(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

goto80 wrote:

This should have some of the stuff you're looking for:

It's a timeline and basically stops at 2005.

µB wrote:

This russian site has a rather impressive record of releases:

Well these took like hours out of my search time. :3
Adding these to my list of research sources.

Also, I'm not looking for pity, I just don't like to see people white knighting around on the internet. I have nothing but respect for you and a lot of other people in this scene wiz (read: I'm sincerely not trying to start a flame war), but it is just as easy to be a nice guy behind a keyboard and not do anything about it in person. That said, I've never met you, so this point may be totally invalidated by who you are and what you do. My point is that, from experience, people tend not to back up their words on the internet, nice or not.

Wizwars wrote:

It's too easy to be a smartass tough guy behind a keyboard and that makes people much more likely to say shit that would get them punched right in the mouth if they said it to someone's face.

You see, I don't actually believe that. I've never once met a person that stands up to people like that in real life. Especially in a music scene.

Put yourself in the shoes of someone just starting out in the scene (like you once were). No one knows them, and no one particularly sees their opinion favorably (maybe not unfavorably either, but not positively). You're a nobody for argument's sake. If you met someone in real life from this scene that was "famous" or "well-known" or "respected" and they treated you like shit, I can almost guarantee you wouldn't punch them in the face for being a dick. You'd walk away and probably become disenfranchised. Or you'd ignore them and move on to someone else.

Hell, I haven't seen anyone stand up for people getting subtly shitted upon by scene regulars or whatever at shows. Everyone feels awkward and sort of avoids the situation. I've been on the receiving end of said douchery at pretty much every chip show I've been to. Usually it's only one or two people there, so I understand it's not a common thing. I've never given up at actually becoming a part of this scene or even just getting to know people, but my point is new people and people with less connections to or knowledge of the scene get shat on and don't actually receive the help people say they give or retort the way people say they would if they were talked down to in person.

Again, the above is usually uncommon, but I've seen it happen and experienced it, and neither myself nor the other people it happened to stood up for themselves (as they were new and felt foolish or whatever), nor did anyone around them help the person out, in fact joining in jokingly in the derision.

tl;dr Fuck bullying; usually this scene is full of nice people in real life. The internet sucks, I guess? Also qq


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Are you planning to compile a list of chipmusic releases?

I've always heard and agree with the sentiment that chiptune is either a medium or an aesthetic. Similar to, but not really a genre (though I guess you could call songs composed solely with Gameboys, NESs, or what have you a "genre"), chipmusic is made with or emulating the sound, programming, etc. of old computer systems with soundchips limited in capability.

It's evoking a feeling or emotion much how classical music or rock music evoke different emotions.

I've looked at, for instance, LSDJ as the strings to the violin that is the Gameboy/GBC/GBA/AGS/DS/computer/everything else that emulates the GB's hardware or has that soundship. Obviously you could tear that argument apart and say "Well isn't Logic Pro the strings to any platform that can run it?" Yes, but it's not necessarily used to evoke the style (limited channel/voice composition), sound (simple waveforms, compressed samples, etc.), or computation (see Danimal's post) indicative of chiptunes/chipmusic, the medium, though it can be used in such a way.

You can utilize mediums with other mediums: recorded or live violin with an electronically synthesized song or backing. Music within film. LSDJ with a rock band. Percussion with guitars with basses with voice. It's a tool meant to utilize a certain sound and musical philosophy. That sound is always morphing, especially with electronic music and just most musical genres.

Take for instance dubstep. Most people would call brostep "dubstep." Is that wrong? Technically. Do they care? No. I'd classify fakebit vs. chiptune and hardware vs. software in the same struggle: Some people find the distinction important, some don't. Does that stop artists from making music and pushing the boundaries of their given medium/genre/instrument? No. Why should it stop us? This kind of discussion can be found in most musical scenes. It's the artists and groups within those scenes that tend not to get bogged down in these arguments that make innovative (maybe not "good") music.

So, I guess my answer is that it doesn't matter.


(126 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't think this needs to be an argument. Downstate probably saw the "mod before music making" way this thread happened to proceed and made a valid point based on previous experience. Turns out, OP is confident that he's going to use this mod to the fullest, lack of initial music knowledge or not (because I have no idea what your music knowledge is D3th). Um...so back to the awesome modding pictures and discussion? Because this mod looks ridiculous in all the right ways.


(126 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Calavera wrote:

Cannot wait to see more of this.


