Heosphoros wrote:

My thoughts on the chipmusic community:

It's far more diverse than you are alluding to.

It is also much MUCH bigger than just this forum. I mean how much do you know about the Japanese MML scene or the Russian ZX scene or the gigs content on mod archive?


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Deleted posts by Saskrotch, egr and coshinator with some really really tasteless jokes. Rules (especially rule 9) still apply chaps.

In going to go against the grain and be grumpy, pretentious and helpful.

Heh, therin lies a trick.

you can do that already:

"profile" -> "Description" -> enter up to 5000 characters of text with BBcode of artists you like and why.

jefftheworld wrote:
bryface wrote:

...there needs to be more trusted curators, more recommendations from trusted artists, and more of a catalogue for finding good chipmusic...

I think that's actually an awesome idea.

This is defacto possible now. If you wanted to start a rotating monthly curated "best of cm.o" thread linking your favorite tunes for a month then passing on to another user for the following month I would totally listen.

bryface wrote:

so no, the chip scene isn't dying or anything.  but i would say it's in flux, particularly in the area of online spaces.

Yeah it has been a fairly turbulent couple of years chipmusic wise. The rise of Pause and Ubiktune, (each about 20 releases a year) 8bit peoples and a lot of the smaller chip music labels have gone pretty much dormant. Micromusic, Lobitplayground, Blipfestival all ended for various reasons. But as I have mentioned before, I think flux is healthy and awesome!

Bit wish wrote:

I know there's a trend lately were i get "warnings" and "Temp bans" but please, just hear me out.

You don't get bans or warnings from the moderation team because of some mysterious shift in the Chipmusic ecosystem or a tremor in the force, you get them because you are breaking the rules and / or being a problem for the moderation team. People have been joining and leaving scenes for years and they will continue to do so.

If you don't like cm.o nobody is forcing you to stay here, however, If you want to hang around and join the fun with everyone else then listen to the warnings you are given be the mods, read the rules and enjoy the tunes!

wayback doesnt have it either...


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Has anyone managed to get Klystrack work full screen on a mac? It black screens for me then gives me the oh so helpful message "Klystrack quit unexpectedly" Im on osx 10.8.2


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Changing skin and mapping are both in the wiki on the home page.


If that doesn't help, could you be a bit more specific about the problem?


(32 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I dont know of one specifically I just assumed there was one.


(32 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

herr_prof wrote:

Maybe, waiting for an answer on that from Marc.

Also curious about this. Mixing piggy chip samples with ST-01 woe be super fun!

According to the kick starter they just bumped the ram for 512 mb and the internal storage to 16 gb


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

A yearly archive or unified archive of all the project files would be nice too.