Heh, that's a cool way of getting around the problem. I've done lots of experiments with the Pocket, but in none of them did I attempt to just limit the current going to the backlight. Instead, I usually focused on trying to increase the current the Pocket could provide. The limiting factor in these things seems to be that normal alkaline AAA batteries just can't provide much current before the voltage "droops." My solution was a small lithium polymer battery mod.

I absolutely loved Overlord on the NES, so this is just fun to hear. It's also cool to see a live set where the musicians do more than headbang after pressing start. smile

Actually, I didn't want this for music sync, but for playing Advance Wars/Gameboy Wars with a friend who lives in another state. tongue But thanks muchly! I will try them both out and see how it goes.

Does anybody here know of a GB or GBA emulator which can emulate link cable multiplayer games over the internet?


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yessssh. So good. ^_^


(27 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I wanna pick up one too, it looks like a real treat.

@herr_prof Librarians have been and always will be pedantic curators. It's in the job description. That's why, for example, your local library probably doesn't have copies of Hustler or Playboy on the shelf with the Western light novels and dusty encyclopedias.

Toolpath finished. Looks like we're gonna do white AND black, since it makes no difference on cost.

The ball is rolling. smile

I'll post updates as I get started in the next few days. I have a biggish Christmas backlog and am currently out of white acrylic, so I have to get some more in stock.

(For those curious about what I'm making for Christmas customers: http://arfink.bigcartel.com/product/hol … s-ornament )


(11 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

TylerBarnes wrote:

That would be a interesting pattern for those lazer engraved kitch cases.

That's an interesting idea, but I hardly want to steal somebody else's hard work.

In response to OP: you do that by hand, with pen and ink? I am officially impressed. smile


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

such colors.
much mesmerize.

Just a quick update: I got the bluetooth in. It was a pain to get it all wired, but it works!

I decided to give it a good beating with a couple of bullet hell and manic shmups, which is what I mainly designed this controller for. It worked amazing. Here I'm trying out DoDonPachi, which works beautiful with this controller.

This thing may be bluetooth, but it doesn't lag at all. Very snappy, and the NGPC thumbstick is every bit as good in this controller as I hoped it would be.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

xylo wrote:

Haha, fun to see not a single comment in this thread is actually about the song.

Obviously. This is the internet.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Steam controller and their support for Linux is what makes this tick. It's an embedded Linux box running Canonical's ARM Ubuntu variant with a fancy wireless controller. And that's not a bad thing. I think it's awesome, it means PC gaming on Linux machines is going to get pushed forward a long way as developers are forced to become comfortable with developing for Linux.

I just found this very cool project to replace the internal floppy of an Amiga 500 and up with an SD card interface. I know such things have existed for a while now, but this one is probably the nicest interface I've seen while also being very affordable. You'll need a Raspberry Pi and a few other bits on a chunk of perf-board to make it.



Should have used a 3d printer for more hipster... uhhh I mean Maker cred.