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Search options (Page 54 of 87) / Forums / Posts by arfink
Topics by arfink
Posts found: 849-864 of 1,384
irrlichtproject wrote:in a way that's very true. but on the other hand it's also this special way of promoting which makes this release kinda cool. it's kinda like saying, ok, if you're not willing to look beyond the shitty surface, then fuck you, you'll just miss some pretty neat music.
and recently there were a couple of releases which were self-labeled with "shit" which were actually quite decent. (remember the shitbird album that was released recently? that was awesome, too...)
It'd be cool to hear from the artist if this theory is correct. *hint*
On that note, I have been listening to alot more "random" releases like this one and have, in some instances, been pleasantly surprised. Moral of the story: don't judge an album by it's cover.
My wall o' doom. From the left- regular PC laptop, lava lamp, Neo Geo MVS which has been consolized, Apple IIgs (the crt) and atop the CRT are my Tandy 102 and Tandy 200 as well as a Neo Geo pocket color. Next, the towering boxes of doom, containing all manner of half finished projects, tools, gameboys, etc. And if you look closely, some of those little tothpastes the dentist gives you. Don't ask, I don't know why I put them in there. Atop the stack of doom is my custom projector, which is pointing at a conveniently located wall not shown in the picture. The MIDI keyboard and most of my tools are put away, because most of the time I'm tinkering instead of music-ing.
Running out of time if you need one done this week. Also- carts can be purchased on the barter system! If you have something you think I'd like, just let me know.
I dunno, that MSX Zeus looks like he has some subliminal Atari going down in that beard. Awesome. And I think I'd be up for the next one perhaps. I also need to start maintaining this thread again mebbe...
So I decided to take a gamble and listen to this. Not half bad, but to be honest I think this album deserves a little better treatment than what it's gotten. I get the feeling that the artist turned out some tunes he worked hard on, decided they weren't quite good enough for him, and decided to release them with a maximally self-deprecating title. This, to me, is dissapointing because the music is actually good enough that it could be taken seriously if the artist had wanted that to happen.
I don't have a powerpak because I make my own carts. Hardcore DIY FTW! Anyways, I have NTRQ 1.6 on my quad bank prototype cart now, as well as hacks of Mario Bros, Squoon, various No Carrier software, GlitchNES, and next to go under the soldering iron is an 11-in1 multicart.
Best way? No idea. My way? Audacity because it's free and available and can work with nearly anything.
OK, I'm going to check this out. It'll probably be a while before my download speeds will actually give me something to listen to.
EDIT: It's good folks. Very good. Turn your subs up. Akira here is being very modest and IMO, very patient with you peeps. This album is awesome enough that he really deserves to be able to break into your house, steal five dollars from you, and force you to listen to it. And when he got done you'd shake his hand and thank him.
Just a little 5th of July bump, and some news: if you need an NROM cart done this week I can do it. I go on vacation next week so I won't be able to do any then.
Hey, I'm an SDF-er too. Maybe I'll see you in COM some time?
vblank wrote:@Arfink: where's your BBS! Love to visit! I've been on Masquerade & a few others a lot this summer putting the ideas for this together.
My BBS is under construction at the moment. I'm coding it entirely by myself as part of a competition during July. It's a Telnet BBS. If you're interested in observing my progress you can visit my gopher page here: gopher:// and then click on "Summer Retrochallenge 2010 Blog." I ran my first proof-of-concept code a couple days ago, and my first alpha will hopefully be available in the next few days.
Candy cab, eh? How much? If it's reasonable you want to grab one for me?
You wanna trade for an MV-1C neo geo board Low-Gain? I know you been looking for one.
Yay, ANSI! Sounds cool.
EDIT: saw your video. Looks like a BBS gone haywire. I approve. I hope my BBS never does that during normal operation.
Yeah, I use this in Linux quite frequently, it's pretty slick. Of course, like Akira, I have Deluxe Paint on my Apple IIgs which is generally better.
Posts found: 849-864 of 1,384 / Forums / Posts by arfink