nope nope, too post-chip for the chip crowd, moving to graveyard

no but for real, now THAT is a chip music video if ever there was one.  you guys done good.

also, GOOD FLIPPING LORD those 16bit visuals


(173 replies, posted in Releases)

cheapshot wrote:

They are a gross performance of wealth and extravagance for the most part. Really horrible affairs. (which is why I didn't want one)

i'm sorry but that only makes me want even MORE to have such a wedding, in a sarcastic ironic kind of way.  i've always wanted to be lowered to the altar via harness for example.

cheapshot wrote:

Check out the kind of cakes they have at these things: … G_9861.JPG

good lord.  a cake taller than myself??  japan has the best things, objectively.


(173 replies, posted in Releases)

also, i'm glad this is being done.  looks like there'll be some more in-depth curation and interviews going on with this project's format - i think the scene needs more of this, and less of an indiscriminate explosion of releases that can be hard to wade through.


(173 replies, posted in Releases)

cheapshot wrote:

Haha, I've no idea. I was just passing by and recorded it smile

but.. but you're the japanese-speaking guy.  did[n't] you have a japanese wedding?  (i'm assuming a lot from the fact that you have a daughter and you live in japan)


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

ant1 wrote:

i like "WMP10 v2" and "Windows Classic 2.1"

"neutron", "silk" and "bonjour bs2000" are all pretty functional too

edit: even if you hate all those, it's time to stop using modplug player. foobar2000 with foo_dumb is a good choice too in terms of playback accuracy. avoid winamp or anything that uses mikmod. a slightly wider / prettier range of foobar skins exist

you're probably right.  i've been using modplug player since '96 so old habits die hard:
- an aversion to crazy skins once people started going overboard with skins for winamp/sonique/etc.
- an irrational prejudice against .XM's because i used Impulse Tracker to write my tunes
- maintaining the same persistent playlist since 2003 and being too lazy to prune it or migrate it elsewhere

i guess it's the new year so now's as good a time as any turn a new mod-playing leaf.  one thing i will miss modplug player is its nifty mixer feature (namely, transposing all samples in a song up or down so that songs could be listened to in a new light)...


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:
bryface wrote:

- find an excuse to visit japan again and to hopefully play some shows there

Dooo eeeeeet


Bit wish wrote:

Excuse: Asian girls

As an asian person myself, i have zero problem with this.
I do have a problem with the apparent language barrier though, so i definitely want to try committing to becoming at least minimially conversational in Japanese, via a course or brain transplant or something.

Dire Hit wrote:

You better play some live sets in the pacific northwest.

Things are definitely in the works!  i plan to make good on drop by seattle and/or portland at least twice in the next year.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

LOTS i have on my checklist:

- release an LSDJ album
- release a DS-10 album
- play some live sets, in the pacific northwest
- try to arrange some east coast visits to hopefully play some shows, if anyone will have me
- start building more of a chip presence in vancouver with the couple of leads i have
- a website development project that i have in the works
- find an excuse to visit japan again and to hopefully play some shows there
- start doing more xboxcore

pretty ambitious list there but the good news is that i've already made significant progress on some of these items.  it's mainly the live shows thing that's more of a question mark.


(10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

i personally would put the comments box on top of the "Who's Online" area, i think that takes up too much unnecessary space as is.

but yeah... some visual sign that there is activity among those who have the courtesy to listen and respond to the influx of music.


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

hah! good point.  my current go-to mod player is Modplug Player but it ain't exactly on the bleeding edge either.

anyway, my question still stands.


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

hey so, any XMplay skins you guys would like to recommend? to be honest, i find the ones featured on the XMplay site kinda garish and/or circa 1997.  which ones do you find most usable and functional?


uh, yeah....  um, i think i'm still gonna release music, thanks for the offer though guise.

but on serious note:

the glowing stars (now defunct)
the hunters



"merry christmas, i hate all of you"

also, i think the KP3 is a great Christmas gift - i think your son would really like it and could get a lot of use out of it.  I certainly would!