Well, it's been an interesting month to say the least, but here we are, and here's the comp:
Please inform me of any errors that you might find in spelling, punctuation, title, credit, etc.
Also, something that was unfortunately called to my attention during this process; if you hear your music, or music that you recognize as that of another artist with the wrong name attached, inform me asap. I haven't heard every obscure demoscene comp or mid-2000's LSDJ ep out there, so fill me in if there seems to be something fishy.
Putting that aside, listen to the comp for happiness and excitement!
Read the .txt for more fun and enjoyment!
We did it together.
- Imaginary
I have an idea. The title really says it all. I want to curate an open (web based) mixtape featuring music made in 2015. Also, reading the "Can I interview you?" thread was pretty interesting. I feel like people are looking for an outlet to express themselves outside of music 'round here. Therefore the tape will include a written portion. It'd be best if it included notes on the song, (Gear/recording process maybe? We all like that stuff.), and why you chose it to represent your output in 2015, but there are no rules regarding this part of the entry except for general content, etc. Use your judgement.
Anyone can contribute as long as:
1. The music includes elements of chip/tracking/vintage electronics/etc. and is an original work created in 2015. (No covers please.)
2. You provide original text to accompany the song.
Since there are no physical copies planned there will be no limit to submissions, but for general courtesy it would be best if the track you chose to submit not be overly long. That said, I'll take whatever you throw at me. The audio submissions will receive some very light mastering, (basically just volume normalization, so send tracks in the state you want them to appear on the finished product.), and then I'll assemble them into a track order. The text aspect of the project will be formatted into a .txt file and be bundled with the audio on the IOUT bandcamp.
Also, art? If you make art and would like to contribute album art, by all means do so.
Submissions go to: imaginary.chipmusic(at)gmail.com
Submissions close on January 1st 2016. (Submissions are closed.)
(Obviously the finished product will always be free.)
(Tracks submitted to this comp do not need to be exclusive.)
(Due to content concerns, text should be in English, please.)
(We'll all be happiest if tracks are submitted in 16b .wav format.)
Confirmed Submissions:
BUS Blanchie
Conquer Monster
Florian Olsson
Half A Person
Imaginary (It's me lol.)
irrlicht project
Lack Of Sound
Laffe the Fox
Marshall Art
Nostalgic Story
Paralax Sound Systems
Popsicle Theory
Power Supply
Sonus Silver