(66 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

I databent two images. Haven't done anything since:

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set … amp;type=3

› Show Spoiler

I'm actually in the process of planning a similar site idea. (Keep in mind, I know no HTML/CSS, so I'd have to learn from scratch). My idea:

-first phase is to catalogue every chip release from 2012 (or as many as I can find), since we had one for 2011 but not last year
-second phase/step/pie-in-the-sky-idea is to make a site listing every chip release (or, again, as many as I can find) in an orderly fashion

What I mean by orderly fashion is having "genres" (like ones I guess we'd have to make up? Or maybe consoles the music was made on?), date/year published, artist, netlabel, region/country, etc. I'd group artists' releases. So...yeah basically a wiki without a lot of background info. Just the previously listed info.

I can see how having a sort of last.fm type page would be helpful, but having an aggregate site as a library for all releases (not counting soundcloud "singles" or random songs posted on every chip site, just LPs/EPs) would be really beneficial, I think.

All the above is just planning/ideas, but I'm in the process of completing at least the first step. I'd definitely be looking for collaborators, your idea, mine, or both.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

I listened to your release when it came out but didn't see that you were taking a break. I really do hope you keep making chipmusic, but I'll definitely follow you wherever your music goes. You're a great musician. smile

Downstate wrote:

you make good points. i make stoned points that i probably contradict an hour later. i will leave my final say as my first. For what it is the song aint terrible. im sorry for my rant. i am old now. and i sold out to making hipster music thesedays anyway so i should really shut the fuck up before i get called out on that.

Late to the party, but don't belittle your opinion. Most of your weed-addled rants are the best things I read on this site. Especially the ones in this thread. I wish I had been here two days ago to discuss this stuff, because this is the sort of stuff I like to talk about. Also, your opinion is kind of interesting, you make niche, experimental (style, not genre) music and DJ for clubs in a city/country that doesn't appreciate shitty pop and loves good dance/every other kind of music. Not that you're THE voice for this sort of discussion, but I find your point of view interesting on this topic.



(14 replies, posted in Releases)

bloerb wrote:

So why exactly should one be proud of Germany, Austria or any other country for that matter?

Out of context, this is exactly how I feel about nationalism and/or patriotism in general.

Also, good release.

pivot. wrote:

Silver Spring MD. Chiptuner population: me.

You should join or friend the people in the Midatlantic Chip Group on Facebook. I know Compy lives in Maryland, just not exactly where. You've got Trey Frey in WV, Mega Flare and I think one or two others in the Northern Virginia/DC area. I'm in Harrisonburg, datacats is in Lynchburg. You've got people scattered all over MD/VA/DC/WV. That group is kind of quiet, but we're beginning to cement a semi-regular VA show that is always looking for new talent. You can also PM me for more info.

Lazerbeat wrote:

Maybe if there wasn't a cc thread/forum more people would comment on songs?

I don't think so, but that's just me being a cynic.

egr wrote:

CC threads are redundant since the music uploads have a "request cc" option.  Delete all cc threads and instruct posters to upload and mark songs instead.  Maybe an icon beside the song name at the top of the page and in the music section to denote cc requests.

Though I agree that this is a solution to having a lot CC threads when that feature is available on the songs themselves, I don't usually see many people commenting on songs. Even when they do, as has been mentioned recently, the CC is utter garbage or just a one sentence blurb.

The forum format has notifications of new posts/content and is already in place. I'm not saying this can't change, but I doubt that many (not "any") people would give a user CC if they requested it on their song without the CC subforum.

Also, a single CC thread would be a convoluted mess of quotes from a song posted 15 posts ago on page 24, but 26 posts before the song with the most recent CC posts (which has been thrice interrupted by CC from a song posted in between the former and latter songs mentioned previously).

Basically that idea would just cause a lot of confusion and also deter anyone from attempting to penetrate the black hole that would be "The CC Thread." Also, where would the thread go once the CC subforum was rendered useless and deleted? General Discussion? Releases? Would the CC subforum stay and have only one thread?

Neither idea seems to really get at the issue of "how to request better CC." One idea would be to rename the sticky in the CC thread "How to Request Constructive Criticism" and make it more straightforward by giving the examples of how you think CC should be requested first and how not to last. People usually respond to directives/directions better when you tell them what to do and how to do it, not what not to do. The latter just confuses or annoys whoever you're directing (or suggesting if you don't want to make "rules" for how to ask for help on this site).


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

How much are you doing each day? If you're finishing whole songs every day, then yeah sure. If not, I don't see why not. It's your cart.

I don't know anything about read/write numbers for whatever cart you use. Are there limited read/writes for GB flash carts?