yeah, they did the same thing to the LSDJ and nonoloop pages a while ago. Someone in wikipedia hates chiptune
1,457 Jul 19, 2010 7:59 pm
Re: Forbidden knowledge? (13 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
1,458 Jul 19, 2010 5:15 pm
Re: Gameboy RAM mod maybe? (27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
the sound on the color is a bit thin for live stuff if you are running directly to the mixer (just my opinion), but I have had really good results by putting some compression/reverb and EQ-ing to cut down on the treble. if you have a noise gate, the hiss is DESTROYED. GBCs can sound awesome!! plus, those cheap worm lights are like 2 dollars and are super bright ;D
sorry if this is kind of a derail, im guessing animalstyle knows most of this, haha
1,459 Jul 19, 2010 3:33 pm
Re: 8GB - элита Limited Edition T-Shirts now available (33 replies, posted in Trading Post)
fantastic design!
1,460 Jul 19, 2010 2:43 pm
Re: Gameboy RAM mod maybe? (27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i had talked to nex a while back about this exact problem (DMG processing limits) when he was experimenting with switching DMG chips with ones from a supergameboy. from what i recall, he said there wasn't much that could be done, but i think he or bibin are probably the guys to talk to about it
if you need the DMG sound, a simple alternative might be to just split up the track onto 2 carts and link port 2 DMGs?
*good point kenobit, the SP sounds fine imho
1,461 Jul 17, 2010 8:11 pm
Re: WATCH BR1GHT PR1MATE TOTALLY SELL OUT ON NATIONAL TV (176 replies, posted in Past Events)
"Bye bye, @8bitweapon , I guess you didn't realize you had fans that watched that TV station you recently dissed."
someone is going to stop listening to your music because you dont like their favorite news station? thats the most retarded thing ive ever heard. did your post spoil their fantasy of you two snuggling up by the fire, drinking wine and watching glenn beck??
1,462 Jul 17, 2010 1:29 am
Re: nyc (45 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have to say I really respect RG's WI pride. Every thread he's all "WI has BEST FUCKING ________ IN THE WORLD" (touring/beer/scene/etc.) You don't see that very often.
1,463 Jul 16, 2010 3:33 pm
Re: 7.13 - CHIPTUNE 9 AT WONDER BAR [Allston, MA] (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Actually that is exactly what a brag is.
ok ok , fair enough... im a douche. i am just really proud of the scene here!!
1,464 Jul 16, 2010 2:45 pm
Re: WATCH BR1GHT PR1MATE TOTALLY SELL OUT ON NATIONAL TV (176 replies, posted in Past Events)
Holy fucking reverb on the after show clip. The sound was pretty damn awesome.
YO thanks! That was all Carl P. aka Oxygenstar on the mixing board. Actually, in addition to the "live sound" which had reverb added, the FOX sound people took a DI from the board and apparently re-reverbed THAT, so yeah... LOTTA reverb, haha! I think it worked well for the song though ;D
Also, i like how everyone thinks were german and yet we run BOSTON8BIT ??? you crazy kids
**oh oh, i totally just figured out that random car stereo / laptop picture on that whack-ass "chiptune" article: auto mechanics can "tune" the performance "chip" in a car to maximize efficiency or speed, etc. So, yeah... google image search + person ignorant of the subject matter they are talking about = FTL (i especially like the fact that she is making ad cash off the site, so her trolling us is getting her some change. waaah)
good times on the internet.
1,465 Jul 16, 2010 1:16 am
Re: Anamanaguchi – Summer 2010 (21 replies, posted in Releases)
tacticalbread wrote:that is the greatest album art ever.
1,466 Jul 16, 2010 1:14 am
Re: 7.13 - CHIPTUNE 9 AT WONDER BAR [Allston, MA] (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
I kind of want to move to your city now. There were more people at this show (on a Tuesday) than like, the last 2 or 3 NYC shows I've been to combined.
See Also: Really good beer. Lots of it.
