my DMG i got when i was nine as a gift from my uncle when i visited Hong Kong. it was sweet, he got me Dr. Mario and even a light boy too.
when i dug it out 2 years ago for chipmusic, the battery contacts were gunked up all to hell, i had to clean it pretty good with alcohol so that they would conduct properly. also, the speaker stopped working.
i've recently modded it pretty thoroughly, but the speaker's still crapped out. but i'll fix that in a couple short weeks though with a speaker replacement (thanks GoingHam!), and then this DMG will have come back full circle.
quite proud of the fact that my GB has actually been with me since childhood, instead of being craigslisted from some random dude. also this means my music is automagaticically moooooreeee leeeegiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit than all y'alls