(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dosPrompt wrote:

I should say though, preliminary investigation shows that it doesn't get particularly cheap until theres at least ten hoodies in the order, and at ten it'll get down to about $15 shipping. far more expensive than I was expecting to be honest.

for the record, i'm open to picking up a hoodie at blipNY.   c'mon people, 9 to go!!


(24 replies, posted in Releases)


HolyNegative0 wrote:

this kid doesn't know who anamanaguchi is!

seriously though, i think everyone's been in a situation where they inexplicably just found out act X is a big deal, so it's all good. got outed a couple of times myself (quite embarrasingly too) for being totally clueless about a particular artist.

it's reasonable not to expect newcomers to have to bury their noises in the entire history and ecosystem of chipmusic the moment they first discover it.

Natty wrote:

Finally! They're doing Blip Festival in a banquet format. I hope I'm one of those lucky 144.

in 6 months all chip events will be galas loaded to the brim with tuxes, monocles, top hats, corsets, wine, cheese, and a guy at the entrance announcing the arrival of guests.

people will pair up and box-step to chipstep

sweet venue is all imma hafta say.   i was super impressed with how legit bliptokyo's venue was, glad this year's blipNY is getting the theatre treatment too.

only gripe is that it looks like it'll be that much harder to rush the stage though trololo


(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

that`s pretty much what i expected for shipping costs.   maybe to soothe the sting, i'd be willing to plop down some extra cash to bundle the hoodie with some other odds n' ends related to soundbytes - maybe some aussie artist-related swag?

feel free to and punch me in the face over the internet for attempting to make you go through the trouble though.


(78 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Seaking_s wrote:

http://www.mixcloud.com/eric-byrnes/sea … s-2212012/ Another Show just in case you want to check it out. I played alot of new music and talked a little about DS-10.

while we're on that topic, could i trouble you to toss in a few tunes from my DS-10 album sometime?  would be much appreciated smile

if you'd like something newer, i'm in the process of putting together a new album for release in the next month or so..

http://www.cbc.ca/cinqasix/music/2012/0 … at-a-rave/


enjoyed the read tom, one thing i wish more chip-related articles did more was to focus on the activity and trends in the global scene.

i find that most articles/interviews/videos that cover a particular chip show or act make it look like a total anomaly, like "oh look some kids thought it was terribly clever to put on this novelty of a show, it's probably just an isolated incident that will never happen again."

by making people more aware off the bat that there's a loose infrastructure of communities in place that fuels the making and sharing of chipmusic, it helps paint a better picture of the creative and social payoffs of being interested in it. 

the average joe probably still thinks chiptune musicians have nothing to benefit from their apparent tech fetish.  like they'll only ever twiddle with sound chips, isolated in their bedroom, and that's it.


(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dosPrompt wrote:

my that is a damn tasty hoodie.  got a sizing chart handy? (i'm a terrible stickler for sizes because i'm always between them and online apparel orders always screw me one way or the other)

or if you want you can carry it with you over here and i'll try it out, i'll let you know if you need to take it with you on the return flight.


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

all i can say is that i can't wait to prosound my Sound Blaster AWE64


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

in don't mind the term "retro", but at the same time "retro" is becoming less meaningful or useful anyway.

everything is retro in some way these days because trends are cyclical, and because everything new today probably has some basis in some other retro idea.  stylistically, "new" today 99% of the time just means repurposed/remixed old stuff.

i guess my personal reaction to the word "retro" depends on the speaker's intent.  retro can be great if it evokes whatever made the original retro thing great.  or, retro can mean kitschy and tacky.  take your pick.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

shitbird wrote:

haha if you look really close you can see tetris.

it's the dirty secret of chipmusic.

everything is actually tetris

last year i made the mistake of leaving NY right after the festival and missing the onslaught of other chipshows that were happening during the subsequent week.  would totally love to do a full set at a show this time around if anyone is willing!


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

also the logo in that facebook page up top looks like a giant schlong, just sayin'


(4 replies, posted in Past Events)

hey man, how many different shows have you done in japan so far?  seems like it's already in the double digits!

you should totally do a blog or recap of your japan adventures!!  i'm in the middle of writing something similar about my trip back in the fall, but of course it would be less interesting than what you have to offer.