i had a listen, not bad.  interesting beat work throughout!  not really digging the screechy high-pitched leads in the first tune though.  gotta tone it down yo!

Keep working at making your music unambiguous in its tonality.  the 3rd song of the set is arguably the best of the three at making sense harmonically - i'd like to see your songs head more in that direction.


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DROP 1410 wrote:

Great stuff man!!, ... quick question... did you painted the SELECT & START buttons?, there's any way to find those guys i white color?





(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nice going dragoon!  yeah, that's the kind of look that i was originally going for, that the inside components would be blurred through the case.

how exacting was the acetone + nailpolisher method?  did you have to worry much about how evenly you distributed it across the inside of the case? i can't tell from your picture but if i tried it would obsess over whether or not the translucent effect was splotchy smile

my DMG i got when i was nine as a gift from my uncle when i visited Hong Kong.  it was sweet, he got me Dr. Mario and even a light boy too.

when i dug it out 2 years ago for chipmusic, the battery contacts were gunked up all to hell, i had to clean it pretty good with alcohol so that they would conduct properly.  also, the speaker stopped working.

i've recently modded it pretty thoroughly, but the speaker's still crapped out.  but i'll fix that in a couple short weeks though with a speaker replacement (thanks GoingHam!), and then this DMG will have come back full circle.

quite proud of the fact that my GB has actually been with me since childhood, instead of being craigslisted from some random dude.  also this means my music is automagaticically moooooreeee leeeegiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit than all y'alls

egr wrote:

Those busty mamas are willing to trade replica handbags and prescription meds for your wang!

if blip comes back this is all it will be

i'm ok with that.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so, i just noticed the PAX schedule has been posted: http://prime.paxsite.com/schedule

any events/panels that tickle anybody's fancy so far?  obv there's danimal and abductedbysharks' chiptune panel - any other recommendations?


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

naw, sam's a good guy and i'm sure he's doing what he can.  i'm pretty sure my comments have already been made in a similar form by someone else anyway.

and yeah, i don't actually have a problem with a site being like 8bc in layout and functionality.  the question is whether or not such a site is enough to meet peoples' current needs anyway.

in other words, even if 8bc itself came back, is it robust/relevant enough in its current form to wrangle back in a scene that has fragmented and decentralized since 8bc's fall?  (btw fragmentation/decentralization isn't a bad thing, it's just a fact of how the scene has evolved.)


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my one beef with the site is the ambiguity of the name.

do i pronounce it "micro-collective", "u-collective", or "mu-collective"?  why is there no tutorial explaining what the alt-key combination is to produce the mu character, or at least a tip explaining what the unicode value for the mu character is?

i also understand the spirit of continuing 8bc's legacy (the good parts of it at least), but i'm not so sure that duplicating its exact layout and functionality is what we need. i think something more is needed and i hope the fine folks there will do more to differentiate the site from 8bc.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TrueChipTillDeath wrote:

Please don't fuck everything

don't tell me what not to do.


(28 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i feel compelled to do this because compilations are really close to my heart.  no specific one, just the idea of compilations.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

so this is for actual reals?


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i just noticed BitGiffer.gif


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

great release!  the last track is especially tasty.

dosPrompt wrote:

Hige Driver
Nobuyoshi Sano

That lineup is already heaps worth it.  i wasn't planning on going (not a ton of money) but I REALLY REALLY WANT TO.

- Really digging ChibiTech's newer electro stuff over the last year.  She's gonna be great!


- super glad that Toriena is on there, i had a feeling she would perform and she's going to rip up the floor.  throws down insanely hard and intricate beats, and totally fits the mold of the oft-fantasized "super cute chiptune girl" to boot.  i suspect a ton of chip people are gonna develop a new crush real soon.

- Nobuyoshi Sano produced the KORG DS-10 and related programs BUT he also did the music for Ridge Racer amongst a ton of other games.  I hung out with him a couple of times in Tokyo, this guy is absolutely insane, what a character!  here he is promoting and demonstrating the KORG M01 at an event, hilarious (start at 1:54):

guys, any chance i could get in on this show action with a set or two?  sounds like a ripping fun time in any case.

jeez, i just realized there's actually going to be a ton of seattle chip events around that time.  i'll try my best to be down there for as many days as i can manage beyond PAX.


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

as sad as it is to see Blip going on hiatus, i'm also excited to see what happens in its wake.

i hope we'll see other chip shows getting bigger, more streaming shows, and overall more investment in knitting together the global scene.   

I'm super glad to have been to blip, but i certainly don't want blip to be the only event i can get as excited for.