(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

George wrote:

Semi-retro computing + unix-likes : Dell 133 lappy running on FreeBSD, clamshell iBook running on Debian, and an iLamp (G4 iMac) that I wanna dualboot OS X / Fedora. Why? BECAUSE.

I'm not a fan of video games in general, but I could play Soul Calibur II and/or Bushido Blade I or II 24/7.

Doctor Who obsessed.

And finally, I don't know if it counts as "nerdy", but I own 15+ different red lipsticks. And I definitely need more. Can never get enough.

Oh and I use to play in a Cyberpunk LARP.
I've read the whole (original) Dune Saga at least 5 times.

frank herbert is so good but damn his shit gets out there by the end of the series.

greensalves is awesome but got crappy when turned into a full length book.  his eco sci fi is awesome as well, weird but awesome.


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)

holy shit.  that looks just like the subaru we had that's engine just blew up. 

reading sci fi and fantasy exclusively and getting into detailed conversations about it

also RDE wins


(112 replies, posted in General Discussion)


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

to re-cap

comp will be released shortly

there will be a limited run of physical copies

this was communicated poorly causing some people to ask to have their work removed.

closing thread.


(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Drink scotch with me Heo!

I've got a bottle of laphroig at home.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Plink wrote:

wow..guys...hold onnnn.....
let's get things straight.....because the last thing I want and need is to get misunderstood and have people think that i'm trying to make profit of others work!!!!

First of all, I started error code 2 years ago, in order to "promote" the chiptune and circuit bent scene in Greece, where almost noone knew anything about it. It started with my own expenses, and I never tried to make even 1 euro from it. I've organized 6 events so far, and I've brought a couple of times people from abroad. I always try to make events with free entrance (or with a minimal fee if I have to pay the venue)....so far I have paid more than 500 euros from my own pocket, just to organize events, pay for domain/host, pay for other expenses like posters etc etc...and I never asked to make 1 euro.

Secondly, concerning releases, I've made 5 releases so far, 4 are of greek artists of which I also made limited (50-200 copies) physical cdr releases.
However, even though I paid most of the expenses on my own (in some cases artists also contributed in the expense), I never even tried to get my money back.....and still haven't started to sell cdrs online, we sell only in events and so far we got back around 30% of the initial investment for each cdr release. I believe that the above facts are solid proof that at least I, and consequently error code, are not in it for any kind of profit.

Finally, concerning the detuned compilation.
I actually got involved after the tracks were ready and themistogles needed someone to release it.
However, I remember reading on the initial post, as already mentioned, that the guys who started the comp wanted to make a physical release also.
I don't know exactly what was said and done on the beginning, but I guess anyone who submitted tracks also read about the possible physical release.

In any case to make things straight, I never intended to make a profit from the comp.
The mp3 version of the compilation will ofcourse be available for free download through error code server, for ever!
The physical release, which would be limited (number would be decided after the final cost estimation), would be sold for a minimal amount.
My first estimation on the price was around 7-8 euros shipped for everywhere in the world).

Let's now analyze the cost of a DIY physical release.
Each compilation would require: 2 cdrs, printing materials, case materials, time + effort for creation, cdr duplicating devices, packaging materials and postage cost.
If you add everything up...you need for all the materials/printing cost around 2 euros + 1 euro for packaging materials + 3-5 euros for postage costs (depending on country)....
if you know some preliminary maths you would see that the cost might add up to 8 euros....without charging anything for all the time and effort I would have to offer to make everything possible.....
so, who can you see a profit here?

The idea was to sent only 1 free copy to each contributor -  -  because there would be no profit....in fact i'm actually paying more than I would ever get from this compilation....
imagine that just for sending 1 free copy to 20 people ...means around 80-100 euros that I have to pay from my own pocket....just for postage costs to the people who contributed.....
And even if I sold the physical release for 9 euros...and make 1-2 euros profit...it would need more than 60-70 cdrs sold, just to get back the money I would spent to sent 1 free cd to all contributors....

