(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm fairly certain - although I never actually tested this - that all the variable clock mods I've done became unstable at a speed less than 1/2" but greater than 1/4" normal speed.

I imagine, though, that if you got it to act in a stable manner somehow, you'd find that the tradeoffs weren't worth the extra octave.


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DaRkO wrote:
kineticturtle wrote:

cool!, although I have to say the surface mounted cart connector gives me the willies.

haha in which way? Just because of that "awesome" soldering job, or just the fact it's smt? smile

Just the fact that it's SMT and it will take physical stress through use. What about putting little wings on the cart connector to screw it to the PCB?

I just cleaned up as much of the flux and corrosion as I could, then retested every leg of the FTDI chip that actually goes somewhere. And yes, the lettering is perfectly readable now, hah.

Now I'm reinstalling the AVR programmer's drivers and junk so I can try to set the fuse bits...

None of these tracks are chip, but:

This song contains cello recorded in a concrete stairwell, ww2 era British air raid siren recorded in a concrete stairwell, and my son's heartbeat as recorded from an ultrasound.

This song highlights my attempt at a Sleepytime Gorilla Museum-style "percussion guitar" - two guitar strings and a bass string on a two-by-four.
https://matthewjosephpayne.bandcamp.com … o-rodent-2

This song features a field recording of the fireworks that took over East Oakland on the night of the 4th of July, forcing us to stop recording for the night.
https://tensegritynine.bandcamp.com/tra … e-of-a-man

This one is actually chiptune - Chris and Sam from Awkward Terrible and I played three drumsets simultaneously on this song.

I know! I've seen it before, I feel like I commented on it once before too. wink

I'm glad the stickers I sometimes leave random places occasionally find homes...


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

cool!, although I have to say the surface mounted cart connector gives me the willies.


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I will soon have two copies of pokemon red that work but need new batteries. I could send one or both to you for like $5/ea + the cost of shipping, but I got them for the red cartridge plastic so they'd either be bare or in generic grey plastic. smile

I may also be able to steal working batteries from other carts to fix them up before I send them, but I don't have any new batteries around.


(55 replies, posted in Trading Post)

How the hell hasn't any of this sold? Damn fine gameboys right there.


I was gonna say, "now there's a very tempting thing that I absolutely do not need"

but that took care of itself pretty quickly

I'd love to read that blog!

Thanks for the correction Jazz! Haven't been opening up as many gameboys lately as I used to. wink

Hey DaRkO, what revision is the one in question, anyway?

weird, maybe it IS regional

I think it's this way from board revision 06 on. All PiL gameboys have it, for sure.


okay I'm going to try to make it down to work to grab my AVR programmer and hopefully later today I'll get a chance to try these solutions (cleaning and inspecting traces, setting fuses). Thanks guys!

Yeah 232, brain fart. I was trying to type that with a toddler crawling on me.

I can give this stuff a try! maybe if I clean around the traces as well, I'll be able to get a better idea of whether they've corroded beyond use or not.
I do know that I continuity tested all the traces after I first built it and it failed to work, and they were all good from chip leg to wherever they were going. Still worth a shot though!

Honestly working on this is the only time I've programmed a microcontroller that wasn't attached to an Arduino. I understand what you mean by programming the fuses, but I don't actually know how to do it or how they should be set! I can probably figure it out, but if you have a moment to explain, that would make it go faster!

Haha thanks for the reminder Jazz!

The FTDI is an FT282BL. I have two more in a bag.

Most of the label on the chip installed on the programmer is unreadable, which is interesting and maybe related to the flux-caused corrosion you were talking about, nitro?