Under wraps since 2009, this thing is FINALLY out. GET IT. Artwork by minusbaby!
41 artists come together for a bit of a who's who compilation in chip. Game Boy, Master System, NES, Game Boy Advance, Amiga, MSX, PSP, Atari, and who knows what else make up the tracks on this monster. I'm trying really hard to hype this thing up but I'm not good at it. It is awesome, you can listen to it on bandcamp and then realize it is awesome.
Data DVD version comes with
- Full compilation in both MP3 and WAV format
- Bonus modules / files:
-- 2 famitracker files from Baron Knoxburry and Zan- Zan-Zawa-Veia
-- 4 nsf files from Alex Mauer, Baron Knoxburry, Heosphoros and MisfitChris
-- 1 octamed mod from CCDM
-- 1 LSDJ Player ROM, which includes the tracks from BSK, Maru303, Nordloef and Saskrotch (special rom lovingly created by Nitro2k01)
-- 1 Korg DS10 .sav from Receptors
-- 8 .lsdsng files from Wizwars - Game Boy Rock!! (HHH-04)
- Stickers from Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou, Handheld Heroes, Hexawe, and Saskrotch
- A free download code for I Wanna Hold Yr Handheld donated by Receptors / 8-Bit Ops,
- Copies of The Secret Guide to Gameboy Music and The Piggy Tracker Pocket Guide written by starPause.
Seriously, Nitro2k01's rom is amazing. My word!
So yeah, let's start sexing one another to this.