(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zaxxon wrote:

This offer is now closed, Ive already found someone who's willing to give me two of his greyboys.


fuck yah!


(15 replies, posted in Past Events)

boaconstructor wrote:



That is pretty hilarious but I did totally need it explained to me hmm


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Let me look I think I have two laying around
You are US based correct?


(15 replies, posted in Past Events)

boaconstructor wrote:



Anyway I would love to catch these guys.


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dire Hit wrote:
thebitman wrote:

No, I am not telling him to do exactly what you are doing. Mother of god, you are like 15 and you just want to feel like you know something and you HURT this scene by spreading misinformation.

Well this is the first time I've been embarrassed to be 15.

Don't worry. You grow out of it.   Hell I make my wife embaresed all the time and I'm 35


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Bit wish wrote:
H0bla wrote:

@ Bit Wish, I get your point. Im gonna try to get LSDj soon so I can get started. But as I said before, it's not too easy to get those Flash Cards and stuff like that in here.. So I need to wait few weeks to get even started..

You should download bgb and i can pm you my lsdj log on code if you want.


you realize this would be piracy correct? 
helpfully meant or not its still not something the community condones.


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Catf1sh wrote:

Don't bother with LSDJ, do all your music with shitwave. Only shitwave. Or, if you wanna be really hardcore, don't even bother with a gameboy.  Buy a top of the line PC and ableton live, and take shitty midi's of pop songs from the 80's and run them through the magical8bit plugin.

you had me at shitwave

That video was really fun


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

price is amazing as well.  MSRP around 4k. 

i've been hanging around modular forums for two years now and i've never even heard of an easel selling let alone thought i'd have an eventual chance to get one.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Buchla remaking the Music Easel is pretty awesome as well.

Bit wish wrote:

OK guys lets keep this on topic.

Lol. Going off topic is always the good part!   God mom you ruin everything!

*Slams door behind him and pouts in his room*


(63 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

e.s.c. wrote:

ms20 mini, do want... its mini-keys for sure... but eh.. its a monosynth with midi, how much do you really need for the keys to be good?

To be fair it's pretty limited midi.  This beast is made to be played and tweaked.


(63 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Word on the patch storage.

MS-20 looks dope as hell.  The orginal was not volts per octave like modern modular stuff but hertz per octave and i guess the triggers on the orginal were funky to interface with other modular stuff.  no biggie though there are always workarounds.

there are also the new pittsburgh modular cases and modules.


(32 replies, posted in Releases)

DataFix wrote:
Bit wish wrote:

I name all my songs (well the demo names) by the amount of songs. So my first project was called 1, second one was called 2 and so forth. i think im on 42 right now.

Will you always do that? 'Cause if you wanted to send your demos to a label, i'm sure they'd want creativity in your track names and not just numbers.. Just a thought.

boy if there is a label that finds names more important than the music i wouldn't really want to hear anything they've put out.

defPREMIUM wrote:

oh ok nvm then

whoops i was trying to agree with you...

defPREMIUM wrote:

it is best to just find a few people you like and become friends with them- then learn from them.. on a site like cm.o there are so many individuals who are not invested in one another, so why should anyone give a crap?

i like cm.o because there are loads of useful tutorial threads by some talented guys, but those threads function more as articles than personal advice.

also, there are so many different styles of chip on here (which is fine) that i rarely get relevant feedback.. people always tell me to give my music a "harder beat", but they do not make the kind of music i am interested in making. and so, i have stopped putting music on here and instead just show my music to just a few people who are better than me and who i actually like and care about. it's a lot better and i have learned much more that way.

i heart cm.o- don't get me wrong. but i think people need to be careful about what they expect to receive from this site.. otherwise they might get disappointed.

i as well don't post a ton of music on here tbh and the stuff i do is pretty far removed from a lot of people on here.  but i've always enjoyed hearing what they have to say about what i've done.   

i have no expectations and its met them pretty well honestly.