
(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

also does anyone else think it's hilarious that this thread is being taken so seriously even though it's called Popularity Contest?


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

herr_prof wrote:

Some kind of music discovery system would be badass. Considering that huge companies where people are getting paid to develop it for years and years and they still kinda suck may mean that its beyond the abilities of our friendly volunteer dev community.

I am totally against any sort of rating, grading, points or whatever system. The internet has proven time and time again it cannot handle this sort of focused famehunt, and its way too easy to be the target of trolling, e-meltdowns and bad feelings. To me chipmusic.org is an enthusiasts website to discuss the creation, performance, r+d ends of the scene, etc and meeting like minded people.

The minute you start cherry picking people as being better using some arbitrary system (the QFS at its best, elitism at its worse) or some fake democratic method (that's going to be gamed by by people using the methods stated before or even just by people who got nothing better to do than camp online and endlessly debate) you are going to get hurt feelings and people who either feel left out, or feel they need to endlessly play the "emperor has no clothes" card and point out that someone is only popular here because they have friends.

I know to a lot of you youngsters that cm.o seems old and cranky, but please remember that lots of the people who started this community and post here have lived both sides of the results of the discussions about stuff like this, and talked about it, over and over for the last 3,5,9,15 years.

Newcomers should strive for personal satisfaction in their music first and foremost, and worry later what a scene of 500+ chips musicians tops think. CM.o is the not the be all end all springboard to internet fame, and to put that kind of pressure on it inst really fair to anyone.

this guy knows what he's talking about


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

blackchip wrote:

I should have probably elaborated better,

I was trying to ask basically for help with integrating theory with LSDJ,

I understand scales and basic chord progressions,

but I'm not sure how to implement them in LSDJ.

so basically you're looking for an LSDJ tutorial, and not music theory at all


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

learning music theory has pretty much nothing to do with learning how to use LSDJ. it's like music philosophy, not programming knowledge.


(51 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

there was talk back in the day about how the pocket drains a cart's battery quicker, but that might've just been with the 32mb EMS carts.

also, i'm pretty sure the pocket has less processing power than a DMG. most of the tracks i write on DMGs end up slowing way down on a pocket, if not crashing.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oooohhhhoho snap!

Auxcide wrote:

Somebody help this guy, quick!!!


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

alright, i'm not reading through 6 pages of this but:

if you're looking for new artists, go through the uploads and click on someone you haven't heard of

i don't get why this is so hard

MegaMantra wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

i mean shit, what the am i supposed to say when someone asks how to buy some shit that hasn't been made in years?

Granted, they haven't made DMG's for years.

where do i get one

Je Mappelle wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

i mean shit, what the am i supposed to say when someone asks how to buy some shit that hasn't been made in years?

you dont have to post in every thread dood

i will and do post in every thread

i mean shit, what the am i supposed to say when someone asks how to buy some shit that hasn't been made in years?

there's a section for upcoming shows, and a search function.

in japan via a time machine?

yes, we have.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i've started messing around with SNES soundfonts but haven't really finished anything yet. right now i'm working on a game soundtrack that's a mix of those SNES soundfonts and Famitracker.