(35 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

UnderCoverDisOrder wrote:

...running it threw a loop sation gets interesting along with using a few other cartridges [deathray & trippyH].

Last week I bought Jamman Express XT for this (among other things). It is great little pedal.
Currently in a process of doing MIDI -> JamSync box - will post results later.

Check this
I was thinking about powering DMG with 9V battery which would save half of the battery compartment for mods. Not sure about battery life tho.


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nice! Does it also output standard midi on teensy uart? Or: would it be hard to tweak the code for it?


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

stress_tn wrote:

fake chip

someone flame this

z20leh wrote:

Want to fit a 3.7v lithium polymer batter and charge circuit to one of my pockets.

I've done this:

I used lipo similar to this and this as charging circuit.

I had to move a few caps elsewhere because of space constraints but it all depends on what kind of battery you get. There is also some dremel work to be done.
The battery life is surprisingly good and I don't have any problems with EMS + MGB anymore.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

DogTag wrote:

OK this must be the best discovery in the month. I've been looking for a way to send MIDI-IN  to the monotron for ages and didn't find ANYTHING!
Do you know of any tutorial/documentation in English about this? Also, I see that is a japanese website. Can we buy directly from there?

I think so - there are international shipping rates mentioned. You can switch to semi-english version of that site (top right corner). There is also link to construction guide in the item description. Look closer wink


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

There are mods for midi in - you basicaly only need CV and gate and those solder pads are labeled on monotron pcb. You can even buy a kit.

You can get the kit here:


(50 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You might also want to check out Sonuus G2M


(26 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

ryba wrote:

I think QY10 is not enough.
i think you can only send notes on/off and one another midichange message thru touchpad (0-128 value)
I don't think it sends clock, but I didn't try song play
Maybee I'm wrong

Aren't you talking about SU10?

MoShang wrote:

...The only other option for sync really is to send MIDI clock from the Groovesizer and sync other gear to it...

Or you could make another version with midi in and no midi out. And multiplexing leds / buttons / pots is always an option.

Cool stuff. How's the battery life?
I did something similar with GBP but the charger is inside. This one. Makes it easy to charge everywhere.


(97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'd use this:

You don't really need the pots, but since it's such simple build I'd add them for more functionality you might find usefull later (fading etc.). You'd have to use a pair of dual audio pots. You might also do sort of pan control...


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I could never be bothered to patch LSDJ with alternative fonts. Terminus is going to be the first one. Thanks!


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Easy way to do this: LTC variable clock speed with LDR.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What?! Not theremin antennas for PU1 and PU2?! sad

Hm, this one looks nice.
I've got parts in the mail for something with similary simple interface only with midi clock sync option and no overdub.
Based around arduino pro mini and ISD recorder ic so you get the idea of sound quality...