(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you have arthritis, glaxxo-smith-kline has tried to sell you drugs using clips of my first album as app nav sounds.
I do web stuff and master records to avoid starvation; two degrees down the hole.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

From another dude name Aaron with a gratifying yet useless degree in music composition, for the love of god no.
Just get yourself a CS degree and make wordpress front ends like the rest of us.

how about just riffing on your first two chords like it's star wars.
(ps: d minor, first inversion. F4-D5-A5, so that the root is a 5th below your C chord)

edit2: though we all think in sharps, it helps to think of your middle chord as Bb major.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

source only format  (.IT x 31, 4.2 mb / 84:33 )



(5 replies, posted in Releases)

The missing gap in the proswell discography between buttercrumbtoast and his merck debut konami!
This set of towel_ modules files, which I snatched off of his xoom.com page, caused me to stalk him in the late 90s until we became good friends.

I'm very happy this material is finally released! Source files included.


sabi - colorblind (2001)
http://eerikinpujsound.com/legacy/relea … puj033.zip

i'm down. [edited for idiocy]


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

oh snap. why have i never thought of this before?
i do enjoy being able to see 24 channels horiz. on my LCD though.

thanks for bringing this to my attention, i'm all over it!
providing a tutorial is very considerate as well.

for those who care about such things, i found the last version of FMC before the project was abandoned.
i would absolutely suggest grabbing ant1's archive first, though.

egr wrote:

2.  Share source files!  Hell, share your music music as source files ONLY.  This is something that really needs to come back hard.  Except for Hexawe who've kept the torch burning bright.  heart


ilkae - pistachio island (99-01)
http://eerikinpujsound.com/legacy/INPUJ … tachio.rar

ilkae - bring extra dragons (01-02)

ilkae - stained glass pinata (03-04)
http://eerikinpujsound.com/legacy/subdo … sn/666.rar


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

I absolutely love this material. A++++++

I got into tracking during the DOS years, so the rigid re-defining of the word "chiptune" has seemed really strange to me.

For me, it's more of a musical form with tropes/conventions and a limited sonic palette than anything hardware-defined.
Whether the limited sonic palette in a chiptune comes from hardware choices, software limitations, or user-made choices doesn't seem all that important to me.

I understand the logic in approaching chiptune from a modern interpretation of the term (hardware = real, software = fake), but very few artists are interacting with their hardware without a software interface; one likely installed on a modern personal computer and written by somebody else.

A lot of the innovative programming stuff that people tout as the "legitimizing factor" of hardware in this debate has been very much present in all forms of tracker music: it stems from clever people using a software interface.

To some people, the hardware/software/means of production seem to be of paramount importance - almost to the point where this "legitimacy" concern presides over any consideration of the musical content. I would strongly caution against this attitude, simply because there is so much good stuff out there made with sample-based trackers. The "pushing the envelope" factor was even more prevalent, I would argue, from a user input/pattern data standpoint. Since music was always released as source files, there was a constant incentive to show off your tricks to the rest of the community: be it for scene cred or motivated by good natured one-up-manship.

Is all mod/s3m/xm/it stuff "chiptune"? Not by a long shot.

Back then, it seemed to me that people were more interested in producing music that _didn't_ sound like it was made in a tracker. People would stem out tracks just to add DSP and hide the typical sonic traits associated the format. (ie: add reverb)

Was there a massive amount of legitimate chipmusic made using these formats? Absolutely.

Broadband and the sudden viability of 5mb music files (mp3s) changed a lot of this, mostly by eliminating file size concerns for PC-based tracker music outside of a demo/compo setting, as well as effectively killing the tracker scene as musicians switched to releasing in .mp3 format.

Nobody cared about tracker music at all in 2004: It had faded into contemporary electronic music seamlessly. (Huge generalization)
What put it back on the map was stuff like nanoloop and LSDJ - new software platforms developed for previously underexploited hardware.

People often forget that the "chip" in "chiptune" never used to refer to an actual hardware component.
It _definitely_ does nowadays.
This gradual shift in meaning over the last 10 years or so seems to be the at the root of all of these debates.

I fucked up my SMMM cart and recorded this in less time than it took me to write this post. 100% legit, 0% talent. (At least on my end.)


Hey, at least it's not fakebit, amirite? (Thanks, Baldwin, now I can make fake "realbit")
Check out that dirty line noise smile

There doesn't need to be a debate at all, in my opinion.
People using trackers to make music: awesome.
People developing new tracker software: awesome.
People expanding the range of legacy hardware that music can be written for: awesome.

It's all good.


(66 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

i fool around with it, but have yet to come up with any neat techniques that i haven't seen others do better.
bending images with an audio editor, you have to be reaaally subtle. often, i just get garbage (or break the file header).
i suspect if i looked more into the data structure of the image formats in question, i might get further

Saskrotch wrote:
MostNoble9 wrote:

I literally only use these VSTs...


don't be knocking pliant's VSTs! they've been around forever (like 12+ years) and are a lot of fun! the step-sequencer fx modules can be a total blast when playing live. (edit: i understand how absolutely ridiculous it is to be using peach as your "chip VSTi" in 2013, though)

egr wrote:

Also, and I'm guilty of this too, saying "just samples" ignores a huge chunk of chiptune history... hell, "chiptune" as a word originally referred to using small single-cycle SAMPLES.  Also, Fast Tracker II ... Impulse Tracker ... LGPT ... knowwutimeanvern?

Just wanted to say thank you - I've long given up explaining this etymology of the term. (Or at least, this parallel meaning which was previously widely accepted 15-20 years ago.) It's pretty WTF to have people dissing "fakebit" (seemingly seriously) in one thread, all the while throwing up links to radix tracks via youtube in another thread.

.MOD has been around for longer than the nintendo gameboy, for what it's worth.

uncompensated adult swim bumpers.