Yea I set up the log stuff when I first noticed the problem.

Right now I don't have any other midi devices with me to test out but I'll have some to play with this weekend but judging by the current testing I've done the outcome should be the same.

I'll look for the midi clock disable, thanks!

So I just got a GP2X a few weeks ago and made a piggy=>midi box from the kit.
Put everything together, tested sync, works awesome.

Now for the problem:
Recently I started doing note output to my Midibox SID from Piggy and it seems to start skipping/garbling note messages after 10 minutes of running flawlessly. Running 16th notes it'll start skipping one in every 16 or so then it just progresses to get worse and worse sometimes triggering wrong notes. If I had my arduino I'd test the serial output but I don't have that luxury right now and I figured I'd try here to see if anyone has any idea what could be happening.

Things that are definitely not the issue:
The midi cable: I've used it with a different sequencer and the Midibox SID which also rules out the Midibox SID as the cause of the issue.

Here's what I've tried:
1) Tried using only MIDI with no samples.
2) Started piggy using "./lgpt.gpe > midiout.log 2>&1" with no luck.
3) Installed the newest ghetto build with no luck.
4) Downgraded firmware with no luck.
5) Installed Open2x firmware (why the hell not) with no luck.

I don't think it's a problem with the Piggy=>MIDI since it works flawlessly for 10 minutes and then goes to shit after that. Almost exactly at the 10 minute mark the last 2 times when playing a short loop over and over (so weird).

Restarting Piggy when the issue occurs doesn't fix the issue but restarting the console does.

Any insight is highly appreciated.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Midibox sid controlled by piggy?

Yep, had some issues at first with the most recent LGPT version missing note on messages but the ghetto build works fine oddly enough.

arfink wrote:

Nice shoebox. big_smile

It was my only shoebox wide enough for the mixer and Midibox SID to both fit.

George wrote:

Your son is so gonna get shoop'd by the Aussies.

I'm not as good as the Aussies. Mai furst fotoshoop!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My most recent setup but missing cables and piggy=>midi box... Subject to change.


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Codice! wrote:

From the words of Yahoo. " The GeoCities service is no longer available, but there's a lot more to explore on Yahoo! "

Yep, and 8bc is down. Your question has been answered!


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What's wrong with


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My friend's cat at the place where I'm currently couchsurfing. She never meows, she's tiny, and isn't a bitch. Best cat ever.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

I really quite enjoyed this, great electronics tracking and vocals reminiscent of ATR. I seriously thought I would puke next time I heard a cut up amen break but apparently I was wrong. Everything just works so well together. Definitely an unexpected surprise at 6 in the morning haha. A+++ Will listen again.


(37 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Only 1 Medium shirt left over here. Pickitup pickitup pickitup </ska>

The ustream audio was awesome. It was great hearing Dot.ay and Hunz for the first time, totally blown away.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This same sort of thing happens with lots of brands. Drinks, food, apparel, whatever. My friend's band was sponsored by Red Bull and just got shipped cases of it wherever they were on tour. No obligations to promote Red Bull and the most that probably happened was they were put on a list of bands that Red Bull sponsored.

Free food is HUUUUGE when you're on tour, doesn't matter if it's Taco Bell or whatever. If you're broke and can barely make gas money you will eat free Taco Bell even if it means suffering the afterstench in a van with 7 dudes (had to deal with Taco Bell consequences even though we had to pay for it).

Does anyone actually think being sponsored is selling out? Come on now, we all love free shit.


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:

unless you're just playing to other chip guys you will probably need something on stage to distract from ze fact you're standing there with a gameboy

False. Some of the best shows I played were to a completely non-chip crowd with no visuals or anything, just me with a DMG in live mode while parameter fucking.

pixls wrote:


It's much better than quitting.


invaderbacca wrote:

Maybe next month we can get more keg dancers and won't have to put hats on them in post.

010th anniversary wooo!!!! Fucking hell yea!