'm recording) so that the CPU can focus entirely on one channel. cause when you solo a track, everything is still happening, just at 0 volume.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Frostbyte wrote:

people don't like them because they're big.

a) they're garbage

b) if a band is big, it means they appeal to a wide audience, and the majority of people are stupid, so they're still garbage


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

in high school p.e. this one dude called me and my friends linkin park cause we were 3 white dudes and a mexican dude


(50 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

oh cool


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Theta_Frost wrote:

You can have my EMS 32 cart if you can just back it up for me.  ANYONE PLEASE! X_X

i'll be able to eventually, need to send the hard drive for this old laptop to o2star so he can fix it. i've been avoiding my 32meg carts to make sure nothing happens to the battery til i get them backed up.

whatever y'all can eat a rhino dick


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

someone explain to me why a bleepbloop is better than a usb 64m ems cart


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

music is over let's just consume everything as quickly as possible


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wait no i dont. maybe. i dunno anymore.


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i like breakcore