(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

breakphase wrote:
kineticturtle wrote:

recognized headphones being unplugged and quit playing

It does actually behave this way on my iphone 4, and on my ipodTouch 2. It may be your hardware or firmware that I'm not catching. I'll look in to it. I'm sure it's fixable.

Also using an iPhone4, fully updated. I'll test it with multiple headphone jack devices in a bit to confirm.

kineticturtle wrote:

Hmm yeah a little loading indicator would be easy to add. When it's audibly playing there should be a little triangle in the status bar next to the battery. So is there ever a time when you hit pause and it just keeps playing, or it just mysteriously stops because it's loading sometimes?

The play triangle indicator is usually the only indication I have that the app is still playing, but then I have to launch it and scroll down until I find the song that's playing if I want to stop it - or start the first song and then pause that, usually resulting in a wait until it loads enough to start playing before pausing.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This is great!

I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request... but it would be great if the app recognized headphones being unplugged and quit playing, as iPod and Bandcamper do.

In fact, I've experienced weird behavior with the music continuing to play after I thought I had stopped it. It's a little difficult to tell when it's not playing because a file is loading, as opposed to not playing because it's been stopped. A progress bar that indicates loading would be helpful, as well as a "now playing" panel of some kind.

This app is making me actually listen to music posted on cm.org! Thank you!


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

VCMG wrote:

Maybe she just reeeeally wants to be a musician but doesn't want to go through the hard work of actually learning how to make music.

She should pay ant1 to do it for her.


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Played with The Glowing Stars on TWiT.TV's "Game On" last night.

We play one song from Horchata, one song from Anything Past That and Nicholas D. Wolfwood, one of the Awkward Terrible songs from Horchata. We left in the silent break, and hilarity ensues.

No way to embed it, sorry. Came out quite good though!



(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

so good


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I had no trouble fitting the pot included with the getlofi kit on top - and believe it or not, the pot itself fits juuuuuust barely on one half of the shell. The washer does overlap which can make closing it a little funky, but nothing awful. smile


(83 replies, posted in Releases)

I actually kindof enjoyed that in a weird minimalist way.

None of the "songs" stand out enough to have favorites or bests. The whole thing is 6 minutes long, which is usually 1 or 2 songs in my world.

I guess I just want to say that you seem to have a pretty cool aesthetic sense, and that you should not rush a release - spend some more time with LSDJ and learn more of the intricacies. Even if you're going for a plain, minimalist thing, it's better to know how to do more complex things and choose not to use them.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can cut desolder some components from the upper right of the main board and cut away from both boards in order to put the pitch pot in the upper right corner of the gameboy (where the RCA jacks are in Justin's photo above). NeX did this first, I've repeated his experiment on a gameboy for KeFF. You need to re-home the resistor network that lives there somewhere else in the gameboy. It's very clean looking.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think I heard someone say that they preferred it this way. Unlikely that you'll break anything regardless.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Somewhere between progressive chip and chip metal I guess. It's pretty cool!


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm diggin' this! Can't wait to try it out on my way to work. smile


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Awkwardterrible wrote:

I usually only have two Gameboys, the middle one is Matt Payne's I took this picture right before we played the last Horchata set with The Glowing Stars.

I was gonna say, I recognize that terrible floor, and the awkward glow from the neon signs.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Data exists as electrical impulses and magnetic patterns.

Also, vibrations in the air (and matter) exist.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Chiptune: genre

Chipmusic: set of tools and idioms


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

boomlinde wrote:

Somebody PM me when Chip Gospel

Jay Tholen


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There are idiomatic stylistic elements that tend to pervade all genres of chiptune (arps, fast lines, voice sharing etc), but that's true of all genres of music that share an instrument. Block chord voicings, fast scales and big octaves are all "pianistic" things that appear in classical, jazz and piano based rock, but those things are not the same genre.

Ultimately, the instruments we use have distinct quirks, but it's essentially just a computer being programmed to play music - ultimately not that unique. Also in this category are software based sequencers, hardware MIDI sequencers, very complicated modular synths, production workstations. They share the ability to do all of the things we know of as defining stylistic elements of chiptune, they only difference being that they don't generally have the limitations that require the use of those techniques.