(28 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

made a new font with a blocky+minimalist look:

https://www.mediafire.com/file/hp5uonpm … sdfnt/file

thanks for the update! I managed to make one half-assed song with HT 2 20 a while back: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pn5diasi87ddq … s.mp3?dl=0
I'll definitely be updating to try more


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Can you elaborate on what the values in this line are? Are these the MIDI CCs that are sent if a custom function (e.g. tempo, chord) is disabled?

byte midiCcNumbers[7] = {1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12};

2 DMGs, 2 Arduinoboys, Reason 7, KP3, Kaossillator, Otamatone for occasional lulz

Reason has 3 Kong kits loaded that I can selectively mute MIDI routing to. I only use the DAW for drum samples and FX.
The KP3 is an external controller for the FX in Reason. I use the NOI channel to send MIDI, a blend of sampled snare/hats and the original NOI drums
C7= Play, C#7= Tap Tempo, D7= Stop, D#7= Toggle Mute on Kit 1, etc..

I can either use each Arduinoboy as a independent input, or change one to Slave using the DAW clock and use that for 2xLSDJ
I do kinda wish I could go laptop-less, but as is I've lucked into the things I have for very little money


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Two options: a guitar with MIDI output, or converting the guitar audio to MIDI

The first option is a guitar with a MIDI pickup. This is usually expensive and varies in performance. I have a Roland GK kit with a GI-20.. pretty old stuff, and it is not totally reliable. You have to play very deliberately and it does not do legato/bends reliably. You have to hit notes pretty hard to get them to come through reliably. Newer hardware is probably more reliable. I would be willing to bet that Aethernaut uses a violin with MIDI hardware built-in.

The second option is trying to use software to convert audio to MIDI. This also suffers from reliability issues, though honestly I haven't tried any software for this in at least 8 years.. it might have come a long way since then.
If you're going for something that will work in real-time, LSDJ probably isn't your best option as you'll have no control over dynamics... it won't matter if you play notes louder or quieter, they'll all come out of the GB at the same volume. mGB would probably be more reliable but lacks in some sound options.
Either way you'll need an Arduinoboy to get the MIDI into the Game Boy.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

1. you need phrases inside of a chain in order for it to actually play. for example, if you a chain in the WAV channel with 4 phrases, you're going to want the other channels to have a chain of blank phrases.
ex. WAV has chain 01 with phrases 01,02,03,04...all of those have notes in them.
Make chain 00, put four 00 phrases in it, 00 has no notes. this will make it advance to the next chain as expected. LSDJ will not advance if the chain is empty.

2. use HFF command in a phrase to stop the song


(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

add to 'advantages'
>extremely fine-grain control over sounds and individual notes.

For example, lets say you have a plunky, piano-like sound. Quick attack, quick decay, long release, no portamento.

BUT for just this one part you want this note to fade in, then slide up to this note, then vibrato, the pitch bend down quickly. You want the next few notes to have a filter (or PWM) envelope, a longer decay with a quick arp sequence applied to them.

In MIDI, this would be a considerable amount of automation, possibly multiple instruments needed.

In a tracker, it's just a few commands in a column and one table.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ledfyr wrote:

So sorry @toasterpastries, I have no good explanation why N00 doesn't work to kill notes/chords for you, it looks like it should work, and it works as expected for me.

To be honest it's been at least 2 months since I last tried it so I might be remembering it completely wrong. Thanks for looking into it.

Also curious about the clock... If I edit MIN_BPM and MAX_BPM, will the values in between scale? Like if I edit it to being 80-140, I'll end up with smaller steps in tempo?


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ahh just found my issue... I think I was trying to use N00 instead K00 to end the notes using chords.
Do you think it would be possible for chords to kill with N00? I've been trying to use NOI as a external drum sequencer as well as retaining the original NOI sounds. Using N00 would enable the MIDI notes to be killed without cutting of a longer NOI sound.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

@ledfyr: why did you choose to use the x command instead of the n command for the chords? If you have another thread for your fork id love to talk more.

I'm also a fan of this fork and would like to open some chat about it. I use NOI for external drum sequencing and use the chord command for allowing more than one drum to be triggered at the same time, but it often suffers from stuck notes.

In BGB, the .sav automatically loads based on filename of the ROM.

For example, if your LSDJ rom is named 'lsdj494.gb', you rename your .sav file to 'lsdj494.sav'. As long as they have the same name and are in the same folder, BGB will load the .sav automatically.

If you are using multiple .sav files this can become cumbersome; I overcome this by creating multiple copies of the .gb file.
For example, I refer to my two cartridges as 'Orange' and 'Black' due to the color of the LSDJ sticker on them.
So I have two copies of the same LSDJ ROM, lsdjblack.gb and lsdjorange.gb. I keep my .savs in a different folder, then drag them my BGB folder then rename them to match the .gb file.

There's probably other ways of doing it but this is my method. I believe VBA has an option to import a battery save, but for chiptune purposes you're going to want BGB.

You're gonna have to tell us what emulator you're using, as that will effect the steps you need to take.


(2 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

short answer: no

long answer: the only (current) way to send MIDI from LSDJ is Arduinoboy, which is of course a hardware device. KiGB does support link cable emulation, but that means that you would either have to
1) convert the TCP/IP output to a hardware link cable and use a real Arduinoboy, then send the MIDI back in. This would probably require 2 arduinos and coding the conversion yourself,  OR
2) figuring out how to emulate Arduinoboy on the computer, which I haven't heard of anyone doing yet. Probably because it would introduce too much latency, and have an river of bugs to swim through to get it working well


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I would usually say kitsch-bent but it looks like he's sold out of the EMS 64M carts right now.

Your options are:
EMS 64M (available from multiple sources, cheapest)
Nonfinite Electronic's SDCart V2
Drag'n'Derp (good luck finding one!)
El Cheapo 1.x (2.0 does not work w/ LSDJ)

most places will pre-load LSDJ if you provide proof of purchase HOWEVER I would recommend getting familiar with loading .roms onto whatever cartridge you get as you'll want to do that as updates come out.


(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

heart heart heart excellent work


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I use EMS 64 w/ 4.8.8 Arduinoboy, and it always hangs up for some time when trying scroll through the sync modes. It only does this when the Aboy is connected.. I would recommend scrolling through the modes to get to MIDIOUT *before* connecting the link cable to.

As far as the issue with the setting not saving, I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe try 4.8.8_arduinoboy