you could get a nice deep NES-style bass with a sine (possibly tweaked a little to make it closer to triangle)

I think in the rules it says you're required to specify prices for the items you sell on here.
That being said, I'm also interest in the LSDJ carts if they're in a reasonable price range. How much are you looking for?


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Might be possible to sync an NES running lsdj and an NES running MIDINES if you have an arduinoboy. Genesis I'm not sure about though.

I think they've been playing a bit with MilkyTracker as well as FastTracker II and LSDJ, which would explain the sample-based sound.


^ just installed mine last night and I agree, it looks really nice smile


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I would try and get more recent backlight revisions since they're thinner and are less likely to cause case closing issues. I know it's tempting to save a few bucks on the older ones but it's worth it
Also I'm really really sorry to hear your stuff got stolen- I hope you have your stuff backed up!


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, do some live tweaking, but don't go too too overboard. People like things to be familiar but not exactly like they are on the record. Change too much and you may risk losing them.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Have fun. Laugh off any mistakes that occur (because hey, chip hardware is tempramental), dance a bit if that's your thing. Generally if the crowd can tell you're enjoying yourself, they will too. Exude whatever emotion your music is expressing and you'll be in good shape.
OH yeah, practicing helps, and people always like a nice transition.

I'm intrigued by these Nintendo Power carts- what are the benefits of using one compared to, say, an old blue EMS cart?


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The nicest DMG cases I've seen were actually meant for a smartphone, I think it forwas the MyTouch. Zen Albatross has a couple of those and they fit a DMG and some accessories rather nicely.

I personally use a bag that used to hold power tool accessories (I think) from Hilti. I found it on the side of the road, washed and resewed it, and now it fits two DMGs and about 6 carts very snugly.

Use RIN and make sure the sav name matches the ROM name. That always worked well on my PSP.

nickmaynard wrote:
bryface wrote:

iif you could use it to set the tempo for another gameboy running LSDJ/nanoloop, via link cable, it would be a neat tool for live performances!

this idea would be very very easy to make with just an arduino. i'm sure there's tap temp code on and it would be easy to copy the tempo code out of the arduinoboy.

Not sure if you guys know this but LSDJ already has tap tempo built in. Just go to the main menu and put the cursor over the tempo and start a-tappin'.

Announcement! This show is now FREE. We would love it if you bought drinks and food at the venue to help support CultureFix. I think you'll love it too- they have an amazing menu of food and drinks at very reasonable prices. Please come hang out, fill your bellies and drink to your heart's content.


Definitely interested in a dedicated sample playback rom, maybe with MIDI input via arduinoboy- this way the game boy could serve as a drum machine controlled via midi and/or controlled by a 2nd game boy running lsdj midi out. It would be amazing if you could readily swap out sample banks

I'd also love to see some software allowing the creation of visuals on the game boy - I know it's a bit weird since there's no real native video out on the game boy but via emulation it could look really cool. I always loved how shitwave looked in an emulator and I'd love something similar to that but with more modes/patterns.