no rush, no worries - just wanted to see if it was a known issue or not.  thanks for checking it out!

abrasive wrote:
bryface wrote:

i noticed some intermittent peculiar behaviour with my DnD this morning.  For about a week, i hadn't used it because i was busy writing using BGB on my PC in the meantime.  when i decided to migrate my SAV to the DnD,  the SAV on the cart at first would refuse to get overwritten.  after about 6 tries though, i managed to get it to work.

are you deleting the "files" on the cart before copying the new savs on? you don't need to do that, as they aren't real files (which the instructions perhaps don't make as clear as they should). deleting the existing "files" is known to cause issues on some versions of windows.

i tried a number of different methods including what you described, but i'm afraid i can't recall exactly what each attempt consisted of.  i'll keep an eye out for that in the future though, thanks.

is that fixable through firmware?

i noticed some intermittent peculiar behaviour with my DnD this morning.  For about a week, i hadn't used it because i was busy writing using BGB on my PC in the meantime.  when i decided to migrate my SAV to the DnD,  the SAV on the cart at first would refuse to get overwritten.  after about 6 tries though, i managed to get it to work.

theories?  is there any chance that the FRAM, or some other component of the cart, needs "warming up" first?

DogTag wrote:

Similar thing happened to me, and it seems to be a problem in the ribbon cable connecting to the screen. You must've done something in the process of installing the backlight that has damaged the ribbon cable, therefore the lines have appeared.

When I asked the same thing nobody came with any solution, and neither I found any when I looked over the web, I'm afraid.

that's what i ended up googling up, but i'm not totally convinced it's solely a problem with the horizontal ribbon cable.  that problem results in only one line dying, and the position of that line corresponds with the location of the particular break in the horizontal cable.

in this case, new lines end up dying over time, and there doesn't seem to be any pattern to which line will die next.  i suppose from the picture the dead lines are mostly in the upper half of the screen, but i'm keeping my eyes open for a counterexample.

i'm mainly interested to know if dead lines can be caused by an incorrect voltage rating on power LEDs (or any other installed LED's for that matter).

Lazerbeat wrote:

Ah right, I see what you mean, but yeah, my logic remains, if I want to see details about a particular user, their user profile is a far more logical place to look than across multiple forum threads.

with a bit of CSS/jQuery elbow grease, the avatar links on the left of each post could accommodate more links that reveal on mouseover.

if that's something to consider and you need a bit of help with that, i can certainly offer a hand.

k, so here's the situation:  i tried installing a new power LED on my DMG, but afterwards i've gradually been getting dead horizontal lines

the lines form one at a time.  they also form once every few minutes i guess.  the line in question would turn super black, and then fizzle out into a black line.

can anyone explain what's going on here?  is it definitely because of the new LED, or are there other causes?  i suspect it might be an improper voltage rating on the LED but i want to make sure before i try slapping it on another front PCB and possibly frying that one too.

(and yes i'm aware that horizontal lines are mostly untreatable, although i'm hopeful that this horizontal line behaviour doesn't completely match with what i've been able to google regarding horizontal lines)


(3 replies, posted in Collaborations)



(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

FerretBoy wrote:

dont get me wrong, its awesome (and it works on mac!) and id love to support him, and i may buy one, but i was suprised that it was 100$ smile

not that surprising if you consider the the kind of tech under the hood.  with the combination of ferroelectric RAM, driverless USB operation and the amount of research that abrasive put into making this all work smoothly, i was actually a little pleasantly surprised that it wasn't closer to $130 or so.

I've been using a dragnderp for a few weeks now and i gotta say, i'm glad i made the purchase.  the extra cost is a worthy premium in exchange for a product that "just works", as well as the confidence to work on tunes without the lingering worry of data corruption or losing save data.

truly excellent work from all involved! 

i really think that live performances should incorporate more of the live tracker interface in the visuals wherever possible.  it helps the audience experience the music visually, via the scrolling note data - and it gives the audience more of an insight into the musician's songwriting process.

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

that's old news, check out some of the sick 2 x cardboard box tracks that are coming out these days

just wanted to chime in about Vancouver BC with a few points:

- super easy to get to (it's 2-3 hours from Seattle, whether by car or by super-cheap bus)

- great blend of super modern architecture and outdoorsy stuff, take your pick.  at times it does feel like a futuristic cityscape.

- no real chip scene here, but there are a few chip/VGM musicians here, but there's not all that much collective desire to perform though, partly because...

- ... people here are known for being somewhat detached.  generally, people here don't engage each other nearly as much as in other cities, possibly out of an irrational fear of being assaulted or something.  i think that's the reason for what ovenrake said about EDM having fair representation in vancouver (no one will really bother you), whereas smaller eclectic/indie shows are much more on the down-low.

- you know what they say about BC marijuanally, if you're into that sort of thing (i'm personally not but, whatever floats your boat)

I personally would love it if vancouver were more integrated into the NW chipscene somehow.  i'm definitely open to doing more shows down in seattle/portland/tacoma next year!  and if you guys wanted to do a show up here, i know some folk who are willing to get some of the logistical gears rolling.

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

just that it's not music that's ever been done with genuine interest or effort

i would totally disagree with your friend on this point. 

not that there's any shortage of super-basic uncey crap that some kiddo shat out in 15 minutes.  but the high-caliber stuff that hits all cylinders of rhythm, melody, harmony, interaction and sound design definitely deserves more attention from abroad.

regardless, so what if it's akin to hipsters playing cardboard boxes?  if hipsters find meaning in it, great.  my enjoyment of chipmusic isn't determined primarily by external factors like popularity.

so tell me more about the cardboard box scene, who's worth checking out these days

as an Impulse Tracker user, this greatly interests me.

awesome to know that it runs acceptably on a first-gen notebook too, this here netbook that i've got right now is getting quite long in the tooth and i'm debating whether or not to get a better one.


that is all


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Q: When do you usually compose on LSDJ?

A: Never during the times that i plan to.

anybody ever have any dreams/nightmares where other chip folk are inexplicably in the dream as well?

i'm asking because just now i woke up from a fairly intense dream/nightmare mystery involving myself, Abortifacient, another dude who i could only identify in my dream as godinpants, and some random coworker of mine - it took place at a hallowe'en houseparty.

after the party guests had left the house, the four of us were trying to determine which of us was the owner of a stash of gameboys and candy sitting on an overhead shelf of a living room closet - because the owner for some reason had been murdering other party guests who had also stumbled across the stash.  unfortunately, i woke up before we could determine the culprit.

i know this totally sounds like the stuff of bizarre fanboy fanfiction but that's actually what happened.  btw GET OUT OF MY DREAMZ YOU AUSSIES, FOCK