(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

College is only good for 3 things: Credentials, contacts, and training for research. Not to say they're 3 negligible things, au contraire! They're very valuable.

However, if you wish to enter college, you do need to choose your major carefully. I made the slight mistake of not fully knowing what my major was about (mostly because of the vagueness of its description); however I find that I'm liking a lot of what it's involved in it, so I think I'm pretty well set. But in your case, you should really wonder what is it that you want for your career, and to research a little bit into what you're choosing.


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defiantsystems wrote:

The difference between being a help desk worker and a member of CM.O is that you were paid to provide people information. No one here is being paid to guide newcomers along the path of making chip music. Just because you ask a question here doesn't mean you're entitled to a response or a response you will like. Typically people come on here with a sense of entitlement because they did one Google search but didn't bother to research anything after that. So they register an account, make a thread, and waste everyone's time asking the same questions like "where do I buy a Gameboy?" or "what mixer should I buy?" There's a wealth of knowledge here, show that you're actually committed to creating your art form by putting the time into researching. Even if I know the question has been asked before but the person opens with "I can't find anywhere" I at least know they tried to find it before posting and will be glad to redirect them to the correct thread.

If I'm not getting paid to answer questions, but I want to answer them, I'll choose to go at the problem in the way that costs me the less energy.

And to me, that is just answering nicely.

To be honest, I don't see how newbies could "waste everyone's time" by asking the same questions everyone's asked. People choose to answer them. And to be honest, it takes more time and effort to be harsh than to be blunt.

It is not my business if they're devoted to their art or not. And neither should it be our business!

defiantsystems wrote:

That "spray paint in your dad's garage" comment was less about custom DMGs and more about the typical noob modus operandi: find out about chip music, get the "me too" attitude, register on CM.O, do zero research, create a Facebook fan page, buy a Gameboy, paint it, buy LSDJ, quit two weeks later. I've been creating chip music for almost 4 years and have seen people come and go and litter forums with the same questions on their way out. It's very rare that I even post here because I have to sift through a bunch of noob threads before I even find something interesting, typically new releases, new trackers, new hardware developments and yes I look at the custom gear threads.

CM.O isn't the only chip community on the internet either. There are other chip forums you could go to where everyone will pat each other on the back for figuring out how to track mediocrity and you can discuss what Pokemon you caught that day.

You really like your Pokémon example, don't you? Just saying.

So the newbie goes in on the bandwagon and starts asking frequently asked questions and wasting cash on stuff they'll never use. Oh believe me, we've all done that at least once in our lives. It's nothing new at all.

Why not let them be? You're not forced to answer to them, you're not forced to read their topics. They're rather easy to spot, too; one can skip them if one wants. And if you're right and they're just in for the ride and they'll get tired of it, that's what's gonna end up happening whether you spend time with them or not. Who knows, maybe some will stay for a while longer than expected?


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defiantsystems wrote:

I think the hostility is a good buffer between those who actually want to create music and those who have the feel goods about chip music because they were really big fans of POcKEt MONsters for the Gameboy. Fact is only about 10% of the people who come on here asking questions and/or posting their first LSDJ song actually stick with it beyond the chip music honeymoon period, (2-3 weeks maybe.)

Hostility has never been a good buffer for anything. So what if they're into chiptunes because of Lavender Town's fucking BGM? Why should we care about those kinds of things? What if the hostility of the community make someone refrain from posting their works online, even if they keep making stuff? Ever thought about that one?

defiantsystems wrote:

We might as well weed out some of them before they come on here wasting everyone's time with questions that have been answered 100 times over and showing off their custom DMGs they spray painted in their dad's garage.

There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people who refuse to ask questions.

I have some experience as a help desk worker and I know for a fact that most of the time, people prefer to get their information from a person and not from a bulletin board. They ask the same thing that is plastered in big red letters all over the place. Why? Because most of them have a set path and a set train of thought, because some are in a hurry, because some have other things on their mind, hell, because some of them ARE stupid. It doesn't matter. It's better to point to the FAQ with a smile on your face and leave a lasting good impression to people, than to be a dick for the sake of being a dick and make people have a hard time for no reason at all.

And who the fuck cares about custom DMGs. Let them paint their toys and be happy with them. Why should we have to be concerned about that? It's not like they're spraypainting our faces.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How come no one has mentioned Brad Smith's Classic Chips?


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The quality of a composition, sadly, is not subjective. There are ways of telling when a composition took effort and/or skill into being made, and when it doesn't. Even if it 's not your cup of tea, even if you hate it, if you can recognize a piece of artwork as something that the artist worked hard on getting right, then you've stumbled upon a work of good quality.

However, even if you like something, if you can tell it was pretty much thrown together whimsically and without much thought, could you say it's quality material? Wouldn't you be more prone to call it a "guilty pleasure" of sorts?


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've never had monitors that could be turned around to have a vertical screen. Ever. They're all fixed horizontal. Hell, not only fixed horizontal - they're also fixed position. I can't change their angle!

Solarbear wrote:

AND no cover of Party Rock Anthem? Man. What's goin on here?!?!

Sorry for Parallel Processing

Solarbear wrote:

Whoa whoa whoa. No dubstep?



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Bump for a mistake fix. I left the price in Mexican Pesos, which reportedly made people misread and think this thing costed 25 dollars. It doesn't. It's just 2 dollars.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Solarbear wrote:

Thought about this today.
I think the worst thing about bandcamp isn't even bandcamp.
It's us.
If there's a way to completely push out albums by ourselves, with no outside input, we're probably less inclined to go over and over and over our own material to make it worthwhile. Maybe we need a little bit of that 'major label' mentality to make sure we produce only the best things we're capable of.

2013 - Dare To Not Release Music Year-

no let's not go there

But yes. I, for one, know I lack polish. I may shield myself on the "my first material" on the stuff I have out, but I still know I could do better. And so I shall.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

Stats speak for themselves, archive.org and SoundCloud get me more hits, making them better for me.

Soundcloud allows for linking to the venue where you can buy the track, right? I just link my bandcamp there.

If Soundcloud starts giving me hits, then they'll have the option to go to Bandcamp and buy the thing. I see no problem there...


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's good for what I want it to do. So far no one has complained about not being able to buy my stuff for a lack of PayPal (people simply don't buy my stuff. Save for the very few who have, thanks a heavy lot). So far I haven't needed any fancy thing other than a venue to publish, and it is.

As for user privacy... What kind of user privacy faults does it have? Can't see any from my side of the fence.


(35 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

It's nightmarish. But in a rather good, oddly favorable way.


(103 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2013 - Dare To Not Take Every Post Like A Personal Offense Year


(2 replies, posted in Releases)


Released another EP in 2012! This one is all original tunes, by the way.

Listen to it as much as you want, and please buy if possible! All purchases will continue to feed my get-a-new-computer fund.


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Check it out!

This album is a 4-day nonstop effort to make a Christmas present to my mother. (I hope she likes it!) All you hear was produced from scratch on those 4 days, not a single minute more.

Buy if you want! All the cash I make with this release will go into my get-a-new-computer fund. Because if this toaster struggles with this very website, you know there's something wrong going on.