I really don't appreaciate people jumping around and accusing me without knowing what the situation is....especially when the discussion is about money....and when in reality i'm actually paying more than I would ever get, without ever asking anything in return.....!!!!

Low-gain, I'm sorry but there's no money for anyone here.....
I'm not doing this for the money, i'm doing this just because I like it ....!!!!
Noone ever mentioned a profit...before you did....
I don't like the whole issue here.....and I hate having to be apologetic without a proper reason....

I'm sorry all this had to go out in public...but I got really frustrated when I read today's discussion and whining in the thread...and I wanted to clarify things for everyone interested.......

the worst thing for me in life is when you make effort for a common cause...without any self interest...and in the end....someone blames you for whatever issue...pffff....blew this....

To be honest, I'm not in the mood now to work anymore on this ....but I know cancelling the whole thing would be lame....
soooo.....since I have also other things going on in my life...and finding time to work for this release wasn't the easiest thing....i'm stopping all efforts for the physical release....

I'll upload the compilation  later on error code...and whoever wants can go  download it for free.......

lowgain, if you want your track out of the online version of the comp...just let me know....

thanks for the breakdown.

i honestly have no problem with someone who has put in such a shit ton of effort to make a bit for all the time and energy put into it.

is this something that is being done to buy a new car?  fuck no.  honestly they'll be lucky to afford a box to piss in let alone a cup of coffee.

so i don't see profits as bad, in fact i would be surprised if someone undertook an effort like this and didn't hope to make a profit.
i don't see the profit as being monetary, no way, look at the effort and time involved in projects like this.  now look at what the monetary profits are going to be.  now figure what you're getting a hour.  yah sucks for them eh?

so no way are people doing this for money, but instead a labor of love in which they intend to profit in less tangible way.  exposure for a net label is one i for one had never heard of error code before this (not that i know squat about netlabels), more important is that warm glow you get reading the reply from someone who says "hoy fucking awesome! thanks guys"

anyway i personally consider this to be a nonstarter and not of consequence

just go to garage sales till you find one of these

or if you can't wait you can buy one from here like my cousin did


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i'm pretty sure i submitted for this.

i really can't recall hmm

hope i did


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

man i love that thing heart

jefftheworld wrote:
rumpelfilter wrote:

great project! Finally an intelligent use of those plastic guitars! Isn't it a bit limiting to have only a handful of buttons?

It can be, but you can get pretty creative with how to use the guitar.  It does also have a two-axis tilt sensor that could be used for controller effects, filters, scales, etc.  It's more difficult if you want to use it as a fully featured perfrmance tool, but you can do a lot if you just want to add something interesting to your songs or performances.

i liked this one

http://www.onetonnemusic.com/mt-static/ … o_con.html

the guitar zero guys are tops though

http://createdigitalmusic.com/2008/06/0 … nths-more/

http://theguitarzeros.com/use_guitar_he … rument.php

"Fretbuzz" is the name of our software, written in the Max/MSP
programming environment.  Max/MSP makes it easy to read the button
states of joystick controllers, and then make sounds in response to
various button combinations. The 5 "fret" buttons can certainly
represent more than just 5 sounds: there are 32 combinations of those
buttons that can be used however you like.   Fretbuzz assigns the
first 4 buttons to represent 16 different pitches in a particular key,
with the 5th button reserved for arbitrary purposes like pitch
transposition, for example.  Finally, the flipper is used to trigger
the sound, much like a guitarist's plectrum plucks the strings.
Further signals from the start/select buttons and tilt-sensors can be
interpreted to varied musical effect.

ah i see.

yah the terminologies totally shitty

external prosound?

looks like its inside the gameboy to me??!?

whoa.. damn

though i bet if you had one mailed to you from someone in the US especially if you took it out of its package it would slip through the dragnet

that will make things more expensive and annoying for you guys


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so you are french!!!

i knew it..


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

holy fucking awesome.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)


this just went up on CDM
http://createdigitalmusic.com/2010/07/2 … ntrol-free

i thought that ipad stuff used OSC? 
so everything gets timed stamped way more efficient than MIDI from what i've read.

never played with it yet though.