I hope they just pealed the stickers off the cubes and re-arranged them for the designs.. otherwise they just wasted a lot of money. hahaha
Haha, I didn't even think of that, I just figured they had WAAAAAAY too much time on their hands.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Zef
I hope they just pealed the stickers off the cubes and re-arranged them for the designs.. otherwise they just wasted a lot of money. hahaha
Haha, I didn't even think of that, I just figured they had WAAAAAAY too much time on their hands.
Also, someone REALLY needs to make a program for EMS 64 carts for windows 7.
Zef wrote:You are, and shall continue to be, for the foreseeable future, the king of modders. Keep it up. That's pretty sweet that you got commissioned like that too! Free stuff is always nice.
haha, well i don't think i can top this one, there really isn't anything else left to put in it!
yea i love free stuff, *hint*
Don't think you can top it? Of course you can! Here's how:
Wait for it...
Gameboy Food Processor/Blender mod!
A for Frappe, B for Puree! They'll sell like hotcakes!
I wish there was a chiptune community out here... Oh the lonely roads of Saskatchewan...
You are, and shall continue to be, for the foreseeable future, the king of modders. Keep it up. That's pretty sweet that you got commissioned like that too! Free stuff is always nice.
This is pretty sweet! Cool idea!
Instead of setting F-0F to F-00 on one table and F-00 to F-0F on another I'm using F01 which increments the frame at each step. It's easier to set up and the other method doesn't actually work in my version of LSDJ (I believe I'm using the most recent version).
Also, instead of using two different instruments with different tables I'm using one instrument with a table that has F-01 in every step, an additional AXX command on the last step pointing to a different table with F-FF on every step and another A-XX pointing back to the first table. This system negates the need for two instruments and seems to work well.
I also turned "Automate" off and instead place an additional G-00 command to the right of the F command on both tables. This sets the table's steps to follow the sequencers steps and so you get the same PWM without needing a note on every step.
0 00 00 F-01 G00
1 00 00 F-01 -00
2 00 00 F-01 -00
3 00 00 F-01 -00
4 00 00 F-01 -00
5 00 00 F-01 -00
6 00 00 F-01 -00
7 00 00 F-01 -00
8 00 00 F-01 -00
9 00 00 F-01 -00
A 00 00 F-01 -00
B 00 00 F-01 -00
C 00 00 F-01 -00
D 00 00 F-01 -00
E 00 00 F-01 -00
F 00 00 F-01 A02
0 00 00 F-FF G00
1 00 00 F-FF -00
2 00 00 F-FF -00
3 00 00 F-FF -00
4 00 00 F-FF -00
5 00 00 F-FF -00
6 00 00 F-FF -00
7 00 00 F-FF -00
8 00 00 F-FF -00
9 00 00 F-FF -00
A 00 00 F-FF -00
B 00 00 F-FF -00
C 00 00 F-FF -00
D 00 00 F-FF -00
E 00 00 F-FF -00
F 00 00 F-FF A01
Instrument 00 is set to Table 01 with AUTOMATE "OFF"
Hope this is understandable and helps some of you out!
It's fixed itself since, not sure whether Trash80 did something or google patched something. No problems now.
yet another reason to download google chrome ;D
I totally agree, I've been using chrome since it came out, but that's no excuse for having something unreadable.
Awesome, don't have enough cash right now, but I might be back later.
Really interesting vocal style. I love "The Tower"
"you could comment and bookmark each song without ever changing pages. "
It's all features already available by using the Music section.
Yes, the music here is not available on Kohina. but it could if someone submitted it and it was good enough.
They're available in the music seciton yes, but what I'd like is basically a fancy version of the music page that changes songs after the last one finishes and can play from a set of songs from specific criteria.
Kohina is cool, but I'd like to be able to be involved in the community when I'm listening to things.
First of all i want to say that Trash80, you're doing an amazing job! Everything looks great and functions well and I'm glad to see a new community arising here.
If this has been suggested already, sorry for kicking the dead horse.
Anyways! So something I'd love to see here and that would make listening to music here much more enjoyable would be some sort of a radio page. It would automagically play random tracks, or tracks in a given genre/tagset and you could comment and bookmark each song without ever changing pages. As soon as one song ended the next would start so it would be easy to leave it playing in a tab and only visit it if you feel like commenting on the current song.
This is a similar idea to what woolyss has done here, however it could be designed so that playback could be tailored to specifications and each song could be commented on and bookmarked without leaving the page.
Thanks for everything dude.
I approve of this suggestion. +1
I think this problem will be a rare happenstance, if he does it again, you can ban him (not that there isn't plenty of reason for chastising as it stands), but I don't think we should limit something that has many logical and useful applications just because one person has abused it so far. He changed his posts to keep from looking foolish, but in the end achieved the opposite. If he thinks about it at all he won't do it again.
Need 8-bit samples ???
Download directly FREE and (commercial) packs.
@thanks guys for promotion
Thanks for everything you do for the chip community by maintaining that site, it's come in pretty handy for me at times. I'm downloading a few of those sample packs right now.
Yup I've played it on an actual Atari, for like half an hour. It was... interesting.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Zef