See Also: Girls that actually go to chip shows.How much of this, if any, was a hallucination derived from my 50+ hours of sleep deprivation?
Well, here was a photo I took after our set at like 1am:
And not to brag or anything... but this wasn't a big show for us (boston8bit) at all ;D
1,467 Jul 15, 2010 7:13 pm
Re: 8BP108 Jellica - Desmos (12 replies, posted in Releases)
1,468 Jul 15, 2010 10:15 am
Re: 7.13 - CHIPTUNE 9 AT WONDER BAR [Allston, MA] (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
that show was INSANE: moshing bros, stage jumping drunks, people making out during active knowledge's set, glow stick rave dancers...
knife city and zen albatross = best chiprave combo ever.
1,469 Jul 13, 2010 12:34 am
Re: 7.13 - CHIPTUNE 9 AT WONDER BAR [Allston, MA] (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
SHIT! luke you're totally right. Here goes!!!!! IM NOT TOO LATE!!!!
face book it HERE: amp;ref=mf
After a brief tour of the elite nerd music circuit, with shows at Mass
Art, Pulsewave in NYC, and the world famous PAX: Penny Arcade Expo, Boston 8-Bit is BACK in Boston for a 9th iteration of its geeky, dancey, chiptune music concert series for the masses, this time at Wonder Bar in Allston MA. Expect mind-bending light shows rampant glow-sticks, space helmets and stage-diving from computer science majors; but above all, expect to party like it 2999 to the retro-future sounds of the top acts in video game dance music.
Boston8Bit Presents:
CHIPTUNE 9 at Wonderbar's Music Ecology!!
Tuesday July 13th
Doors 9pm, show 10pm-2am
$5, 21+
Bright Primate:
Former Boston rock scene alum, Lydia Marsala and James Therrien (Fugitive Kind), combine forces for a new take on live electronic music. Using a unique blend of live vocals, acoustic instruments, gameboys and vintage electronics, Br1ght Pr1mate explores, bends and completely ignores the boundaries of Chiptune, Pop, Art, Electro, Rock, Jazz and Soul for a futuristic fusion that would be right at home on your favorite space ship.
Active Knowledge:
"It's not so much the preservation of youth, as the celebration of it," says Chris Mahoney, better known in creative circles as Active Knowledge. Firing notes through an original Nintendo Entertainment System, the Active Knowledge mixes vintage video game sounds with synchronized glitchy, spastic visuals. The idea is unadulterated fun, with a focus on the unadult. Active Knowledge’s debut album “Pyramid Neon” is available to download for free on his site.
Zen Albatross:
Zen Albatross is a chipmusician, artist and blogger from Brooklyn, NY who likes to write about art, airships, bleeps, bloops and other swell things. His music is amazing.
Knife City:
Luke Silias is the brains and chip brawn behind legendary 8-Bit rock band Anamanaguci. His solo excursions as Knife City are hard-hitting and impossible to ignore chip-house dance freak-out.
Proud founder of the DIF netlabel, co-founder of Cheese’N’Beer, Presidential candidate of #facundocon, with his free time, facundo uses craft beer to make music on two gameboys. facundo can usually be found ‘supping and/or getting facundo‘d with fellow New York friends. Make sure to download his latest release on titled “everything you loved, i destroyed”.
1,470 Jul 13, 2010 12:09 am
Re: [NYC] Animal Style,Cheap Dinosaurs,Neil Voss+MORE - [7/16-17] ALL AGES (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
aww damn, you guys adjusted it in the wrong direction
1,471 Jul 12, 2010 11:50 pm
Re: Want some free international exposure??? (35 replies, posted in General Discussion)
1,472 Jul 12, 2010 11:42 pm
Re: [NYC] Animal Style,Cheap Dinosaurs,Neil Voss+MORE - [7/16-17] ALL AGES (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
MAN this looks amazing!!!! AAAHHHG i hate that i just left NYC. i just need to man up and move there ;P
ERR>> wait a sec, the post says [8/16 - 17] and the poster says July WHICH IS IT??? (please say august)